White hate thread

You guys know certain cultures view white ppl the same way you guys view niggers:
Uncouth, entitled, deluded ruffians stupid enough to be shielded from their hypocrisy

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What's your point faggot?

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we were so close

Actually most people really like us and prefer living in our countries than their own (which is actually quite sad)

>implying any culture that is not white has the means and is advanced enough to worry about white people

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Given most of the content posted here, I don't blame them.

To be fair, whites had an edge when it came to taking stuff that doesn’t belong to them

Go live there then you massive shitskinned faggot.

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to be fair, its not like you could do anything about it due to you being subhuman

Nah you guys took more than your share of the pie, i’ll go back once I had my fill

Vae Victis. The right of conquest is legitimate, and the conquered who insults the conqueror only insults himself, for had he been superior, he would not have been conquered.

but they still count years as the white man does
> 2018

>unable to defend land from being taken
>wahh so unfair :(
Asians could do it, why not the browns

Yes, OP, we know you jews look down on us goyim.

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>latin phrase for improved legitimacy

Ok don’t complain the next time a nigger beats you down, takes your wallet, and fucks your wife

>fair share
this is why you will lose
stupid commies

>Implying a nigger would fuck his wife
>Implying we don’t carry
Your power fantasies are pathetic. Go move to a non white country if you want to get away from whites.

theyre obviously retarded though kek

Never said anything about a ‘fair’ share, you guys just felt entitled to more resources

You missed the point, in that situation the nigger would be justified

>niggers ooga booga-ing all over my Jow Forums
Go take a dirt nap, spook

He would be if i were weak enough to let that happen. I'm not. His ancestors were weak enough to get colonized though. As to "improved legitimacy" I don't know what that means. The quote typifies cold political realism, in that the conquered are at the mercy of their conquerors. They are, aren't they?

>drunk nigger shoots you from the back

Vae victis

fuck off kike

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>Interactions between individuals are comparable to interactions between states or nations

Yes, but they're not white, so their opinions can be discarded.

i mean they kinda are. Suppose you preach compassion to your fellow man in a state, and then go kill all the redskins. One of two things must be true, either you are not compassionate to your fellow man, or the redskins are subhuman

Thats awesome hahaha

Yes, and that's another reason to hate the anti-whites. Because they've always hated us whereas we tried to give them a chance.

And my ID is "God" so you can't question me.


nah I hate everyone equally, i just came here to rustle some jimmies, not too many bites tho

I don't hate everyone but those who I would smite are legion and clustered, but the righteous live among them. They will be given a warning when the time is right.

They're not similar in degree whatsoever. It's like how oranges and hydrochloric acid are both acidic. Same in type, not the same in degree. It's good and moral for people to be compassionate, but on a meta level, if the state is too compassionate, it gets absolutely steamrolled. The duty of a state is to act in pure self interest of the nation that it represents. Human history is a series of wars for resources. I don't see why you don't understand that both of these things can be true. People within a society can be good to each other while at the same time being advocates for their own interests internationally. That doesn't make them hypocritical, it makes them pragmatic. If the redskins banded together as advocates for their interests sooner, they wouldn't have been so easy to divide and conquer.

I was kidding , hate is a strong crippling emotion that gives a lot of power to the object of your hatred

So you'll hold that viewpoint when the jews hold all the power in a one world government?

idk, i feel it's possible for a group to promote its own interest without steamrolling other groups, but I agree that for most of history steamrolling was an effective strategy that used intergroup differences to fuel an "us-vs-them" mentality.

>certain cultures
pretty sure those cultures are the ones we enslaved and had our foot on their neck for so long that only getting bored of it madeit stop

Don't hate the player?

Disgust is a better motivator than hate.

Does the Lion care what the Gazelle thinks?

Statistics say blacks are niggers 80% of the time.

What's your point?

Oh wow. u mad af about our supreme court huh lmao