Give me your best paranoids
Give me your best paranoids
Your father taking it in the ass
Plants are in a war for the planet and use humans as proxies.
I didnt say dreams
Sounds like nigger code
The Jews aren't actually doing anything "evil", especially against Europeans, and Jow Forums is just a board of conspiracy theorists. It really was just a coincidence and it was amplified because Jow Forums had confirmation bias. Eventually this sentiment grew stronger and users began to create clever stories and subtle propaganda pieces. They started seeing Jews everywhere they weren't.
Every new person that comes on Jow Forums and becomes "redpilled" is another person indoctrinated into a politically driven ideology.
Therefore, wasting a good chunk of your life to a goose chase.
Not knowing a goddamn fact of your own spewing for 1000 Alex
It's been one century since the spanish flu, and now we have a widespread international transit system.
Unironically this.
Plants domesticated us, not the other way round. Before agriculture we were chill as fuck " working" around 15 hours a week. We had all we needed.
But then we settled and got led to the slaughterhouse. All the while plants explode across the world and completly dominate everything.
Aggressive behavior towards anything that shows skepticism to the ideology is a sign of someone who is indoctrinated.
Reflect on what you believe, user...
I believe im right and i was raised correctly by American standards so suck my ass. Also i like beer
Seems like a bot response to the facts
>Seems like a bot response
The far left claims anyone that's against their ideologies facts are bots.
swim is literally at war with niggers and jews brought the niggers here
fuck you
Youve reached Olympic levels of retardism user
Who the fuck are you user???
I expected these responses and it reflects poorly on Jow Forums.
A user that gave you my "best paranoid".
Moscovium 291 is super stable with a half life around 2000 years. The atoms are geometrically weird to the max, and their properties are even weirder. The Isotope can be excited to a metastable state that shortly decays by emitting an antimatter particle. Same technology that makes interstellar travel possible is also a doomsday device.
The jews are the chosen people
chosen to look like bugs
and israel will be overrun by arabs with metal poles and concrete slabs 15 years tops
>best paranoid
Read the OP's description.
>The atoms are geometrically weird to the max
radical daddio