What is thomas going to say to kav tomorrow?
What is thomas going to say to kav tomorrow?
Mah nigga
bix nood
ooga booga
lmao we're finna dab on these assholes bruh
Meme all you want cuz he's a kang, but he's also the most right wing justice at the moment. Clarence Thomas is legitimately cool.
Nigga, let's go fuck with dat fat ass Kagan and sonia.
u alright white boi
ooga booga we waz kangz mah nigga
"My nigga"
Then he'll lean in closer and say
"Keg party, my place, 7pm"
sup white boi!!!! ****high fives***
welcome to the judicial jungle baby
He doesn't believe that illegals should have any basic rights so he's okay in my book
Hol up. *smack lips* So you tellin’ me you some kinda Supreme Court justice n’ sheit?
You son of a bitch!
Gonna run train on Ginsburg
Up in those guts
"you hold ginsburg down, and I'll grab the pillow."
>Kav is just getting settled into the Supreme Court, got a picture of his family on his desk and is unpacking the rest of his personal effects when Thomas approaches
>"I'm having a welcome party for you, Brett. I hope you'll show up tomorrow at 8 PM"
>"Kav, having been shaken up by the political shitstorm, is a little happy for the chance to unwind. "I'd love to go!"
>"I should warn you, there's going to be some drinking" Justice Thomas says
>"Oh, that's fine, I love beer!"
>"Also, there sometimes is some fighting".
>Kav is dismayed at this- he thought the Supreme Court was better than the old frat parties. But not put off. "I can handle myself."
>"Clarence continues: "And there might be some wild sex."
>Brett is shocked- he didn't think Sotomayor or Ginsberg would go for that. But he doesn't judge- this degree of sexual freedom is judicial precedent.
>"What should I wear?" Brett asks as he thinks of what the hell a Supreme Court party means.
>"Oh, it don't matter. After all, it's just gonna be you and me."
Clarence is a fucking baller, but nobody can touch Antonin Scalia at his best. I hope Gorsuch or Kavanaugh can fill his shoes.
The greatest tragedy in modern American judicial history is the denial of Robert Bork's appointment to the USSC. Watch his confirmation hearing sometime. Scalia was Bork lite.
Trump should nominate as far to the right as he possibly can. We need a Bork on the Supreme Court.
I like beer too
He's actually a based nigger. Respect him, if not for his color, for his values.
He hates talking because he talks like a black.
Nothing because tomorrow’s a holiday and Kav doesn’t start til Tues.
you faggots are cucks
Buy yourself that Rolex, nigga. You deserve it.
probably something like "good morning, justice kavanaugh" and maybe "kegger in my office later."
Can't remember where that's from... Norm?
He'll put a pubic hair on Brett's coke can (he uses to hide beer) as a funny practical joke
Older than Norm, but yeah he did that joke. :D
I know what niggers are doing to America but I'm not too big to admit Thomas is a better man than me. That's why he's on the Supreme Court and I'm shitposting Jow Forums and drinking when I have to wake up in 4 hours.
Seriously, the dude grew up dirt fuckin poor and rose to the highest judge position in the country on his own sweat, blood and tears. If nothing else, respect that
also notice that ring on his hand this guy is not a nigger
>on his own sweat, blood and tears
Don't forget all that sweet sweet affirmative action.
They will share cans of Coke covered with pubic hair
clarence thomas doesn't talk to anyone at all. he just silently stares at you in judgement.
he's wearing a black suit, he's secretly a jew hating nazi
Welcome to the club!
man he didn't even speak English as a kid. He had to learn that in high school on his own.
Dude has pushed through a lot of shit to be a bastion of sanity on the Court.
Gitcha mufuggin Rolex hwuite boi
>What is thomas going to say to kav tomorrow?
want a Coke?
Thomas didn't speak English until he went to elementary school. He spoke a pidgin called Gullah
His dissent on affirmative action is brilliant. He was a high achieving black man who would always be doubted because of that stupid program
With bloodshot eyes from hypertension and dope, Thomas might suggest if Kavanaguh has any crack to smoke with him, or to come by for a malt liquer and bring cold colt 45? Everybody knows niggas like crack.
Learning English as a child when your native language is a an English based Pidgin is in no way impressive.
Da chang dey say be knowin english speak no be hard
>we gone kill these leftists that dare go gainst massa
deez bitches be crazy accusin' us an shieeeeeeeet
Then they cheers their freshly cracked King Cobras