Christine Blasey-Ford will commit (((suicide)))

Christine Blasey-Ford will commit (((suicide))).

My ID will confirm it.

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SEA bro, yes real soon...

God I hope so. I don't even care if it's a ploy, the bitch deserves it.
Play life-ruining games, forfeit your own.

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Republicans BASED/Democrats SUICIDE

You're saying all white people look the same? Get your racism off my board!

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Ford never existed or if she did she died a long long time ago. That's why her internet information was totally scrubbed.

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Ford Blazer looks 20 years older than its age. Likely be dead of Alcoholism or Toxoplasmosis soon either way.

Her suicide not will be used as evidence in United States vs Diane Feinstein and also clear kavanaugh of any wrongdoing

It's gonna be a bad New Year for Zionist subversive shills.

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Nah, she'll use her gofundme bucks to get a new liver.

ID confirmation failed. But I wouldn’t be the list bit surprised if this way their next play with this actress.