Right now I just want to stay in my dark room playing single player vidya until I die. Every night when I go to bed around 4am or so I pray to be annihilated in a thermonuclear holocaust. It never happens though because Jesus was a lie.
How do I beat crippling depression so I can help save the white race?
Go to sleep user
It's a banal series of steps that you have known but failed to execute on for forever: getting enough sleep, eating right, exercising, exercising discipline and moderation, etcetera. It's not difficult to figure out, it's just difficult to stick to.
>Right now I just want to stay in my dark room playing single player vidya until I die.
So here's a couple issues right here OP.
1.your environment, change it.
2.your habits, change them
> Every night when I go to bed around 4am or so I pray to be annihilated in a thermonuclear holocaust. It never happens though because Jesus was a lie.
3. go to bed earlier (I know I'm being a hypocrite here, but I take a midday nap for a couple of hours and refresh)
4. change your attitude, you need to start thinking positive, which isn't an easy thing to do
5. pray, I know it sounds strange and possibly even revilting, but ask for a higher power to help you, because it seems like you can't do it yourself.
try to normalize your sleep pattern, try to be in bed by at least midnight
dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to a productive hobby: exercise/sports, reading a book/scholarly article, language learning, writing, wood working etc.
try getting outside the house: make a point to get groceries at least twice a month, maybe go to a restaurant or coffee house, just get used to seeing and interacting with people again
seek employment
Good stuff. How do you defeat procrastination? I know I should be doing those things but I just don't.
>(((social life)))
This is how people become NPCs.
Sunlight, exercise, healthy diet, social interaction, and routine. Yeah yeah you just want to be a degenerate in a dark room and can't find the strength to do any of those things. You will, if you TRULY want to have beautiful white babies. It's a binary decision. You either do or don't.
There is no magic behind it. If you really do, then you just step forward and you do the first thing you need to do to pull yourself out of your current state. Which is probably getting to bed at a decent hour and waking up at a early hour to shower have a healthy breakfast and go for a walk.
Thanks this is good advice. I need to get off my ass. I"m a mess.
If you're over 30 forget it. Become a NEETivist, learn how to program and hack into lefty sites like the leftypol discordfag NEETs do.
Get sunlight or at least take Vitamin D supplements.
This is true. It's what I needed to hear
>So here's a couple issues right here OP.
So here's a couple of issues with you. This is a demoralization thread. There's a couple of them.
When you catch yourself overthinking something, stop, turn off your brain, and just do it.
You know when you're doing it, and you should remind yourself that delayed action will only lead to negative feels down the line.
Action, even the wrong action will at least leave you with a sense of your own agency.
Don't think - ACT.
Wtf are you? A sociopath? Almost everyone needs some form of socializing. And the internet is a shitty substitute for irl interaction.
You can do it OP.
This is now a /sig/ thread.
Go to the gym.
Channel your rage into your body.
Make yourself into a weapon.
No. This is a /sig/ thread.
something food related if you wanna take the iron pill.
Fuck I don't have a car
Just try to think everytime you do something. "Is this what I should be doing"
wash your car faggot. :')
Take a gun, put it in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger you weak willed piece of shit, take yourself out of the equation, or become the scum under the fat pathetic woman who is
first desperate enough to sleep with you.
Do 25 pushups then.
i know that feel all too well user....i just wanna die. but i also want to improve myself and find a pure aryan waifu and move out to the country with....its a hard feel
Definitely spend more time online
No fap boyos.
It's crazy.
Help heal your brain.
Don't breathe with your chest.
Breathe with your diaphragm.
checkd. do something about it then.
>Wtf are you? A sociopath? Almost everyone needs some form of socializing. And the internet is a shitty substitute for irl interaction.
Have fun trading your ability to think critically for your (((social "life"))). You can't have it without cucking to groupthink in one form or another.
Only weak people "need" other people. Your only social life should be finding like minded people to control and use. Otherwise you're a cuck.
This. Start trying. It’s okay if you fail and end up playing vidya again tomorrow night. But you have to promise yourself to do better.
It can be hard to recognize when you are avoiding responsibility, because the brain is very good at rationalizing instant gratification. Become aware that you’re procrastining, that you’re playing vidya or smoking weed or fapping because you’re avoiding responsibility, and then try your hardest to stop - decide to do something.
The first step is always internal feedback - that’s what made you post here. The next step is to examine and become aware of your decisions, and that’s how you start improving. Good luck user.
If you think Jesus is a lie, there is no hope for you.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( youtu.be
Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. (youtu.be
BlueLetterBible.org has a free online bible & apps with cross references.
OneForIsrael.org is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah.
Unsealed.org tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return.
Watchfortheday.org shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
I tried to install linux and my comouter is just a black screen when i turn it on. I dont think ill be haxxing the dnc anytime soon.
>Only weak people "need" other people
Hello Juden Peterstein.
Harden the fuck up
stop playing vidja for 1 week
you're actually damaging the system by not participating in it
keep on doing you man
>turn your brain off
>dont think
Literally how?
Wew lad. All that edge.
I am 93% sure that i am a socialpath. I didnt ask for this.
You have no excuse now
Practice breathing exercises user.
Inhale through your nose for 7 seconds
hold for 2
exhale for 5
This is unique. Okay I'll try. Thanks.
Can you put yourself in someone elses shoes and empathize with them?
stop being alone. you need to find your tribe. once you have them, seek your goals together.
for starters, buy some multiplayer video games and a system, and invite people over. get to know them, and ID which ones want the same things as you. talk with them and support each other when pursing your life goals.
some good reads.
Give up on trying to save the white race and save yourself
I can understand why they feel the way they do if theyre sad or something i just dont feel sad for them or anything.
and I haven't read all of these myself.
Ive tried breathing techniques, they dont work.
You're conflating empathy and sympathy.
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
"they had great sympathy for the flood victims"
commiseration · pity · condolence · consolation · comfort · solace · [more]
(one's sympathies)
the formal expression of pity or sorrow for someone else's misfortune; condolences.
"all Tony's friends joined in sending their sympathies to his widow Jean"
understanding between people; common feeling.
"the special sympathy between the two boys was obvious to all"
rapport · fellow feeling · affinity · empathy · harmony · accord · [more]
support in the form of shared feelings or opinions.
"his sympathies lay with his constituents"
agreement · harmony · favor · approval · approbation · support · [more]
the state or fact of responding in a way similar or corresponding to an action elsewhere.
"the magnetic field oscillates in sympathy"
Similar but different. Don't you care for people user?
This is a good thread. I read every comment and attachment.
meditation takes lots of practice, so do it for 10 min a day every day or you are a bitch niggass
Is the same one that movie with harry potter was in? I thought it was decent but the nat socs were cringey as usual
Why do people think I'm fucking depressed because I dont have a social life or any hobbies?
Do NPCs think I cant be happy just staring at a wall? Maybe I'm just lazy and enjoy jacking off to hentai and eating hot pockets.
Is it such a difficult concept to wrap your head around that I just hate putting effort into anything and that i despise every other human on this planet?
Sorry. Keep searching for ways to be present then. I find prayer to be very helpful, especially giving thanks for what I have in my life that I take for granted.
I hate myself most of the time even after getting a amazing physique, powerlifting, bachelors degree, medfag sales job $$$, car, own place, etc.... but if your going to be a depressed fuck, make the best out of it and do things that will give you a better quality of life.
Here’s my playbook;
>STOP looking at porn
>don’t compare yourself to others
>stop waiting to feel motivated before planing out a goal and executing that plan.
>confidence comes from doing things that scare you with repetition, refining your technique and enjoying telling that little voice in your head to fuck off whenever you question your abilities/shortcomings. You have to do things that are difficult and give yourself things to feel good about.
>body/mind/spirit- do something each day to nurture all 3
>stop eating sugar and other forms of processed Jew junk so you have a fighting chance.
>progress, not perfection
>STOP looking at porn X 100
We all have insecurities, I’m saving up 8 grand to pin my ears back and stop them from wiggling i make certain expressions, I also want to lose a few more % body fat to carve some more lower ab detail- I’m doing this because I’m a 33 year old wizard and haven’t felt a boob or been on a date yet.
I’m going to do this and you will achieve what you want to as well with the correct mind set. Let’s show the world a thing or two.
Sorry for the Joan pic, deleting it from my library now.
Two things. Buy an actual alarm clock. Charge your phone outside your bedroom. Go to sleep dude. Set an alarm for morning and just get up. Stay off Jow Forums. Stop playing Vidya. Write about everything bothering you until it stops bothering you. When you write negative things about yourself, write a response and argue against your self loathing. Best of luck.
I care for my family, not really anyone else save for a few a very close family friends. Like if a huge disaster killed thousands, i dont feel sad or anything, i mean it sucks for them but i dont feel anything over it. For instance someone close lost a baby in a very violent manner, i dont feel anything over it, again, it sucks for her and understand why she the way she is on her bad days because of it but i feel nothing.
Honestly this.
I've been in a rut for a year and a half now (Jesus, has it been that long?) and my best days are the ones when I pray.
Good job user.
Keep at it.
You'll make it bro.
everything will be ok user, stop eating sugar/carbs, walk/jog, get a job, go outside
if you can't do any of these, then try atleast to get drunk/high in a park and just sit and enjoy nature, walk around, listen to music outside while walking.
Do a little bit at a time and stick to it. Discipline is nothing without consistency. I'm sure you've gone through infinite cycles of feeling like you've got it all together only to fall off the horse and languish in the mud again; you have to wean yourself off dissolution and laziness.
Dunno what to tell you mate. You just sound cold to me, low empathy isn't no empathy. Sociopaths tend to lack empathy and view people as objects.
God bless and good luck user. Hope all goes well for you. Keep on slugging through the mud.
watch Jordan Peterson, try psychedelics
fucking roll
No, this is how you redpill NPCs
Hey user.
See here:
Wim Hoff breathing if you want to really go hard, but meditation will do.
you probably would still be a sad cunt in the afterlife
Id say pretty accurate.
Not saying I've overcome anything but things have gotten better for me after a long time in the dark. The basics really do work:
Hold yourself to the same standards as everybody else. You probably wouldn't hate another person for being in your position, so start by being less hard on yourself. Forgiveness is not just for others.
Drink water. If you're lazy, try to keep a bottle of water with you as much as possible so you don't have to get up and use a glass. Your brain doesn't operate correctly without water and food, your thoughts are a result of how your brain is operating. It took me a long time to realise this.
Try to eat food. Find a way to make very simple meals that are easy and don't require heaps of time to make. If you aren't good with flavours, coriander is a great one to start with. From there you can experiment.
Try to get sunlight.
Remember that you can't change the world. Obsessing over problems that are out of your hands causes severe depressive thoughts. Find a way to Zen out. Doesn't mean you have to stop caring and be ill informed.
You don't have to be perfect and you are allowed to slip up, but any step on your chosen path is great and will make you feel good. Setting out to do something and then doing it is a very underrated drug. When you do this, the future becomes less of a dark tunnel and a picture begins to form of your future and how you want your life to be. Keep it simple.
Glad to see a bunch of siggers showing up and rolling.
If any of you boys have a different one, please post it.
I forgot to add, if you're so depressed and lazy you can't leave your room, make one promise to yourself, a simple one. Like I said going to the park for 30 minutes, and after those thirty minutes I can come back and play video. Do that everyday, and stick to it, you can do it anytime in the day. Just make sure to do it everyday.
Step 1. Stop describing yourself as having crippling depression. You're already setting yourself up to fail and give up.
White men say "I am feeling depressed" they acknowledge it and focus on the next steps, quitters focus on the excuses, winners focus on the solutions.
Glad you saved it user. Now go do 25 pushups.
micro dose ketamine therapeutically
>How do you defeat procrastination?
Through procrastination.
Procrastinate later.
Do stuff now.
Here we go
Fuck it, rolling
Digits roll
Learn to fuzz
Find weaknesses in (((their))) propaganda frameworks. You can lose yourself in it, alone, while learning a skill. Maybe you'll be the one to find the linchpin that can bring it all down
I lift 4-5 hours a week and eat so much that everyone around me is constantly concerned but I never make any gains
Without money or political power you're just along for the ride.
Let's go
I can relate. Used to be when I heard the civil defense sirens, my gut would sink for a moment. Lately though, it's one of the rare moments I feel a twinge of hope. I go for a walk every morning through my ghost town of a neighborhood. Everything seems so bleak: places I have great memories from are all boarded up and abandoned. The other day, I saw the rays of the sun breaking through heavy cloudcover, and my eyes welled up at the mere spectacle.
It's almost midnight and I'm about to pass out.
First thing in the am, though.
>Saved this image too.
Nice motivation...