There goes your “queen”

Swift endorses dems. Sadly, she is now cursed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Gets fat
>Becomes an SJW

Nice bedazzled $700 Les Paul Studio. Sad fact is she owns multiple vintage Fender Jazzmasters and Teles that will never see the light of day again.

Dresses in Satanic colors.

Really polarizes the pecans, dunnit?

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Did you fucking morons actually think a fucking white woman in the music industry would side with us over niggers? lmao


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Literally Who?

Don't worry, she'll die impoverished after she loses her looks and snorts all her savings.

They'll turn up here and there in pawn shops.



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Her tits have gotten nice and meaty.

Based. OP's womp just got comped.

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she spoke to fox reporters and said she wouldnt vote for the republican because he said he didnt support kavanaugh look it up quit taking blackpills do your own research and quit following any form of celebrity

We have this girl who is literally doing everything she can to help us but idiots here are attacking her in favor of that greedy pop singer who never did anything for us

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>knows women has no place in politics
>supports 2 old white men one who is a moderate and the other a conservative democrat

based and redpilled

Fuck off with these threads already. I never considered her my "Queen" and don't give a shit if some rich bint is voting Democrat. It's not surprising and no one should give a rats ass. Sage this shit.

I wonder if she realized that one of the guys she's endorsing supported Kavanaugh.

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that ass is still up for grabs.
>a woman's vote

She has good reason to vote. It's not like you guys need to be complete brainlets like some backward sandniggers and condemn anything that is nominally "leaning left."
Oh wait...

Taylor no!

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Saw this in another thread.

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I'd make her scream like a skydiver

It doesn't really matter. In the ethnostate, women don't really get to have opinions about politics.

She doesn't even know how to play that thing.


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Lauren Southern is fucking based and redpilled, my fellow magapede

She ruined her image


taygay will NEVER recover

I wonder who paid her. She's come off as a supporter of conservatives without saying it.
I think she just started a new tour, I wonder who funneled money into it to get her to influence young girls

She is, but she's also an attention seeking whore. We need more women like her, but without the "look at my ass in these short shorts" shit

more like threatened

There's no telling, user.

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The tide is turning.

and if you believe it you're retarded

"she" will RUE the day she crossed pol

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interesting. more info?

Bredesen's opponent is Marsha Blackburn. She supported Kavanaugh and called out Bresden for taking too long to make his decision. She's also for gun rights, against 'marriage equality', and is pro-Trump. Voted YES on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers (victims of crime can't sue gun makers). Voted YES on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse (as before). Rated A by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record. Signed National cross-state standard for concealed carry. Signed a ban on gun registration laws & trigger lock laws in Washington DC

Taylor is a lesbian.
Karlie Kloss’s secret gf.

>non-butch women
>actually lez


It's worth noting the reason she called out Bredesen is that he didn't take a position to support Kav until after he was already confirmed.

>fucks niggers
>supports Israel

Her tour in the US is either wrapping up or has just wrapped up. Think the European leg of it is next?
IDK I’m not that invested in keeping track of a meme musician.

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She was always cursed. Saturnalia Kabbala bitch

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I never got the worship on here. She was a /b/tard after /b/'s prime.

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If this is even real, she's long gone from there. It's just porn and calling people faggot now. She probably got scared and fucked off right back over to reddit.

>Jewish producer

Why do you say sadly? She is a scum bag leftist millennial celebrity. Nothing of value was lost.

this board is being shilled with 10 anti-Tay threads an hour. Don't hate our aryan queen, don't divide over this shit.

Her drug dealer made her do it. Just like Willy. Losers

It isn't true despite being reposted for fucking years.

Anyone who believed she wasn't left-leaning was too stupid for this world and living in a pure fantasy.

>Endorses the Kavanaugh-supporting man over the woman

Holy shit so #woke

Probably the best example of Jow Forums insular circlejerk bullshit.
It's been obvious forever. You faggots are Trumpcuck, incel, MGTOWs for a reason...
What's next, you'll think Donald Trump was a successful businessman?

Wew, lads. You're the dumbest niggers in the swamp of the Internets biggest cesspool.

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Next, she will dye her hair and wear rimmed glasses.

not /ourgirl/
not my queen
she ain't that purty
and sure as hell can't sing

Now this is art:

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Trump is obviously an idiot who magically accumulated billions.... What, exactly is your definition of successful?

Stop fucking posting about this gay meme that was a joke, I've seen like 15 threads about this today

>Plays a strategic Trump move to win the Dems in full power
> Gets them to full 14/88 without them even noticing
>A full White and Red wave ensues
>Incels burn her at the stake ironically
>Both sides get BTFO by Queen Masterrace

The absolute state of the (((absolute state)))54dwindowsMicrosoftXPniggerKEK.lmnop

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She needs to learn from her friend Brittany. A little less attention whore and better dressed.

This is a fact. I know for certain.

>a leaf who dates darkies

Nah. She's cool and all but I can't do it.

Based and blue pilled

She's been dropping hints since Red, you autists were too blinded by the blonde hair to see though. She's making more money than she knows what to do with, she wouldn't jeopardize her future revenue for a bribe.

Magically accumulated billions? Well, 400 million from his father:

I could definitely be wrong, I just saw it trending on twitter the other day and it looked like people were saying the tour was starting, but maybe I misinterpreted

Just come out already, geez.
This. She's gay.

US portion of the tour ended, now she's headed for NZ, Australia and Asia. It trends any time there's a show.

I dont think you fags understand the whole Tay tay is rightwing meme originated from the left.
They were the ones that were originally accusing her of that.
For example feminist writers were calling her a symbol of white american racism just because she was blonde.
Well before people were memeing her here.

That's why she was memed here.
The magapedes were the unironic support team. Let it end, already.

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not the october surprise I was hoping for

She was already a coalburner you dipshits

>he fell for the taytay maymay

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She sued that guy for a dollar that assaulted her. It'll be related to that. Maybe she didn't like how it was handled. I think she's a republican and now has switched or this is a FU that they should've done something else.

This is correct. She is the queen we need, but not the one we deserve right now. So we will hate her. She can take it.

pol btfo'd

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She is owned by kikes. She will do what ever the kikes tell her for more shekels.

She lives in NYC, but is somehow still registered in Nashville.

We need to push this and have them revoke her residency. Worth it for the memes alone.

all those entertainers are
part of the multiculteralism circus - always will be and it will always be the only place where it works

May KEK descend upon her in a tragic, theatrical way.

All that juice she sucked out of Weinstein's balls is finally taking full effect.


He inherited his portion of the fortune after he was already a billionaire you fucking retard. Fuck, its amazing how many people actually think they could turn 2 million dollars into 10 billion but can't turn their $2,000 into $10,000,000 even though its the same rate of return Trump had. I never get over the literally overflow of faggots who call a billionaire president of the most powerful country on earth an idiot as if they have any accomplishments in their pathetic lives that even remotely measure up.

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It was true though

I didn't mind her tweet. Tay supports Phil who supports Brett. Its a win for me.

1 post by this ID. after the day a bunch of reddit cucks bragged themselves how they will spam Jow Forums. coincidence? yeah, most certainly.

>as if they have any accomplishments in their pathetic lives that even remotely measure up

-not getting involved with jews
-not letting your children be married with jews
it supersedes everything you'll ever accomplish no matter what you did in life

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