Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off in 3 weeks We managed to elect over 50 of /ourguys/!
>1st round results Jair Bolsonaro 46,26% Fernando Haddad 28,95% Ciro Gomes 12,51% Geraldo Alckmin 4,78% João Amoêdo 2,52% Cabo Daciolo 1,26% Henrique Meirelles 1,21% Marina Silva 1,00% Alvaro Dias 0,81%
-- BACKGROUND -- Jair Bolsonaro is front-runner for president of Brazil. He is a conservative Christian, former army captain and the only candidate free from involvement in corruption. He's pro-gun legislation and whats the liberalization of the economy with a Chicago boy as minister and to align Brazil to the American foreign policy (fuck Cuba, Venezuela, Palestine and China). He's stable in the Israeli hospital after being stabbed in the guts by a former member of PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) and undergoing emergency surgery.
Memes by Bolsonaro: >Pinochet should have killed more people >Historical debt towards slavery? I didn't enslave anyone. >The Portuguese didn't enslave blacks, but blacks enslaved themselves. >I wouldn't rape you because you are ugly and you don't deserve it. >Do you burn the donut? I don't care! Be happy! Hugs for you!
2nd round starts in 3 weeks, until then they both get political ads on TV Realistically he can mostly follow US on the china and our-country-comes-first stuff He can also improve the police/military's reach and strength by reducing the bureaucracy needed after they kill criminals
Nathan Sullivan
wtf, I'm postemissile now
Jeremiah Thompson
parties aren't united, members from the same party can be anti-gun or pro-gun, anti-abortion and pro-abortion, pro or against land reform, etc., that's why those fronts/stands had to be created
That's a big thing people forget, desu. He is very experienced in the ins and outs of the congress. He doesn't even need to talk to caciques, he can just go and talk to the congressmen as colleagues.
Jordan Rodriguez
It's kinda crazy if you think about it. Bolsonaro got the votes of almost half the population having seconds of tv time and missing most debates. I'm not even sure if he spend a hundred thousand in his campaign.
They’ll unite, no doubt about it. But will it be enough to win is the question. All bolso needs is 4% of invalids/other candidates to join him. Haddad needs 100% of multiple parties. His path is far easier. However, as many hues have said, fraud is highly possible to keep PT in power.
Christian Rogers
This 2nd rounds are fucking bullshit.
Landon Taylor
He spent R$1.9 million
Haddad spent R$28.8 million
source: TSE
Jackson Kelly
Sry, faggots. We will resist here in our county. We have 40, 50+ people already engaged. They clearly rigged the 1º turn just to legitimate a possible Haddad win in the 2º turn. If you don't see that, you know nothing about political warfare. Print this for posterity. You will hear from us. We will resist. Sry, faggots. We will resist here in our county. We have 40, 50+ people already engaged. They clearly rigged the 1º turn just to legitimate a possible Haddad win in the 2º turn. If you don't see that, you know nothing about political warfare. Print this for posterity. You will hear from us. We will resist. Godspeed.
Juan Adams
I ask because they did it in France when Le Pen actually had a shot of winning
Logan Thompson
The Trump Effect, Clinton outspent him too and lost. The People have chosen. NOVO didn't do as pathetic as I thought they would, their followers will go Bolosonaro.
Hmm, that's still a lot more than what I expected. Still, kek, Alckimin spent R$42.9 million
Gavin Roberts
>conservative Christian >former army captain >free from involvement in corruption >pro-gun based and huepilled
Alexander Peterson
>all leftists and commies That's the 2nd and 3rd most voted candidates. Marina silva is another 1% and that's it. That's literally all they have. 42,46% of the population. Bolsonaro alone has 46,26% without getting votes from his natural allies. Most of Alckmin's 4,78%, most of Amoedo's 2,52% and probably close to all of Daciolo's 1,26% and Dias' 0,81% should go to him. Even some Ciro voters might go his way.
I'm actually not worried at all over getting enough votes. What I'm worried about is rigging.
Gavin Lewis
Holy fuck, Bolsonaro got 46% in the first round? I was expecting maybe somewhere in the 30s.
God damn, Brazil might just save itself.
Logan Cook
Amoêdo did a decent job giving exposure to right-wing economic ideals and memeing on leftists, why are you even complaining when this is by far one of the most extreme elections ever with just a handful of candidates getting all of the votes? The left was actually a lot more divided but even cirobots are smart enough to shill for Andrade now while you just keep trying to further divide the right even though there's a single right-wing candidate now. You sound like a shill honestly, or just very dumb.
Andrew Allen
Based. Brazil is a lucky country please clap for him
Daniel Reyes
Quando o Bolsonaro volta a fazer comício? Ele não tem agenda de viagem pra buscar os votos do nordeste?
Chase Rogers
That's it. Those fuckers betrayed our meme candidate.
Fuckoff, I'm totally engaged and have conquered many votes to our captain. I will keep my good work under the blessing of God.
>le 56% globalist jew trying to make woke ppl go agaisnt the nationalist jew trump already loosened your asshole with a MOAB, now get ready to get it loosened by the biggest tree in amazonas we can find
Leo Harris
Here's the OP template to use on new threads I'm going to bed, been awake since 8am We're a first world country now, fuck yeah Honestly, its expected after 12 fucking years of socialism, more so because we've always followed US trends, even the shitty ones (femin virus)
Kayden Long
Le Pen got 21.3% in the first round and was behind Macron with 24%, her chances were never good and it was just wishful thinking at best.
>Quando o Bolsonaro volta a fazer comício? If I'm not mistaken the doctor recommended he wait 7-10 days after leaving the hospital before he went around campaigning.
Austin Morgan
Someone please post the lyrics to the song his supporters sing/dance to in the streets. Can't make anything out but "Bolsonaro"
Bentley Torres
>Amoêdo did a decent job giving exposure to right-wing economic ideals and memeing on leftists Esses valores economicos vão fazer muito bem quando o Haddad ganhar e começar a aumentar imposto igual o Lula fez para arcar com o prejuízo da propina para obras na Venezuela e Cuba Parabéns Amoedo, você é um grande empresário
Agora é todo mundo moralista que prega a união com o nordeste. Absolutamente ninguém parece saber sobre a relação raça-QI que biologicamente condena o nordeste a ser um lixo eterno. Mas que bosta viu, eu não sei como arrumar a situação dos caras lá.
Henry Diaz
The left is pushing for kids to have sex as early as possible in here. Bolsonaro denounced books that push for the early sexualization of children as young as 6 (SIX) years old, he labeled those books, pamphlets etc the "gay kit". Communists say this material is used to fight homophobia. Here's this abomination of an activity called "hawk"
>one kid is going to be the hawk >he's always free looking out for food >the other kids will always be bundled up, they'll form a tight conga line, beginning with the tallest one. >the kids in the line have to flee from the hawk, who always wants to eat the shortest kid in the row >if the hawk grabs the kid, he'll be trapped in his nest.
Política é poder e não sobre valores econômicos ou sobre os beneficios do livre mercado
Gavin Butler
>eu não sei como arrumar a situação dos caras lá Genocídio.
Hudson Johnson
The right growing means the left loses space you retard, his worth as an advocate and his elected congressmen are far more important than his tiny amount of votes as a presidential candidate.
Lucas Morales
Isso eles já sofrem todos os anos de forma silenciosa nas mãos da esquerda, não precisamos adicionar ao sofrimento deles. O frustrante é ver como eles se recusam a abrir o olho; 16 anos de PT e continuam na miséria.
Aiden Harris
And apparently you didn't learn that yet, attacking fellow right-wing people instead of uniting against commies. I didn't vote for Amoêdo by the way, you're just plain retarded and don't understand his worth as a diversificator of right-wingers, plain childish.
Jackson Hall
Amoedo is a filthy traitor. His support would've given us the 1st round but nah, gotta shill your shit party when PT has a chance of returning to power. Orange PSDB.
Ryan Parker
Projeto de desenvolvimento pra região que não seja na base do gibs mas sim com trabalho, e oito anos para poder começar a dar frutos.
Cameron Edwards
O pessoal do partido NOVO é Bolsonarista exatamente porque não recebeu as recomendações do Amoedo e muitos não ficaram com frescura. Aliás muitos deles só estão no cenário nacional graças a onda Bolsonaro
Nenhum esquerdista vota em candidato de esquerda pelos valores humanos, direitos LGBT ou porque eles prometem gibs
Acordem seus merdas. Vocês parecem que caíram na conversinha mole do FHC e do Amoedo.
Valores bonitos de livre mercado não foram feitos para discutir no republicanismo. O sistema republicano foi feito para esquerdistas dominar o aparelho estatal e garantir suas reeleições eternamente Você acha que os que votaram no Amoedo vão votar no Bolsonaro? os liberais tem crises de pânico só de pensar em eleger um fascista, homofóbico, nazista, machista e anti-progressista igual o Bolsonaro
Caleb Ramirez
>adicionar ao sofrimento deles Não, seria um coup de grâce.
Até o Eduardo Leite do PSDB do RS declarou apoio ao Bolsonaro O Amoedo e o Daciolo não fazem isso porque são a terceira via. São da mesma laia da Marina Silva. Querem atingir o socialismo através de memes ou campanhas publicitárias sobre lindos valores
Joseph Stewart
We really should try to contact Bolsonaro and tell him that he shouldnt waste this moment to attack PT even more, he should focus on clearing his image so that the center nd people who were not going to vote csn understand the "new" bolsonaro better
Jason Ramirez
>Você acha que os que votaram no Amoedo vão votar no Bolsonaro? Acho mais provável do que votem no PT. Conheço bastante gente que foi de NOVO e se recusa a votar no PT de qualquer jeito. Às vezes, também se recusam a votar no Bolsonaro, mas teve gente que inclusive desistiu de votar no Amoedo e foi direto de Bolsonaro justamente pra evitar um segundo turno.
Brody Bell
caralho quem manda nessa porra de país é só o nordeste? só eles sozinhos que elegem o presidente que eles quiserem
Colton Ross
>play "retranca", what could go wrong? No.
Evan King
>Amoedo >Socialism Ok now you are going too far buddy
Evan Ward
He is a cultural marxist since he approves of equality, feminism and homosexuality. So yeah, socialism.
Carter Reyes
You're ignoring Amoêdos worth as anti-left opposition that boosted the right overall, I don't agree with him 100% but he's obviously better than commies, I'd rather have many different right-wing parties not all with the exact same ideals but that stick together against the left, than one gargantuan piece of shit that only attracts a niche.
The left is very good at this kind of unity, they all squabble between themselves for the first round but then all shill together for their main commie when it's needed.
Jacob Butler
The problem is that they don't vote 40-60 like normal people, they vote 20-80, and there's a fucklot of them. That's enough to tip the scales. However, Bolsonaro actually had a narrow margin against Haddad there (narrow compared to the previous elections), which is precisely why he might in this thing in the end.
Liam Roberts
So is he getting elected tonight or is going into the second round?
Justin Gray
>O Amoedo e o Daciolo não fazem isso porque são a terceira via. Amoedo recebeu dinheiro de George Soros para interromper o PSL
Ayden Jenkins
>implying his globalist agenda isn't socialism
Alexander Kelly
>Você acha que os que votaram no Amoedo vão votar no Bolsonaro? Sim, com certeza. É o partido mais anti-PT depois do PSL.
Michael Hughes
>Ele tem toda a agenda do PT e PSDB >Mas acreditem ele é direitista porque ele fala dos lindos valores do livre mercado para os brasileirinhos Deixa de ser burro, usa teu cérebro e para de fumar maconha
Matthew Hall
The problem is not the northeast. It's the women too. They're the ones voting these commies in. Go to random thot instagram history and it's almost guaranteed they'll be posting bleeding hard quotes defending these fucks.
Aaron Hughes
Muita gente do exército é comunista e eles estão ajudando a Rosa Weber e Raquel Dodge a entregar o poder ao Haddad
Nunca podemos nos esquecer que o Vilas Boas esteve ligado diretamente com o acobertamento de crimes do PCB (partidão)
Leo Hughes
>dude let's tax the church lmao >dude UN 2030 lmao >dude weed lmao >dude let's kick out pro-Bolsonaro candidates lmao He might not be left wing but he sure as hell isn't making an effort to look right wing.
Jace Collins
second round, in 3 weeks. If he got 50% + 1 vote he'd won first round. We all know he actually got more than that, but frauds all over, those shills are mad trying not to lose sperging all over. They're done, man
Henry Ramirez
That ain't worth shit. Those fags are powerless against the left. Just look at Argentina, they elected a liberal. Now they're in deeper shit than before.
Jack Young
PRTB é mais anti-PT do que o NOVO.
Ryder Baker
FHC está a beira da morte e o PSDB perdeu poder nos ultimos 8 anos
O NOVO serve exatamente para fazer o papel que o PSDB fez nos anos 90: prometer maravilhas através dos lindos valores do livre mercado enquanto eles adotam toda a agenda global que vai destruindo a nação silenciosamente
Eli Clark
Exactly, when Amoedo supported 2030 I knew he was closet cuck
Jackson Anderson
Good luck Brazil, I hope to come visit you someday in the future when your country is safe and prosperous.
Lots of stories and posts about urnas going full PT. I don't believe the fraud thing, but this is looking increasingly suspect to me.
Logan Walker
Olavo de Carvalho 1 minuto · Não acredito que, no mundo real, o É-Dado chegou a obter cinco por cento dos votos. O resto ele comprou no TSE.
Joshua Mitchell
Macri is shit because he didn't actually do anything he promised, he just kept the retarded statism and barely did anything.
Jacob Ward
>let's tax the church lmao That's right, though. If you're taxing people and companies, it makes no sense to NOT tax churches unless you're in a theocracy.
Jaxson Collins
My true candidate for presidency was Amoedo (for the ideology) but I voted Bolsonaro to try to prevent a 2nd turn. I know a lot of people who did the same. And I know even more people that voted Amoedo in the 1st round but that wouldn't hesitate to vote Bolsonaro in the 2nd.
Landon James
>I don't believe the fraud thing,
Wake the fuck up.
Jason Stewart
None of those things are intrisically related to socialism, after all, old school socialists used to kill homosexuals. He is more of a libertarian and they dont give a fuck about none of those things as long the goverment doesnt make them pay for it
Landon Myers
>I don't believe the fraud thing International hacker convention breached every electronic voting machine this year but Brazilian machines are safe :^) This 1st round underwent fraud 100%.
Easton Lee
Amoedo is Bernie Sanders but his supporters don't look like SJWs
That's exactly why people fail to see he is a globalist scum Based. I'm not saying anything against NOVO supporters directly but showing you Amoedo is a dirty snake
Joseph Campbell
Macri turned to China and got BTFO'ed by the West as he deserves. Argie's never deal correctly and they have Hitler's curse.
Jordan Gonzalez
>fuck palestine Ah. I guess for better or worse he is literally Brazilian Trump.
Brandon Perry
I have cousins in Argentina. Not just living there either, born and raised there. Macri didn't do anything because he's weak, and he's weak because he's a liberal. >what is the frankfurter schule?
Charles Thomas
this is by far not the first time. Lula won with fraud, Dilma won with fraud, Haddad will only be different in that he'll actually lose. Do you think that if there werent fraud on those elections, we would have 50% woke people now? We'd be worse than germany if they actually won without hacking.
Dylan Cruz
My father-in-law was shamed into voting for Amoedo by his commie co-workers and minha sogra. I am sad for him.
Isaac Reed
yes, most parties in brazil are dumb memes with no internal coherence
bolsonaro's campaign coordinator is from DEM which allegedly supported alckmin, for ex
his key to rule is using agreements with parliamentary fronts instead of parties
Luis Gray
>as long the goverment doesnt make them pay for it Mas ele é a favor das ONGs. Essas ONGs internacionais entram no país, consomem o dinheiro do governo (do povo) e distribuem para causas LGBT, aborto, feminismo, maconheirismo, etc