I hjear you guys where looking for a new queen

given the betrayal, i think i its only fair to replace her with an even more based one

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Your mother getting gang banged by niggers is our new queen.


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how much for your little sister amigo

who is this ejaculation target?

>i hjear you guys where looking for a new queen
>given the betrayal
What is going on? Asking for a friend.

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Tylor Swift just endorced Democrats

lolwut really? Damn. Over the Kavanaugh/"believe all roasties" shit?

We are having a civil war over whether Ann Coulter or Laura Ingram is the rightful queen of Jow Forums Laura has always been the queen

Gay same thread. We already confirmed Avril as new Supreme /OurGirl/.

Famous wealthy Hollywood socialites don't read the news, their handlers spoonfeed them tidbits and have them pile on any profitable looking bandwagon that happens along.

It's all pretty vapid, they don't really live in the same world as us.

Don’t know something to do with Tennessee senator Marsha Blackbern.

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Laura blatently threw it up and held it at cpac.
but also adopted a Guatemalan.


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10/10 trap.

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We already have our new queen.

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Attached: Cracky2.jpg (480x640, 45K)

the fuck is wrong with her nose?

Everybody knows poles qween is
Ana kasparian
Zoe Quinn
Any currently popular nigger
And that one bitch from tyt
Or cenk

Isn't she a leaf?

stop posting traps

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