Srsly fuck you guys

>tell my family about pizzagate
>need to take long car ride with mom
>started therapy last week

Fuck you I don't need therapy this is all your fault

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tough shit faggot

I feel like jdif and media matters owes me big time. Fuck this larp nothing like that happens. Pizzagate is fake

Don’t talk about all the stuff ..just drop subtle red pills....i get the same thing sometimes but i have my own place and a good job and a senpai can’t pressure me or fuck with me anymore...

Psychologists are extremely easy to manipulate. Just act normal.

Pizzagate shit was never disproven...just swept away by media cover up and lawyers.....its fucking real dood...kid fucking , power hungry, evil degenerate leftwing people

No one owes you shit you fucking coddled faggot.

Lowkey I'm not a psycho also ur the one being manipulated you sheep.

oh stop being such a baby and use therapy to your advantage

tell them some really fucked up shit and you can get on full disability, basically paid to sit home and play vidya all day

I want money for my metadata faggot

How do u delete a comment?

Cheese pizza with XXXtra cheese.

tell her the the-rapist touched your wee-wee. sue for jillions. better? I mean they literally are called the rapists ffs..

Do u need a prescription for a sex doll?can I get one at therapy?


put your mom in her place user, also you have to be 18 to post here

I sneak into ur local grocery store and cum in every head and shoulders shampoo bottle I can find, to be safe, then watch you as you buy my cum at a store and the shower cam let's me see u soak urself in my semen faggot.

Remember these times where you were repressed and subjected against your will, user. One day it will give your strength when you need it most. Funny how life's special journey goes.

its not tho retard

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>"its not real"
Whatever you say.

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And what a fond memory it will be.they all believe it

damn dont cut yourself with all that edge

Listen and believe, shitlord!

>jerking off in the store and not bringing your prejerked cum in a vial

Trump said the DACA was gonna go way. Lie. . Said Dreamers can't dream. Why did he lie? Did he lie? When does this happen? Seems numbers against whitey now forever

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Evidence didn't lead to the basement of a pizza joint. That was a guess by those who were digging when the emails dropped. There is plenty of evidence that points to kiddie diddling going on involving Alefantis , the Podestas and others, but it is solidly covered up.

There is a basement at comet pingpong. They just tell you there isn't so you appear crazy.

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>Pizzagate is fake
There is no basement at comet ping pong pizza, so obviously the whole conspiracy is just a fake.

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He's not wrong
t. autism man

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get out of here nigger faggot 12 year old

Friendly reminder pizzagate isnt about a fucking pizzaria run by an obvious demon, its about the syntax used in personal emails by extremely wealthy and affluently politically powered people. Super wealthy people hire personal chefs they dont EMAIL each other about a specific food which by and by showed no varience in context which only solidifies they spoke in code. The fbi provided the key to break said code words. The pizzaria was a bonus and only made is more obivious, the level of hubris and in plain view is astounding, we will never again be asleep to jusy how evil these demons truely are.

>Jerking off to a gay man lathering himself in semen
Wanna know how I know you’re a faggot? Also, what are you doing later... it sounds fun ;)

I'm always flabbergasted at the fact that so many people here converse with normal people.

Just don't talk to people, works for me.

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The more I see shills posted the same bullshit talking points, the more convinced I become that Pizzagate is real.

That's what you get for being an underaged faggot and revealing your power level to your mom.
You probably did it wrong anyway. I told my mother about the kikes when I visited last summer and she still loves me just fine.

This. There's right and wrong people in your life to discuss politics with. It's fairly easy to tell very quickly who's going to be open to what kind of shit, and if always err on the side of caution you'll never ruin any relationships.
That said, pizzagate is pretty much never going to be a topic worth broaching with any normie. It's the kind of thing you have to discover by yourself to believe in it. There's simply no way to explain it in a conversation without sounding like a nutjob.

>That was a guess by those who were digging when the emails dropped.
It was probably a good guess, maybe the basement was at Buck's.

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Claim you were sexually assaulted by some left-wing federal circuit judge.

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>dropping this redpill before more easily accepted ones
U dun goofed

You can't just talk about it while having nothing to back your claims. You need to have an arsenal of infographics and such that cannot be refuted.

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user, you can't do that satirical posting style anymore and expect to reach the newfags. They don't grasp the layered meaning and instead just become confused by your statement being contrary to the image, and in their confusion they just revert back to their original position because it feels safer to them. Learned helplessness is a motherfucker.

>talking to NPCs about how fucked up the world is
whats the point?

Whats with all the "lol pizzagate fags amirite?" threads?

Are (((they))) worried?

ill bet you my chinese didgeridoo that they are

Is Alefantis a Rothschild?

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OP is underage, else OP's mom couldn't admit him to therapy without his consent.

sure seems that way

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If you haven't seen anything with your own two eyes don't claim that it is absolutely real
You played yourself
also your parents hate you

Yeah it was never proven either dude

>it was never proven
if you have your eyes closed, maybe

This is why you're supposed to hide your power-level. You can't just come out swinging with Pizzagate and race IQ statistics and the rate of burning bodies in the (((((((((death camps)))))))))). You have to ease people in.
You didn't just hop on Jow Forums one day and get an immediate redpill. it happens gradually

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pizzagate was brought over by the Q user retards. Anyone who believes this shit is a fucking moron. Your mom is right, time to grow a brain.

Cheese Pizza...
Comet Pizza...

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q came after, and was lumped into pizzagate in a further attempt to discredit it. you got played

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No its from wikileaks before Assange was comped, you insufferable faggot. And the fact that cheese pizza has been a code for years.

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You clearly weren't here at the time. People were reading through the Podesta emails and kept finding weird pizza related stuff, and started thinking it was a code for something else. That's what Pizzagate was.