Reminder that Jordan Peterson is a good guy...

Reminder that Jordan Peterson is a good guy. If you see negative posts here about him they're from Democratic/leftist posters trying to discredit him and divide us. They know how powerful his message is and they're hoping you're dumb enough to disregard him entirely because of "muh joos"

He is not perfect. But his message is transformational and more young men need to internalize it. If they do, the rest will fall into place.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yup. Dude is literally one of the greatest forces on society of our time.


Unironically true. Who has more reason to hate him, the far left or the far right? The far left imo. I don't listen to him on everything but he says a lot of true shit too.

1. clean your room
2. wash your penis
what a powerful & transformational message to young men.

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>>Obvious shilling
Petersen turned.


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His recent interview with Douglas Murray essentially has him spell out why Whites should join together to ensure their own survival.
I'm paraphrasing but his ideas essentially was "if everyone else is playing the group identity game... Why wouldn't you? And if everyone is playing... Why wouldn't you play to WIN?"
Yeah, threw in the obligatory "and here's why that's a bad thing" but anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows that's just lip service. It's the equivalent of posting the entire anarchist cookbook on faceberg and then adding "now make sure you don't use this against the government! That would be BAD"

So true. It’s very sad because he’s not necessarily political, but keeps being dragged back into it.
He helped my personal philosophy along big time last year.

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Lol stop pretending you actually read books let alone have the attention span to hear his lectures cunt.

What the fuck is his message exactly?

Become a beta cuck?

If Jow Forums forgives Peterstein, he should resign.

This desu senpai

Quite the opposite, actually.

Go save your father from the underworld and wash your penis in the river Styx.

In a society where we've taught people to petition the government to outlaw anything or anyone that makes them uncomfortable, yes, "clean your room" is a powerful message

What is his message then?

hi Jordan

This hurts because it's way too fucking true.

Take responsibility for yourself.
Simple as.

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Take real action, hold your ground, become a man, not a beta tranny faggot, raise children properly and give to the world

Im taking these from my head and shortening them. Watch any video on him

Its really just word salads of the psychology behind legends on why you should be a personally responsible, big brained individual. He's a glorified self help guru.


>Kavanaugh hearing was a postmodernist shitshow where "her truth" was more valuable than actual truth.
>Peterson supports the postmodernists.
He lost me with this one.

that bitch should show me how to wash my penis

>people aren't allowed to grow wiser

He's a good guy but he keeps thousands from finding out larger truths. He is a gatekeeper and holds those who would find their way from ever exploring their own intellectual understanding. He reels them in with his sophistication, his kindness, his autistic but soft demeanor. He is intelligent, a fatherly figure, perhaps even a good man. But most of all, under everything that he is, he is a mastermind of sophistry. Jordan Peterson is apt to continue the trends of centrist fence sitting, his leanings are welcoming, his ideals those you would find in your seniors. But behind his points, it all reroutes to divert and mellow the rage that has built inside the West. Instead of kicking and biting, smashing and scratching, the West fighting for its last breath of air, Jordan Peterson continues to suffocate the West slowly in its slumber, so that when the time does indeed come to fight, the West will not be ready.

He is a false mentor.

>Take responsibility for yourself.

By resigning if someone falsely accuses you of rape?

This. I don't agree with everything he says, but I also don't agree with most people anyway.

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>hold your ground

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I agree. He is a modern day prophet saying what we all need to hear and no one else will say

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I disagree with what he said this week but he has helped me a lot with some important stuff. I'm not willing to dismiss him entirely, but I'm going to be paying close attention.

wash your penis

That and other reasons are why he's (((Juden Peterstein))).

the far right also hate him
because he points out the degeneracy of extreme ideologies

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1. Life is hard, but you are capable of great things. In fact, it's when you overcome the difficulties before you and accomplish things that you grant meaning to life

2. Equality of outcome is a terrible thing to desire and has throughout history led to terrible people doing terrible things

3. Our cultural norms are summaries of the learned knowledge of millions of years of human evolution and we're naive to think we can or should legislate them away

>Jordan Peterson is a good goy
Fixed that for you

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Sure you're allowed to grow wiser, but if that's you fucking threshold for wisdom, sucking the dick of some dude who told you the self help line of the last 3 decades, then you deserve to 've so dupe by your newly adopted father figure.

(((Jordan Peterson))).


Kavanaugh should take a beer bottle to Peterson's head.

>Clean your room
>Wash your penis
>Conquer Chaos dragon
>Take responsibility
>Stop taking Antidepres... ups sorry forget about that.

Which antidepressants is JP taking does anyone know?

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He has narcicistic personality disorder which means he is absolutely not a good guy. He is addicted to attention, and admiration and adulation like a meth or heroin addict is addicted to their drug. He's a careerist and opportunist who's only in it for money, fame and his ego. He'll do and say whatever advances those interests. He's a oeice of shit who talks about his patients issues in front of his audiences and calls them losers.

.... or you could be anti-peterson and your whole goal is to discredit the other negative posts so that other negative posts get believed and you win. I have seen through your sham.

Anyone else see Owen Bengamins autistic rants against JP recently?

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Two words for you: Juden Peterstein

The problem is he was advocating his resignation because he is guilty of assaulting her; he wants him to resign because his views are too right wing and will polarize the supreme court and politics as a whole more.

Juden peterstein is a leftist himself, fuck off to lefty/pol/ with this globalist snake.

He clarified by saying that, by doing so, it would make the Democrats look like utter asshats because they pitched that whole temper tantrum and essentially disgusted half their supporters... Only to have it all be for nothing. Trump appoints the next guy, and THEN, the Democrats try and pull the whole stunt ALL OVER AGAIN making them look utterly insane, or they just bend the knee and accept whoever Trump picks with no fight to try and save a little face.
It's essentially the republic equivalent of letting Trump get impeached so that, because it's hurp durp how our fucking laws work, Pence becomes president and really puts the fear of God into the fucking Dems, so to speak.

he also preaches to act as an individual, not a collective.

problem is that only whites do this, all shitskins and gooks act as a collective so its basically a dnc tactic till we are in living in a white ethnostate

Yes Owen, you posted it earlier today.

Stop spamming these threads, Peterson, it makes your shilling look more desperate.

>degeneracy of extreme ideologies
O' do tell, give me some specific examples about the German's holocoster ride with built in masterbation machines.

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Yeah wtf is up with Owen Benjamin? He is carrying that maverick act way far and isolating himself. Owen always seems like two clicks from mental breakdown.

Polarization is a faggot centrists way of avoiding conflict, not resolving it.

I would like to use her vagina to clean my penis. I would like to do this against her temporary pleas not to. I’m pretty sure after a thoroughly cleaning she will think otherwise and demand that I clean my penis at least once daily with her vagina.

He is an absolute good goy

i take life advice from peterson, not so much political advice.
learn to dissect the information like the aryan you claim to be not as an emotional child crying because hes not given the candy he wants all the time

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Seriously the dude is like a right wing SJW. And he is clearly two steps out of reality.


Reminder that there is nothing unnatural or wrong with hate, it is a natural survival mechanism. Fuck the kikes.

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Right... capitulate to a pack of obvious liars by doing exactly what they want you to do -- that'll teach them!

Peterson proved that he's a fucking beta, and this will not be forgotten.

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His book is trash, you would know this if you've read it.

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... Did you read ANYTHING I wrote? Yeah, Kavenaugh takes a fall, oh no boo hoo he's still a federal judge, but the damage done to the Democratic party AS A WHOLE would be catastrophic and possibly unrecoverable. Kav was honestly a mediocre pick anyway, so what's the loss?

>Yeah wtf is up with Owen Benjamin?
It's the only time he has ever said anything relevant.

The absolute state of cuckchan, the thread

>so what's the loss?
The precedent in allowing leftist mob rule to appoint a judicial figure and the flagellant disregard for due process.

I think you are doing some pretty obvious context denial.

based incestuous grandma fantasy

>what a powerful & transformational message to young men

Yes it is. And you’re right, this should be obvious and self apparent. But in this age of decadence and degeneracy his message is resistance to many. How fucked up is that? It’s like the joke on this board about Nazi’s just wanting to have families and be good people

>But his message is transformational and more young men need to internalize it. If they do, the rest will fall into place.

Fucking this. You don't have to agree with everything (or anything for that matter) a person says to grow from learning from what they are saying.

He is writing about his dream. Do you dream about your grandma rubbing her cunt in your face, user? Tell me, in what context is that normal?

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That's the stupidest thing I've ever read.

I also wonder if that’s what he’s really doing. Either way I believe it’s having that affect.

You are so fucking dumb. Kavanaugh resigning will not hurt the Dems at all, that's exactly what they want.

Let's go down the list for the newfags.

Canadian. Married a Jew. Jewsish IQ shilling to explain away Jewish Nepotism and Racism. Any other people promoting their own version of this racial group preference are Ebil Nazis. Goyim should focus on being "individuals", clean their rooms, and reject anyone promoting dangerous ideas of a Racial Identity and a Homogeneous Culture.

Basically by virtue of not being a Jew himself, but being enamoured by them, Peterson realized the current generation has taken things too far too quickly and is in real danger of causing a re-awakening in White Identity. This why he is critical of the fringe Left but offers no solutions other than to tell normal people to retreat into themselves and somehow this Self Improvement will radiate out into the and solve the problem of kikes flooding the West with 3rd world Shitskins, brainwashing kids into chopping their dicks off, and polluting the environment with estrogen and other chemicals that are causing an explosion in mental illness.

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>>Did you read ANYTHING I wrote?
Not a goddamn word, because anyone supporting his position isn't worth the time to consider.

The damage done to the Democrat party has already been irreparable because of this, and Kav was still appointed.

Don't you understand how optics works yet??? Lurk MOAR!

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Jordan B Peniswashing will not save America.
Materialism / black cube worship is evil.
Trump knows this and is fixing things with accelerationism.

>trying to save weimerica by telling men to wash their penis
>powerful message

Oh so you DIDNT read anything I wrote, okay cool. So, this would be AFTER Kav is confirmed, okay? That means he's already won. This is AFTER the left has already made utter and complete fools of themselves in front of the entire world, okay? So then, Kav just says fuck you and resigns. And since you obviously know how our laws work, that means Trump gets to pick again. Now the Democrats are in a pickle: do they try and pull the same stunt a over again with Trump's next pick? Oh yeah, that will work, they just HAPPEN to find someone that this new guy HAPPENED to have sexually assaulted (gasp) at some nebulous point in time at some place they can't remember etc etc. Do you really think the public wouldn't immediately see through something like that? They wouldn't see how fucking obvious it is that the Dems are just making shit up? It would be undeniable even to the most hardcore leftist that, yeah ok, this shit is retarded. So what is the Dems other choice? Just bend the knee and accept WHOEVER Trump picks. Trump would have free reign to pick from the most rabid Republican judges and the left couldn't do SHIT because they already blew their load, they already played the rape card, there is no other trick left in their playbook. So Trump wins either way, the people win either way, the lefties get fucked either way. Is that a little more comprehensible?

Peterson is literally a freemason though, fuck him hard before the devil does it for eternity.

It's a fucking dream you spastic! JFC I had dreams where I was a panda bear riding a helicopter shoot gumballs at space aliens, they are dreams, they are inherently fucking weird
You have dreams about your dog slobbering all over your balls, in what context is that normal?



its true.
he's not perfect, but who is?
even Trump does a few things that not all of us like that much, but i still love him.
Peterson is doing a lot for the cause.

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nope. he fucked up.

Yeah, young men need to do better for themselves. That's true.

White men in particular need to hold each other up through white genocide.

Also south Africans are beyond needing to clean their rooms

He's not a bad guy, but he doesn't have all the answers.

The best Goy.

South Africa needs a good old fashioned bush war. Get your FALs, lads

I agree with the sentiment but he is a good first step in this age of vidya, Tinder, masturbation, comfort addiction and escapism. In order to tear this shit down strong men will be needed. Man-children aren't strong enough to save themselves let alone save their own countries.

I used to like Peterson, still do to some extent, but I don't trust him after the Weinstein Brothers showed up on the scene.

Well it's a little different this time, its well explained. Peterson isnt just being a boomer telling you to do chores, he's framing it as a meditation, a psychological experiment to minutely improve your mental focus and have an organized mindset. Its smart but no one wants to be told to clean their room because its dirty.

Clean your room because it's a projection of your mental state, like how filthy human beings are bottom tier dumpster people at 0. The first and easiest step you can take to organize your life is just clean your room and notice how you'll feel better in it.

you think his preaching will save young men?

>Oh so you DIDNT read anything I wrote
Nope, only the post I responded to. As for your argument, it's utter trash and is clearly rationalization after the fact. Their was/is no reason to concede. Face it, Peterson is a leftist opportunist and you've been had. Accept it, stop paying him and move on.

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Jordan Peterson is a low consciousness unoriginal clown being pushed as the 'paid opposition'. His great ideas are 'there are 2 genders', 'clean your room'. GENIUS! Peterson has no original thoughts, just like ben shapiro.

stephen hawking was a "good guy" in science. doesn't mean he didn't say horrifically retarded shit
at least he said "well ok i was wrong" - but goddamn did he say some retarded shit
so jbp just said some retarded shit
I CAN EVEN SEE what he was trying to think, but what's the excuse for being so blinkered in what he was saying?
he was holding the "look at us, the IDW, beardy kike academics and gay conservatives all disagreeing amicably" meme in one hand and examining something in a blinkered way in another
this lead to him saying some utterly violently retarded shit
i'll check his timeline see if he recanted

He's a good guy.

He needs to take a break.

>on a cocktail of SSRIs and other shit
>low consciousness
wow, I'm shocked (sarc.)

They hate humanity