We are so fucking sad, Jesus Christ. Who cares about the whore? We have Trump. We have Kavanaugh and Gorsuch. We have an entire party, shitposting for us, using our memes, and being influenced by us. We've literally made half of the elected US government bend the knee to a steak salesman, and yet we obsess over this shit. Why can't we just stop with these whores? Women are always like that until you break them.
Tay looks like the whitest woman in America. Seeing be a jew whore hurts the sensibilities of some. Caring about the opinions of women makes you a weak man in the first place.
>anons complain about woods being a little tamer >he cranks it up to 11 ONE OF US
Nathan Reyes
>base fallacy >doesn't prove it wrong K.
>anus to outsiders Maybe the more meritorious "outsider" is better for my business than the "insider" that is good for nothing?
>why do you deny your countrymen the opportunity A. countrymen is not a rational for baseless donations of support, if I believed that I would believe welfare is justified, which it isn't. B. My business exists to make profit for myself and my shareholders, I don't owe my "countrymen" anything. I didn't sign on any dotted line, they don't pay me anything except as a willing customer. I owe a duty to my shareholders and my family to maximize profit, because that's the entire fucking point of business. To that end, I hire the most qualified, not the most "countryman"
>rigorous standards don't count Why not? I don't want to defend republicans OR democrats, I think my idea is better than both. I'll defend my idea, thanks much.
>said individuals are wards of the company Well if you're going to sponsor an immigrant on the basis of meritorious employment, aren't they?
>what punishment Equal tortious liability, e.g. if you sponsor a drunk driver, you pay the damages AND they pay the damages. Don't sponsor shitty immigrants.
>are you even out of high school yes
>based civnat afraid of being racist I am racist, in the sense that I judge people based on heuristic notions justified by statistical evidence until proved false by the individual's conduct. I'm not "civnat", I'm "ancap".
Jordan Jones
Which is fucking obvious to anyone who ever read a book.
>North Korea poster appears, discusses relevant foreign policy, and leaves >South Korea spews angry engrish and attempts babby's first black pill You really are worst Korea.
>ancap You're worse than a fucking jew. I wonder how that profit will treat you when niggers rape your family and burn your business down. Even jews are smart enough to support jewish communities and keep close to other jews. Your ideology will leave you isolated against the very hordes you expect to exploit.
I dont give a shit, its not beneficial to whites which is the majority
Jack Howard
>because of a mutally shared color of skin I am to be expected to take out of my son's mouth and put into your son's mouth This is the definition of cuckoldry.
based blackpiller shattering the hearts of the white race
Jose Thomas
>niggers rape your family 2nd amendment >burn your business down 2nd amendment >jews protect each other Yes, let's make america more in the likeness of the jewish state, because that will benefit everyone.
>2nd amendment You are alone. >2nd amendment You are alone. >lets make America more like a jewish state You literally just advocated such except with the added benefit of zero community protection. You a retard like every ancap.
Not an argument. >i owe a racial duty to my brothers to be their keeper That's your inner jew talking. You're a jew and/or the practitioner of jewish philosophy. It's exactly what the fuck you are bitching about jews doing, and the fact that you would turn around and do the same thing if you were in charge is scary.