Previous thread, should be lost from archive anytime now
I found the audio, did a shit webm for you. Literally a whole day spend looking through my folders, holy fuck do you get a lot of shit when you save everything.
Going to dump 17 screencaps from last thread I made. If you expand on the information in them or verify something is wrong when I get time I will update them for the next thread.
Memory holed shit that was buried/forgotten
Other urls found in this thread:
//Banking CNBC murder children
I dug up this during the last thread
So. Cal cops have a habit of using fire to burn out barricaded suspects that shoot cops. It happened before in Valencia too. Pyrotechnic tear gas should be banned from them.
Talks about "black bag jobs" against domestic targets and "do not file" procedure. Page 6
appearently some George Bush that wasnt at the CIA handled some of the JFK files
Bush was friends with Morenschildt, a friend of Oswald
Bunker hunt, this guy
was questioned on the day of the assassination and 15 minutes away when Robert Kennedy
Pic related
page 88 (in the thread i linked are more dont want to flood the thread with all of them. i recomment checking page 94&95, 81 if you want to have a laugh
Here some stuff on releases that lacked attention including clinton mails and JFK
2/2 JFK
the whole JFK assassination was just a misunderstanding because it wasnt made "sufficiently clear that assassination should be excluded from consideration". Page 18. pic related
Also some good ones from an older JFK release
Russia says Johnson killed Kennedy, Page 5
30 pages missing
Tippett meant to kill Kennedy and be killed afterwards, Page 3
Tippett together with Rubenstein and possibly Oswald, Page 2
Multiple shooters and bullets
Cuban exiles apparently planned on killing cuban government officials
About as unbiased as it gets I am guessing seeing as it is devouted to cars
>Jews setting up colony in Ukraine
LaVoy Finicum
>Forest Fire Select
>I forgot about the Madden NFL shooter in flordia until today
>The priest beheaded in his own church just outside of paris in 2015 by a mudslime
>Back before the election all the crazy cartel wars in mexico by killer clowns, battle priests and the gay who would rape his victims before killing them
>the US shooting (out from space) up a china port nearly destroying a chink super computer that would far exceed our current one back in 2015ish
>all the airliners destroyed in the last years of obongo and the shooting down of the red army choir killing every single member over the black sea
>all the banker "suicides" back in 2014
>the clankening
>most of the south china sea wars that are not told to the public like all the navy vessels "accidently" hit by chink ships
>all the israel takeover of Palestine back in 2014
>most of snowden
>the mudslime shooter in california back in the first year of trump
I remember this
>When the Chicago PD got busted running a "off the books" black site in the ghetto
And, that is it for me.
Activists Predicts Death, John Lang
>former navy seal
>ncis agent
all that patriotism and success and yet the government turned against agent hanna and pushed him over the edge
There is nothing more disgusting than when the government turns on a patriot and betrays them.
Is that a picture from the set of NCIS Los Angeles? I’m a huge fan of LL cool J and I’d know him anywhere
Fake florida airport shooting, fake san bernadino shooting, fake blm dallas shooting.
Fake paris train attack, fake oregon community college shooting, fake virginia newscast live shooting etc.
Cant corner the Dorner
Didn't the sheriff say her reasoning would only make people angry?
Naw man, that's Lil John
Anybody have the screencap of the guy who posted here (John?) who predicted a shooting in vegas right before the october vegas shooting? Mentioned Chertoff and scanning devices..
No one talks about DACA anymore when the shitstorm was just last year. Drumpf and the republicoons totally fucked up on getting rid of it.
Santa Fe Shooting
Pulse Nightclub shooter was a flaming faggot
There was another school shooting on 4 20 99 - in Georgia
and of course
>Second Gunman
>every fucking time
Huh, almost like the gunman has a mysterious assistant or something who helps him and then disappears leaving him holding the bag
Dorner was /ourguy/. RIP you defiant patriot
>destroy education so much new generation can't even read cursive
I don't understand this one. They had the SWAT team inside the event when this happened and it was hardened up. Nothing could have come of it.
This one is also pretty odd. I remember seeing the video of this dummy and how it was bouncing all over the place when they were moving it.
He said to buy stock in some company I forgot
Wasn't there a dummy in a wheelbarrow during the Vegas event?
Here goes..
Garland, Ohio.
There was a (purported) DHS employee who (purportedly) shot 2 kids before holing himself up, well armed. These were the initial reports.
Massive, sweeping jurisdictional responses ranging from Park Services, local SWAT, and in the end FBI.
I'd have to say what struck me most about the event was the way the scanner was handled.
To start with, their Broadcastify wasn't "well funded" enough, so it was down beforehand, just something I took note of.
Eventually did obtain feed a though.
They had multiple rifles positioned, this sounded (and looked, see pic) like an absolute WAR zone. And then the silence.
I'm aware they split into tac, but in days of listening to rural and suburban scanners I haven't heard such absolute silence, I'd estimate 45-60 mins with 3 breaks from dispatcher.
I heard LVMPD scanner live on 10/01/2017, and several other events and this just really sticks out with how silent it was.
>It's quiet.. too quiet
I fully admit it may have been split channels, but was literally nothing else going on in town? There was a domestic that appeared on scanner IMMEDIATELY after the event resolved.
It seemed like everything went into a limbo for the incident.
And to add, there were I believe only 2 tweets from the ground.
Where the hell were all the phonefags, wanting to film any and everything for fame?
Were cell phones neutralized? Possibly. Why?
Early in the incident, before the absolute void in the scanner, police kept commenting on the CROWDS of civilians not fucking off.
None of them had their phones out for an incident of this scale?
You can find footage of any and every minor police infraction, but this time everybody decided to mind their business..
To conclude, Feds showed up and then I never heard much else. Suspect was apprehended, never heard how. Then FBI was on scene, and silence after.
And I wouldn't say this event really should garner too much skepticism if not for the Streisand effect the scanner silence induced, and lack of coverage for the massive amount of resources and agencies utilized
Funnily enough, last thread there was that guy posting his weird .gifs of black shooters, he was around during this event. He might be able to help corroborate some of this.
The only similar story I find now is not even in the same dimension as what was unfolding during the staging before total silence.
The 2 kids shot are no longer mentioned, and warrant allegations are cited as the instigation. Yet on the latter end of the conflict, they were claiming they were getting a warrant to search for evidence..
The dead children were what began the initial confrontation in my observation of the event.
My skepticism could be entirely in the wrong, and it really was a 2 hour long nothingburger. I'm going to contribute it anyway.
Last thread was a wild ride OP..
Not that I saw.
You might be thinking of the famous picture some people alledge to have been the day beforehand, and claim the bald prone officer is a mannequin.
This one, what's up with the windows?
Nah there were better videos than this but I'm not on my shitposting machine right now
Gotta get that hand in the shot! All the time.
Meant to post this before the contrast, but some have pointed out that those bleachers were moved the day of the concert, and the windows on Floor 32 appear in tact. Let's not derail entirely into Vegas though.
New to me, thanks.
Oh yeah, that Serbian sniper was buried pretty quickly. Why did he fade but Dorner lived on?
Thank you for sending me down a rabbit hole I never heard of. I don't think the nanny did this.
If you like Dorner you're uninformed, watch this video he's basically a extremist SJW
What were they up to? I know the guns used in Chicago killings were stolen from trains traveling through the area
The Whole Blackstone and Blackrock
Sercurity scanners IIRC
good thread bump
update on NXIVM, they were in court a few days ago:
Patriots are tools for that very purpose. This shouldn't be a surprise.
How is Philipines doing anyway?
Are Isis kill?
Involving London?
And also Route 91?
Not much to work with on my end.
If they truly were at Route 91, that place had more factions present than a modern Klan meeting.
These threads need to be regular.
Sutherland Springs, Texas shooting at a church. Some edgy atheist (who is also suspected to being a Jew) kills nearly 20 people and would have killed more, but was stopped and killed by an NRA firearms instructor.
I can't believe it was memory holed.
I never even saw the Serbian sniper. Somehow I knew they'd burn Dorner alive
He's like the Dallas cop killer huh? Does anybody really like him?
No mention of the New Mexico compound?
redpill me on dorner
And also "La Reforma Energética" here in Mexico.
We had a Brainwashing School Institution: ITAM.
They all are involved in La Reforma Energética.
It's a funny thing, isn't it?
This may seem superfluos but this is a thing that AMLO and Trump may have to recheck.
When was this? She just died of alleged suicide.
That was holed quickly. Let the shitskin off on bail.
user, I am but a human. I must have skipped it on accident. Here you go. Not much on it though. If you have anything to add that would be great. I have never heard of this.
Why? If I recall, those killed were conservatives. When you throw in that the NRA instructor and a random civilian chased down the shooter, of course the MSM ain't gonna cover that shit. It got a weeks worth of coverage, at best.
So I hear there were false flags surrounding the Pulse Nightclub gay shooting and the San Bernadino shooting.
I never heard anything outside the official stories.
No false flags
just free shots
Considering that a number of those killed there were from OPD trying to breach the club, it's no surprise that they want to keep the 'official' story official. You should look at the bodycam footage from it. It's a clusterfuck.
C'mon now.. please save it this time.
There's a pretty positive ID on who this -John was, idk why they went full retard and suicided him and his daughter.
If anybody knows what I'm talking about and has that article before it was scrubbed?
They even tauntingly included the ol' two SHOTGUN shots to the back of the head. Not even trying.
I'm afraid you lost me a bit, are you saying you suspect they were present at Route 91 as well? Or just drawing them to attention? Either way I'm too unfamiliar with your politics, I apologize.
Hopefully this newest trade deal will vitalize your nation!
Oh jeez, oh man...
JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN'T LIKE PIC RELATED, HERE'S THIS. He would turn it to face the camera after every sip.
Sorry, that Kate thing threw me offguard.
Here is -john.
There are still reports that some are still alive/lurking/in hiding.
The siege has been over for some time now, people plan to keep some parts of the city as is for posterity.
Right now, news here is all about the possibility that president Duterte is sick.
Recently, he's revoked the amnesty of a critic of his, a former soldier who went to mutiny and got pardoned by the former president.
can anyone point me in the right direction to do my own reading on dorner
I hate Chertoff operations desu
>newfag thread #
I've begun to hate Vegas entirely after the handling of Route 91, and wonder if the supposed suitcase nuke was the better option afterall.
There's a Templar memefag who always posts about Mormons that knows a ton on Vegas, it's pretty appalling. Should be able to find his posts because he says mor_on.
did you find the pic that shows all the bullet holes at his residence? the window was shot out and the stucco on the front of the house. In the pic there was a man repairing the window / removing it.
Took ya long enough to get here you fucking faggot
I saw it on here, google will probably be a good place to get at least the official story so you have some background. From what I recall he uncovered corruption in the police, ended up with SHTF and him on the run. Police were going nuts and even shot up some womans blue truck while she had a child with her because they were so jumpy. Eventually got him in a cabin and burned it to the ground. But his ID somehow survived perfectly intact. IIRC, it's been a long time.
oh yeah, after the incident an user claimed it was all because of an Arabi Prince some weeks later Arabia Saudita killed some other Princes.
But it was around that date that q user posted only for Q Tripfag to appear and shit on the bowl.
> Doubts cast on claim U.S. soldier kidnapped
>Photo may be of toy; military says no one known missing
Very relevant to the NM shooting camp.
Here's one of the photos showing the window shot out of Dorner's house (note the bullet impact on the stucco as well). Who tried shoot at him through his window? When? No info.
So what was the REAL story behind the Boston Bombing.
What was the purpose of that false flag?
October 10th 2001, Israeli agents attacked the Mexican congress, with explosives and guns.
The story appeared once on CNN, then was totally scrubbed.
Can never forget him, he called the corrupt police and deep-state. So they chased him down and burned him alive.
Just a reminder that the left is your enemy.
It was a jewish plot to deter people from participating in marathons and other physical competitions to reduce goyim motivation in the physical arts contributing to obesity and consequently complacency.
I was about to call bullshit until i saw your .jpg thing.
It's legal because hot gas isn't "supposed" to burn anything down.
Not like it's limited to california, there were some militant niggers building a bunker in the middle of some ghetto on the east coast that had been killing multiple cops and were eventually torched out of their hole
I remember that. Why did it happen? What were/are they preparing for?
Thanks OP, Boston and Dorner were the last good habbeneins i can recall. SandyHook are like whatever it happens
still got the droner shootout game
/MHG/ Memory Hole General
Look up Douglas Duane Dietrich on jewtube and listen to what he has to say about WWII.
>a series
still funny considering that his name was leaked by supposed islamic ones before the media.