Attached: you lost.png (800x755, 93K)
You're all an embarrassment
Luke Moore
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Connor Roberts
add the nigger and native american flags in there
Brody King
I didn't know you could kill ideas
William Sullivan
Connor Adams
The USSR won they succeeded in their mission.
They beat America.
Dominic Perry
ISIS also won
Ayden Peterson
Bump. Dunno why Jow Forums worships ideologies that were complete failures.
Austin Lewis
kek what?
Landon Rivera
Guess who didn’t lose OP?
Colton Brown
Gavin Martin
William Murphy
They haven't started they are still
Pretending to be antifa
>catch up
Asher Sullivan
National Socialism did not fail to work(It worked fantastically) They were simply over powered.
Christopher Cook
I don't align with any of them, I just know progressive and liberals aren't offering much that appeals to me.
If that makes me whatever you need to fantasize about us being.... okay, enjoy your delusion.
We may not protest, but we DO vote like motherfuckers.
Lucas Smith
Fuck of u gay kike it's just a discussion that is provocative on purpose to get responses.
Matthew Parker
I didn't lose anything, I'm just a likeminded individual. ain't even mad
Jonathan Miller
>aussie education
The USSR collapsed in a bloodless coup, that isn't winning.
Daniel Rogers
Matthew Bennett
Yes they won it's main goal was to inject America with the complete antithesis of it's current values or rather the complete antithesis of the western worlds values America was the target though. Communism was created in the way that it would totally rival the Western worlds morals and values it was created and implanted knowing it would economically fail as a way to give the illusion that they lost when really their main objective was to culturally subvert. Many people think that the commies main weapon was espionage when really that would of only been about 15% the rest is cultural subversion. We have lost the 4 stages are pretty much complete America is nearly gone it wont be long until the economic failure happens in the western world. ((They)) will set of bombs in all of the capitals of the world it will be 9/11 on steroids and when economically the world is crumpling and everyone is in such shock from the terrorist attacks then organisations like FEMA will walk in and become the leaders of the New World and because the commies managed to implant their ideologies (not enough so the current ideology will be destroyed but enough to divide and conquer, to put the country in ruins, to break down and sort of morals and values so they can then implant their morals and values). That is why we must act now, it is why we must fight now, it is why the West shall fall. Take arms brothers and fight.
Cooper Martin
It collapsed to make you think they lost it was created knowing it would fail.
I said it all hereAlso I would recommend watching this short interview with a KGB defector who says the same things I am saying.
Christopher Rogers
Tell that to these losers.
Jacob Jenkins
Wow, that's a lot of mental gymnastics.
Gavin Jones
>cole phelps
Cole Phelps was an American who put a bunch of commie nerds in jail, even without them being guilty
Cooper Allen
Explain what I said was wrong. Exactly you cant I used no mental gymnastics you just can't handle the truth besides I hate the fucken commies.
Julian Jones
But do you know what is mental gymnastics Anarchism. MUh GuN IT' wILL PtruteCt MUh FreOdOM
Colton Moore
>says the fucking anarchist
Oh the ironing
Aiden Cox
ah yes that must be it! genius!
Jaxson Long
Do you disagree or are you just going tp be a sarcastic cunt?
Gabriel Howard
I too love the status quo liberal order :^)))
Things are great! McWageslavin' it, hell yeah!
Charles Diaz
He's got a point you know.
Oliver Howard
good post :-)
Lucas Barnes
Look bastard, you're gonna die some day, and if you don't care all that much how old you are, or how you go, get off your ass and do something. Unless you're brain broken, you can even survive homeless if you think ahead a little.
Just don't blame the rest of us for you being too scared to start.
Carson Stewart
You do realize it was America who beat you Nazi Faggots right
Asher Foster
that post was devoid of meaning, but I think it was great anyway. where's the upvote button?
Henry Perez
>he thinks the communists lost
fucking retard, you're not worth engaging
go to school
2/10 made me reply
Liam Scott
But I didn’t lose, I’m already higher up the social ladder than most of the fags on here now.
Jack Rodriguez
>t. petty bourgeois with delusions of grandeur
Jackson White
you haven't truly lost till everyone who believes in the cause has died.
Jaxon Carter
Nah, I already know what I plan to do with my life and it’s far away from the bullshit of Western Society. But if you niggers try following me I’ll kill you without a second thought.
Brayden Rogers
Thank you user your post has reignited the burning fire in my heart that is National Socialism
Jonathan Campbell
What you refer to as communism is actually just the talmud thinly coated in economics and the color red to attract retards. Jews haven't won shit, despite being in power. The jews are weak and their system is fragile. It depends entirely on us being isolated and atomized. This is why individualism is cancer, and this is why the jews fear Jow Forums. A fucking image board is all it takes to rock the apple cart at this point. Here in the US they're going after right wing fitness clubs. A bunch of strong young white men committing wrongthink together and networking offline is bad news for the kikes. And try not to take the FEMA camp shit too seriously. They can plan this stuff out all they want but any sort of mass civil unrest is going to be nearly impossible to clamp down on. If it was any other way they wouldn't be deplatforming us and going after us like they are now.
I also see that you've posted the black sun. Do you understand the symbolism behind it? It represents a higher order. Though each spoke may be a ray of the sun, all of them originate from something much larger. From one comes all. Figures from our history who we've long looked up to, be they Christ, Hitler, or Tyr, all of these heroes have something in common. They're brave. They risk or give their own lives willingly for something far greater than themselves. They understood that not making those sacrifices would lead to the destruction of their own people and way of life, and by extension, themselves. The black sun is the ultimate symbol of order. Order is what allows us to beat chaos into submission and conquer new frontiers. It's the consciousness, awareness, and duty that flows through the blood of all good men. Even in the night, the black sun shines just as bright. Look up and embrace its warmth.
Hunter Peterson
ok Mars user
Tyler Collins
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they didn't die for faggots to have the right to cut their dicks off and become women. America was a white nationalist empire. I believe that American Nationalism is the only true way forward.
Matthew White
>I worship history’s first hop head emo who lost his testicle in one war and his brain matter in the other.
Fuck all that shit, Western Society and people as a whole suck. Why not set your goals for what lies out far in the East where the gun is law?
Josiah Hernandez
Leo Collins
>t. a fucking jew
Listen here, Goldstein. The morality of whites isn't based on some ancient book. It isn't enforced by the sword or by the bank. I know it might be difficult for you to wrap your little pea brain around, but we do what's best for own people, and we think not just of ourselves, but of our neighbor, our fellow man. This is what separates us from cockroaches like yourself who are driven by raw emotion and selfishness.
Even if our higher ideals are never realized, we are the masters of this reality, and when we die you'll go with us.
Jaxon Bailey
Logan Bell
Hudson Cooper
Kek no it didn't. Nazi Germany was bankrupted by Hitler's ludicrous debt funding of his national projects that's why he ended up having to loot all his neighbouring countries or he would have had to print their way out of insolvency
Ethan Powell
child's play compared to what goes on with modern governments.
Eli Martinez
I bet youre a 150kg virgin
Luke Jenkins
am I wrong?
Dominic Turner
Elijah Cox
Umm not even close. Hitler bankrupted Germany within about 5 years of sacking his actually competent economic advisor who achieved all the good things in the early years, but sacked him anyway because he was sucking Hitler's dick enough which is pretty typical of these authoritarian tyrannies
Bentley Nguyen
Yes you're wrong. Morality of whites has never been consistent. The irony is that for the last 2000 years it's been largely derived from kikery
Jace Lewis
>Blah blah blah I’m butthurt
Enjoyed the rant but ultimately you’re just another larper like most faggots I’ve met here. That’s okay though, because this conversation is irrelevant. Just so you know “your people” on average do not give a shit about you or your meme ideology, most just want to find fulfillment and purpose in life. Right now they’re not going to find that in the current mundane society we live in full of shit and squabble, it’s miserable here frankly. But thankfully I won’t have to live here for much longer, and maybe spending a couple decades in a place where every bush is a death trap and every insect is a pandemic will get the heart pumping again.
Julian Morgan
I would say the ideology of Jews and the Ideology of Communism is very different it was more created not to express their beliefs but to express the complete opposite of what the current values and morals were in the western world as a way to both divide and conquer and to break down any sort of commonly held morals and also take control of western morals and bend them to their will butt just enough so people still think it's "traditional" like the republican party and the liberals are the implanted ideology from the commies which was also being enforced by plenty of Jews in the western world. They wish to break down any sort of Values and morals until their is no commonly held ground and they can then successfully implant their ideology's and morals. But of coarse as these commonly held beliefs start to rot there is now room for a new system and ideology it's just they want to make sure it's their ideology not Fascism as they know their must be an economic collapse where they will swoop in like vultures but so will we and if we can ignite the fire of Race and Justice and Truth that lays in the hearts of men then the wheel in the sky will continue to turn.
Yes it consists of 12 Sig runes which represent the sun and conquering energy, three swastikas representing the Aryan race and is also a sun wheel representing perhaps the cycle of life or perhaps associated with God as the Sun being a representation of God and together represents the Aryan taking his rightful place in nature as the leader and conquer. The time will come brother and when it does the Black sun shall shine brighter than it ever has before.
Gabriel Baker
Bankrupt no these projects enhanced the state.
Cooper Scott
Death to Niggers
Death to Northerners
Death to the Union
Jacob Ward
what does it take to make a good joke nowadays besides running for the republican party and having the name "Jeb Bush"
Adam Ramirez
based and redpilled
Brayden Jackson
the deficit spending of Nazi Germany accumulated 38 billion marks of debt by 1939, equivalent to 15 billion USD at the time. the USA held 40 billion USD of debt in 1939. on top of that, Hitler had a plan which would allow him to not even repay most of that debt.
the deficit Hitler ran was not even absurd by the standards of the day, let alone the standards of today. You're either lying about this or misinformed.
why do you feel the need to attack my race? are you a Jew?
Noah Sanders
>you lost
Do you feel like you "won" something? Maybe the right to go extinct so a race that worships slavery and usury can inherit the world? Your extinct genes can pat your non-existent soul on the back for your selflessness once you're gone. That'll really stick it to your parents for making you! You can have the last laugh for being born so privileged!
Colton Young
Lucas Price
>Comparing healthy patriotism with (((Communism))) and (((National-Socialism))
Carter Collins
>Uses 30IQ propaganda to demonstrate point.
Yeah I'm pretty sure the Berlin wall fell and the USSR collapsed and Communism got pushed back into Asia.
Camden King
this would fix so many problems
Charles Kelly
>those who lose are wrong
>those who win are right