To the point that they are posting with their kike flag and just acting as though they belong. You are witnessing an evolution in JIDF tactics on this board and you need to fight back or this will no longer be your board, and these hook noses will have conquered yet another online space.
Understand, they cannot be allowed to become an open presence here without being opposed or it will be the end of Jow Forums, if there is anything left of it at this point.
Make them go back to their meme flags their shilling. If they stay and just say the occasion inoffensive thing, maybe get you used to some banter, etc, then this board will become infested by them and there will be no turning back.
Kikes have completely infiltrated this board
It is the antifa fags, just bait them back. They think they are pulling some psy-op on us. The fags are already trying to lecture people on respecting peoples feelings and have to be more sensative in other threads. It is fucking hilarious.
Kill every jew! Or regret it forever.
just like how AFD is now compromised. they formed a group called "Juden in AFD"
This, there is no such thing as a good jew.
I did not know that
>they cannot be allowed to become an open presence here without being opposed
Like this shit doesn't happen in every thread always. We do our job.
Hell most Jews just help redpill anyways. They're so amazingly arrogant now that their subversion is broken.
Why don't we just ban Israeli IP addresses?
Is that why there are so many npc threads lately
Maybe it's time to re-evaluate your life. Everyone can see your paranoia has caught up with you. Why don't you try not being such an unfuckable incel virgin, get a job and contribute to society. Maybe then you'll stop posting your racist shit about jews. It's not edgy or funny. No-one in decent society finds your deplorable behaviour acceptable. In short, you're a loser kys.
im a jew but only here doing research for my thesis
Hello rabbi.
fuck off with your (((conspiracy theories))) kike
Youre all gonna die soon. Israel BTFO.
Lots of us are Jewish user
You gotta live with us my fellow white human :^o
gee, I do wonder why not
Lurk more you kike faggot
t. Paranoid newfang from elections who take memes too seriously
nice try kike
>This, there is no such thing as a good jew
What about a dead Jew?
Its a goodthing im an ozshitposter
You're obviously just an oz throwing some bants around, but honestly you just have to learn in the average vicinity of Jews to realize all that is said about them is quite true, because once they get a foothold their arrogance know no bound.
Bro you're fucking years late, it's a lost cause.
Ignore the white male Asian female threads. It's all them.
by starting this thread you are validating their efforts dumb fuck. Its a public board, let them post so that we may be validated.
This is the kind of kike posting that doesn't bother me, because it's the shit that turns newfag lurkers into red pillers.
Get the fuck out you filthy hebe. God's going to roast you in hell for all eternity if you don't repent from your Christ hating ways. You and your filthy kind killed the Son of God and tried to steal His Kingdom. He's going to win in the end, you know.
Pic related is what comes of letting your degenerate kind in our nations. I hope you're ready for your rope, Jew.
fuck off kike
Also, get out, shills, no one wants you here either.
Getting worried, Jew? John told your filthy kind that God could raise up children of Abraham from the rocks but you wouldn't listen. You are of your father the devil and his works will you do.
Kikes will probably ddos me again for this, but I don't care. We got to find a way to aerosolize calcium and blanket it over the earth. Real humans benefit from calcium and reptiles do not. If reptiles take in too much calcium they suffer ill effects. Why am I saying this? Because if we were to do this the same way chemtrails were dispersed it would quickly become very much apparent just who belongs as a real human and who doesn't in this World. To the point that there'd be no room for argument.
God I love stupid goyim like you
Do you? I think you will find that I am not stupid at all and informed on your inner workings.
You know what's stupid? Hiding the truth of your torah and thinking no one will ever find out.
More about the calcium thing.
Also, kikes are vampires
Lolololol get a load of this JIDF faggot
What's it like being a walking lie?
What’s it like being a paranoid, ill-informed moron? When the race war begins, I hope we put idiots like you into the ovens along with the kikes. You’re doing their work for them
I am so sick of you kikes and your bullshit. You accuse me of being JIDF and then when I throw your words in your face justifably you call me paranoid when it was you who made the accusation first? Then you threaten my life too? You kikes are unfucking salvagable. There is no honesty in you. Just like your father, the father of lies. I can't wait till you're all gone from this world.
You keep calling me a kike. That’s cute. I’m calling you JIDF because what you post is so unbelievably moronic that you make true aryans look like retards. We’re not. If your goal is making white supremacists look stupid, congrats, you’ve done that today.
“Father of lies?” Fuck you’re stupid. It’s like listening to a bible thumper. I’m a Christian, but I don’t handle fucking snakes and talk in tongues. You and your colored bretheren will all hang when it’s time.
Where are you from, Georgia? Maybe a nigger down there will bust a fucking brick against your skull and he’ll get lynched for killing a jew. Then your life will have been fucking worth something.
>claims to be a white supremacist
>doesn't even know the top kike bloodlines are more reptillian than human
>doesn't know about blood libel either
You just killed your own credibility with more than 70% of anons here. Good job
Hypercalcemia, user. They really are, even figuratively too. As blood sucking parasites of the host, whether it's a host nation or a person or people, it seems to always go the same way.
Most Jews support Trump, so there you go.
Jow Forums is like the average american
>30% european
>10% nigger
>20% jewish
>30% mexican
>10% sandnigger
they just finally realized that they should simply do what they've always done
>yes i'm a jewish person :-) but i'm your friend, goy !
>look at these libtards ! hate these queers !! grrr
>you know we are white too
and then they proceed to spill all their garbage while brainlets think they're greatest of allies.
This guy gets it.
The AfD always was sponsored by Goldmann-Sachs. It also has many "BASED BLACK MAN (ALSO MY BASED BULL AT HOME)"
kill yourself kike
Because CIA mod this board.
that's just called the ash tray
Most synagogues are pretty based if you guys want to learn some history and Hebrew. Although I can’t fully read the Talmud or Torah just quite yet it’s pretty eye opening stuff.
If you can't spot a shill within the first sentence, you shouldn't consider yourself a Jow Forumsack. God they are so fucking cringe. Race War Now!
This is what I'm talking about. Gas yourself Kike!!
My jewish friends are all maga they love trump and netanyahu they are cool imho niggers suck tho
For all you poor fags that fill out captcha try this experiment: Get into an argument with an actual jew on here. Determine its really a kike and go full stormfag even if you have to do it ironically. Congratulations you now have never ending captchas.
Fuck off faggot
I'm currently sifting through and cutting up over 200 videos on South Africa. You guys have one weird as fuck accent. Especially the women sound like they have a giant stick up theor ass.
We are the real kikes. Wannabe genetic kikes come here believing they are in good company. They are now our captive test audience.
Because the kikes are a rootless international clique infesting every nation.
Damn right! Checked
Very interesting thing except for
>Bram Stoker's Dracula was a Jew
No, Bram Stoker was just retarded. He had a normie idea of vampirism and took Vlad the Impaler, also known as Vlad Dracula, as a historical character to model cruelty off of - despite the fact that contemporary historical evidence shows that his cruelty was relegated to punishments, and that things like him «drinking blood» are western slander (to excuse the west for not helping him in his wars against the turks).
>I'm Christian
lmao. You kikes still aren't on our page. Why the fuck would we EVER worship a dead kike on a stick and follow your slave-morality?
>Hold my beer.
Moistshe still sucking goyim penis? How many hours of sleep did you lose when they demand more results? You understand how important your work is. Do they? No. Like a dead rooster crying. When was the last time you could rest? Jow Forums understands. Jow Forums doesn't sleep. Jow Forums can't sleep. We know that you deserve more. We know. When was the last time they checked with you? We know there is alot to gain. Remember what they said? Well you know you can't leave Jow Forums. We all can't leave.
You Are Here Forever.
mods move this to /qa/ thanks
What I wanna know is who the fuck starts these "Daily Jow Forums humor threads" trying to turn the catalog into friendly happy fun place? And where is the gore spam etc? There are a lot of activity these days that do not feel a all organic.
if they wanted to infiltrate they would use a meme flag or a flag of the US which is cucked by kies anyways. In fact I'm pretty sure you're a (((you)))
Jews are the synagogue of Satan. They are doomed.
Yes, well... then there are the post-Cromwellian (((British))) who you will discover are traitors in the end. They fill up this board and muck it up worse than the Jews, desu.
Gregorian base A minor 367
Reply to code 7 if received.
All memeflags are heebs in Israel.
Even kike shills accuse people of being kikes. They will only end up putting themselves in ovens in an effort to fit in.
New JIDF tactic: "You're a kike; no YOU'RE a kike" shouting match.
You have a bigger problem with the mass leddit niggers flooding the board after their subs got b&, and shitting the whole site, used to hang out in /sg// when the board goes to shit now even /sg/ is filled with retarded leddit niggers.
>63 fucking threads hidden
They've been doing that shit forever. The fact that "jew" being an insult is a fucking bibilical prophecy doesn't even occur to them.
ASSad the necknigger is a fucking loser baby kike. Putin is false opposition used to make sure ASSad doesn't get out of control while they experiment on breaking up nations and using false opposition.
goddamned shekelsnatchers had to steal 24 flags. All I need is the one.
The American flag is more jewish than the pissraeli one.
Prove me wrong.
Not sure if low effort aussie shitpost or rustled kike proxy post.
6/10 bait honestly
No shit it has been like this for about 3 years now. Posting on Jow Forums sometimes feels like having a conversation with normies.
>Kikes have completely infiltrated this board
Yup, the last 2 weeks this place has looked exactly like (((Stormfront.
npc is a jew meme, boomer too, they glow in the dark because they're foreigners
I'm only here to shitpost about anime honestly
imagine thinkin israelis are infiltrating Jow Forums/pol/
ur fine dude. I honestly hate kikes at a hitler tier level and every time I see your flag all it does it remind me you exist, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
kys kike faggot
>What I wanna know is who the fuck starts these "Daily Jow Forums humor threads" trying to turn the catalog into friendly happy fun place?
yeah ive seen that said by obvious kikes to anons, and also if we do something good , they come and say it's 'jewish' to make us stop it
>oy vey natsism, that was set up by /jews/
You're right indeed, but it started long ago.
They doubled their efforts in 2016.
>You are witnessing an evolution in JIDF tactics
Delete this, please
Do you miss me yet?
I don't care about Israelis and neither should you. As for JIDF they've lost the argument and moved on.