Time to burn all your TayTay posters and break her CDs.
Jow Forums on suicide watch
Other urls found in this thread:
Why did anyone on here even care about swift in the first place?
It is time for EurasianTiger to renounce his "masculinity", transition to womanhood, and live out the rest of his life, content as a cock sleeve
"Get woke, go broke" shall begin with this one.
>breaks silence
>outspoken feminist for years
>supported women's march
>supported march for our lives and donated money to gun control group
fuck off shill
>gets fat
>becomes democrat
Maybe it's time to re-evaluate your life. Everyone can see your paranoia has caught up with you. Why don't you try not being such an unfuckable incel virgin, get a job and contribute to society. Maybe then you'll stop posting your racist shit about jews. It's not edgy or funny. No-one in decent society finds your deplorable behaviour acceptable. In short, you're a loser .
Red wave
Good fucking question. The answer? Bunch of wannabe normies trying to fit in so they can get laid. They were obsessed with her like all the good little girls they chase in the hopes of getting pussy. It's fucking pathetic and I'm so glad this dumb cunt won't be getting posted and drooled over for no reason anymore now.
On here? Never. Andre Anglin tried to meme here as a NatSoc idol and some anons went along with it, but no one eve actually liked her.
But Democrats are the REAL racists, Danesh Dasouza or whatever his streetshitting name is said so! So shouldn't we endorse this?
Literally Who?
>didn't see this coming a mile away
Friendly Reminder
Taylor is promoted here for her looks only, no other reason. Her music is very bland, and only young girls, not old enough to vote, listen to it.
>She wants to make a political statement during the Kavanaugh controversy
>Literally endorses a Dem who said he would have voted in favor of Kavanaugh
The shills are on double shifts tonight. I hope you're getting those extra shekels for overtime.
>all this projection
When she didn't rebuke or say anything against the neonazi marches Jow Forums took it as a sign that she was on their side
lmfao, when did op say anything racist? ffs, the projection is off the charts here
I always knew she was a roastie whore
>trusting a wh*Te woman, and a celebrity, to have a correct political opinion in the current year
LOL! You can probably count the amount of women as right as I am in hollywood on your fucking toes.
The truth is...
you still a furry faggot for posting dat shit senpai
>spends most of the last two years in her jew york apt, annoying and inconveniencing everyone else that lives in the building
>moves down to her TN place for a couple of weeks
>starts talking about "her" TN values
So brave, coming out as the status quo????? Hot damn!
Id smash.
>Muh Tennessee values
whatever the fuck that means
God i wish yoga pants were a thing when i was in high school.
Well if she endorsed the Demonrats, I better too. She is such a fucking brain about these matters! I must vote for Demonrats now.
>my brain is mush
>need direction
>will follow (((media))) wisdom
It isn't somehow surprising, she was clearly a liberal. Even without opinions such as anti-gun bullshit, she's a white female celebrity; safe bet she is a liberal 98% of the time.
Seriously. How dumb do you have to be to think a pop star would support anyone but a democrat?
Seriously, her Father has probably swallowed more of George Soros' semen than Macron.
The only thing she bleeds is blue.
I can't wait until it's revealed she fucks black guys.
So Taylor Swift picks losers and backs degenerates . Why should i care?
She's preparing to come out.
sorry to break it to you, but lauren southern burns coal like there's no tomorrow
But Lauren is a mudshark...
You can tell she's a whore, too. Even just by the picture here, like that dumb Rowlands chick.
>Worships Whites
>Hates niggers
>Trolls her bandmates
>Loves the memes
>Does not give a fuck
>Actual weapon skills
Say hello to the new Queen of Pol!
I thought it was just to troll another Hollywood kike puppet
If there really were Tay Tay admirers on this site, they should immediately hang themselves
>Worships Whites
>Hates niggers
>Hates China so much it almost cost her career
>Trolls her bandmates
>Loves the memes
>Doesn't give a fuck
>Seriously, does give a fuck
>Actual weapon skills
Say hello to the new Queen of Pol!
This bitch has done nothing for Tennessee.
Dolly Parton is the only celebrity that has any right to
Lauren is an attention seeking bitch.
>Oh look at me and muh gunz, pls pay attention to me
Only pathetic, overweight, McDonald's eating, trailer-living, low-IQ, cousin-fucking southerners get wet for that dog
Hannah Barron is the new queen of Jow Forums:
1) Southern Accent
2) Hunts, does Carpentry, is not a shitlib
3) Never fucked a nog
4) Has the same last name as future GALATIC EMPEROR BARRON
Here she is popping alligators in the head with a handgun: (at about 5:00)
Stupid rednecks. You thought she was 1488
You thought she was your nazi field wife
You thought she was the savior of your cucked up, ancestry.com, brown haired brown eyed, "aryan", starcucks drinking, volvo driving, f150 fucking race
Top jej
Nnnnooooooo taytay nooooool I thought you were /our white girl/
I'm livid
They can have her. We have Post Malone now.
Who the fuck is this bitch anyway???
ITs like the evil just crawls inside of them , just like the bible says
lol. white women are dead to me.
So you get wet for her then?
>b-b-but muh based tay tay shes not owned by da joos no shes based and redpilled and maga maga NOOOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>a disgusting thot
Wow dude, she’s sooo cool.
the absolute state of reddit
>muh reddit reddit reddit wahhh wahh
There was a theory that she browsed /b/
>jew publicists
Taytay is literally a virgin, fucko. KYS right now
you mean memes and youtube playlists?
Hahahaha. That photo is gold
>implying anyone here cares what a woman thinks about politics
women shouldn't be allowed opinions. they just need to breed.
Good maybe you retards will shut up about celebs with political opinions for once.
>/b on suicide watch
I'm sure none cares about this roastie here.
Well she's a Canadian, she's bound to have some issues with being a degenerate.
>the great culture war of 2020 is rapidly approaching
>conservatives, with the first overall pick, draft kanye west
>liberals take taylor swift
ok bros who do we get next?
She stayed out of it for a really long time. Bet she caught shit from her jew agents for not disavowing.
this. staying silent is the best thing a celebrity can do
>democrats have to appease wy pipo again
>drop their identity politics
>minorities turn to Trump
>move to nyc
>become democrat
Every single time.
>closeted dyke
>comes out as a democrat supporter
Wow it's fucking nothing
Pretend your a fucking retard in an attempt to be nice.
time for our new queen to rise up
How fast does her career implode now that she's just lady gaga 2.0
Hang Jews in the streets.
She just finished her record breaking tour in the US, why do you think she spoke now?
Fuck her
they just love her aesthetics
>tfw the yellow fever hits you really hard
s-sauce me, desu.
Does this type of endorsements by celebs even work in US politics? I mean, does it actually convinces someone to vote for candidate "endorsed by my favorite pop star"? Her most fanatic fans are around age 12-15, they cannot vote. So, what does it achieve? Free press for candidate?
T.S. was only popular here because she's attractive and kept higher month shut about politics (for business reasons, obviously. Dunno, why she decided to change that. Maybe, she hopes that opinion pieces about "TayTay silence on Trump is deafening" will stop now).
Last album really sucked anyway.
>w-we never really cared about her ha ha
The only reason why she did not openly admit to being a liberal until now was because she knew that much of her audience were conservative fans left over from her ‘country’ days.
Who would have thought that Kanye would be the one that is on our side.
Meh weekend was too good to let this reddit tier shilling bring me down and I'm still gonna use Nazi Tay memes
Jesus fuck, who cares what celebrities think about politics?
Even normies don't care. Remember how celebrities shilled for Hillary?
kim seolhyun
lol same. they think its some sorth of a victory over Jow Forums and right wing but it only shows the level of their desperation.
I want to boycott her, but I've never actually owned anything by her and don't like her music, and can't fap to her since she got fat.
What am I mean to do here?
>insectbot programmed to 'this is cute, right?' setting
Interested to see if we'll see rednecks burning TS albums.
I honestly hope so.
She's abandoned her own to support multi-cult, globalist, manhaters.
Sauce pls
>ignoring that she shits all over sjw protestors and voting for someone that backed Kav
she's an old school Kennedy democrat. That's about the best you're gonna get out of the entertainment industry
it`s a very effective setting
She's not a real woman, isn't that enough to turn your backs on her ?
>Wanting additional distraction from sluts when it's already impossible to go a class without an erection
Wtf is wrong with you? Kys
Are they wrong, tho?
Face it, /ourgirl/ has betrayed us. I can't believe I fapped to her feet pics. She's dead to me.