>Taylor Swift bashes Blackburn in favor of Tennessee Dems, breaking political silence
>Taylor Swift — the pop star who notably has strayed from politics — broke that silence on Sunday, writing on Instagram that she'll be voting for Tennessee Democrats in the midterm elections.
>Swift, 28, slammed Republican Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn in an Instagram post.
>"As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn," Swift stated. "Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me."
>Swift continued: "She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape. She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples. She also believes they should not have the right to marry."
oh please, youre a stronk women you can take it, like talking to a 3 year old
Christian Long
Aaron Hughes
So? If a woman is so irresponsible, selfish and desperate that she needs to have some con artist stick a hanger in her pussy so she doesn't have a child then she deserves whatever she gets. Pieces of shit.
>Lindsey will never break into your home at 12:35 A.M EST wearing his scrumptious military uniform and his bright smile, seductively talking you into being taken against the wall
>“Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values,” Swift implored. “For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway.”
The point is that making it illegal wont stop it while making it way more dangerous for society. Same way people got poisoned from bathtub gin or nowadays get adulterated street drugs cut with plastic residue and carcinogenic pesticides.
Anthony Butler
>There were different unemployment rates and statuses you mong. U1 through U6. Plus the more accurate shadow stats website. It's the exact same thing, all of them are dependent on the labor force, measuring/calculating that shit doesn't have anything to do with economic theory.
Lucas Bennett
seriously, i'd bet money this woman condemned roseanne barr when that whole episode happened. wonder if we can find her tweets doing so and then tweet them back at her now
doubt anything will come of it, publicly at least, but it would be funny after several senators voiced their faith that it definitely wasn't Feinstein, that it turns out Feinstein was the leaker
Jonathan Flores
Find a woman who looks at you like She looks at Brett Kavanaugh
All forgiven brother, I didn't cut much today anyhow, but got a couple good ones of the soi drinker getting piled on the other day
Was a quote from the gash at the Kav hearing. She tried to sound professorly like king nigger used to, thinking that would make people believe her lies
That might be true, but not for the reasons you suspect. I'm sure its not hard to convince Somali Muslims to vote for anyone, if the proper sort is giving them guidance.
>claim you want to investigate the leak >empanel a special counsel because Sessions is a fucking joke of a human being >put the scope as the letter, the leak, the dems, ford, and her lawyers >the entire fraud is revealed, FBI discover the whole conspiracy It would be funny.
Murdering children is inherently dangerous, what the fuck do you want?
If one believes that unborn children are children, then to argue that we should allow killing them legally because doing it with hangers would be like so ugly for society is just retarded.
Matthew Allen
honest question, do you have someone in your life to cuddle?
>While she is no fan of President Donald Trump, McGowan said she does agree with him and his supporters on one thing: "They hate Hollywood for being faux liberals — and they're 100 percent right about that. It's a bunch of faux liberals. It's crap, and they know it is deep down, but they're living an empty life, and to me that's their punishment. They get to live the lives they live." From hollywood reporter.
>are you trying to decide yourself. I am. I've become very, very close friends with a lot of Japanese people after many years and I'm having to realize that there is a good chance I am going to find myself liking a girl from there or be introduced to one by those friends who I consider next to family. I'm honestly trying to figure it out.
Jose Mitchell
you can see the pride and awe in her face. it's wonderful. and his daughters have a strong father to look up to. god continue to bless them all. and god bless beer.
Maybe, but she was silent for so long when every liberal in Hollywood was banging their fist on the table that Republicans were nazi fascist monsters.
She may have been leaned on for so long that continued silence would be taken for being a Republican which is celebrity life on hard mode based on how "tolerant" libs are.
Funny thing is that liberals are militant, not tolerant.
Hunter Rogers
She is de fahlse qween. Spot on her, spot on her my bruddas *spit spit*
>Marsha Blackburn supported Kavachad since his announcement and claimed all four on Trump's shortlist are excellent >Taylor Shit: I-I-I-I totally believe the libshit would have voted for him and no go along party line Uh huh, she's a lying cunt and a libtard too. Probably from sleeping with like 50 men.
With just three weeks until the runoff, Bolsonaro holds a commanding lead. He won 46.3 percent of valid ballots, far ahead of Haddad's 29 percent but short of the outright majority needed to avoid a second round, electoral authorities said.
She and Asia Argento torpedoed each other after acting as the de facto leaders of the movement. Also McGowan was fucked up beyond belief before she even came forward with the #MeToo stuff. She's just saying whatever now to remain relevant I guess.
I cannot find them attractive no matter how hard I try. Might as well date a negro girl. Their weird purple/black/gold pussies aren't exactly helping the whole attractiveness issue.
Connor Martin
Most people would second guess the backalley abortion because of the danger and not go through with it. Meanwhile, it's as easy as walking into a doctor's office these days and getting it over with. The ones who would resort to the backalley abortions are pieces of shit regardless.
NEW POLL: >MI-11 One of the few remaining House tossups, the Dem is leading by 7 points in this suburban district. Moved from tossup to likely D.
The only remaining tossup seats are MN-01 and CA-48. The Dems currently have 222 seats in my projection; I'm guessing they will have a comfortable victory in the House. Senate is still GOP held at 51-49.