Russian American Jews. What does Jow Forums think? I met one today, and they were extra mean and Jewy.
Russian American Jews. What does Jow Forums think? I met one today, and they were extra mean and Jewy
>wearing a cross
Pic unrelated
>they were extra mean and Jewy.
they are the worst of the worst
They want to fit in with their tribe from the Holy America so much they double down on all the disgusting things and opinions your jews already have. Well at least the ones emigrating from 2000s and later. The wave of 70-90’s lives mostly in NYC’s Brighton and they’re a funny bunch stuck in time (talk about the jewish genius lol)
isnt this guy a russian jew
Yeah. Some are Christian. Their ancestors converted back in Russia. Then in the 80s those ethnic Christian jews used Israel as a trampoline to USA. From what I saw most of them are atheists. Some practice Judaism, few are Christian. The atheists are not militant tho, they get Christmas trees in winter for example, because they grew up doing it.
Most of them are right wing. If you look at NYC voting map their neighborhoods are red, most are pro Trump. Too bad their grand kids are mostly liberal.
It’s a russian atheist tradition to get a christmas tree for the new year. Absolutely the same shit as christmas, except we do it for the new year’s eve.
is this guy jewish?
I mean the whole country does, except for a couple percent of really devote christians.
la atrocidad...
The irony here is that christmas tree used to be a pagan tradition, then was overtaken by Christians.
Part Russian and part Ashkenazi here (half Russian, quarter kike).
There is no such thing as a Russian Jew. There are simply mutts like me or flat-out kikes.
The RUSSIAN neighborhoods are red. Not the kike-infested shitholes in the main city. I had family there, and one of the priests back in the day would regularly blast the Jews during service, another guy spent his time distributing stuff like the Protocols.
They are extreme kikes. I had one as a roomate before. He was dumb, greedy, a pedophile, and a coward. I almost killed him and cucked him a few times.
They are good solid people. But the adidas track suit pants worn by both men and women are concerning.
Reporting in AMA
It wasnt that they converted back in russia its that some are mixed with ethnic russians
Weren't Russian Jews asian nomads of somesort who were the Bolsheviks?
10 rubles have been deposited in your account
Russian Jews are Ashkenazi Jews (related to polish jews hungarian jews etc) who lived in the territory of Russia
And many early bolsheviks were jewish till stalin purged them
According to my Russian Geography texbook, 80% of your country is baptized orthodox, but only like, 14% are actually attending services.
True or untrue, Ivan?
By asian nomads you might mean the Khazars a medieval Turkic kingdom whose elite converted to Judaism and whose territory is now part of russia?
Legacy of state atheism from the communists
They are awful people, don't ever deal with them
At least were not hopeless drunks
Yes. I think you tell that the man in this photo is an assortment of some type of Hapa with his monolid eyes, but cacausian body frame now thar I look at it close
Russia in general has an Asian thread running through it, the result of proximity to Asia and many years of being Khan’d
Yes Russia got Khan'd in its earlier ages, but re-arosed and got payback.
Now China is trying to buy them back. The struggle continues.
Meh I think even Putin himself is Mongoloid considering his facial features. He also seems to be positioning himself with China to move against the US-Zionist empire. Its gonna be interesting to say the least
I mean, not really. The Khanates all kind of fell apart on their own without a strong charismatic leader like Temujin or Kublai. Hell, the Muscovite state that would form the basis of what we now know as "Russia" was actually pretty late to the game in throwing off "the mongol yoke." A whole bunch of other places had already done so by the time Ivan II started truly pushing back (a job that Ivan IV arguably finished when he took Khazan before he got old, took a bunch of mercury for his weird bone disease and became mad and "the terrible.").
look at the size of that bitches tits holy FUCK
A grand Hapa empire the likes of which even Elliot couldnt conceive
Do the former asians of the former Khanates resent the Russian conquests like some Latinoes do against the Spanish Empire?
more like Russian At Jews
theyre the best fertilizer for forests.
>t. know them irl
Plenty of Uralic commies as well
based and redpilled
they are the reason why the U.S don't like Russia and Russia doesn't like the U.S.
Being over 5 foot 6 hmmm
I have no idea what you're trying to prove with that link. The Muscovite princes of the Rurik dynasty came to prominence by getting control of the yarlik, which was the office to be the main person who paid tribute to the mongols. They gained legitimacy to rule by effectively playing into the Mongolian power structure under Ivan I. It was his son who pushed back a little bit, but not entirely - Ivan II (the Great). It was Ivan II's grandson who truly completed the process, but who also destroyed the Rurik dynasty. In the same period, other former Mongol ruled territories were breaking away from control by the Khanate. Hell, tamerlane had broken off and tried to form his own empire just as one example, and the Khanate that controlled China had long been overthrown.
he's Russian, she's Jewish and neither are Americans.
Well that link says when it started heres when it ended once and for all
The mongols and their allies lost some parts of their empire later than others. Descendants of Genghis Khan ruled dynasties in backwater places till modern times
But lots of the Russian nobility in czar times was of tatar descent etc
OK, but my point was that this was a late stage development compared to other places once ruled by the mongols.
>As the power of the Mongols declined, chaos erupted throughout the empire as non-Mongol leaders expanded their own influence. The Golden Horde lost all of its western dominions (including modern Belarus and Ukraine) to Poland and Lithuania between 1342 and 1369.
>Mongols quickly lost most of China to the rebellious Ming forces and in 1368 fled to their heartland in Mongolia.
The battle at the Ugra River was in 1480.
Meaning Russia was indeed Khan’d
No, all asians in russia are russified and are bro tier
Not anymore tho
Now its Cohen’d
Most """normal""" Jews fled in 1917 and through the 1920s, the remained wanted to gain something from the system, then got punched back and ever since remain in a hellish limbo.
Russian Jews == commies removed from power
Maybe not every Russian Jew wanted to leave his whole life just cause of a change of government even if he didnt particularly care for communism?
My great grandfather was a Russian Jew who fled from Bolshevik killing squads.
He made a shitload of money as a San Francisco slumlord in the 30s and 40s, sired my grandfather with his 17 year old mistress. Abandoned them and that's all I know.
"Russian Jewish" is just a secret club handshake for Bolsheviks old and new. The Bolsheviks hated ethnic Russians. Look at all the people writing subversive dive and conquer articles where one article is the logical negation of the other yet they somehow support both P and ~P simultaneously. The writer is of "Russian Jewish" ancestry. They're like deep cover (legends) that were indoctrinated by their parents, who were indoctrinated by their parents, so on and so forth. Continuing the long march. No Bolshevik would ever consider themselves Russian. Always be suspicious of the so called Russian Jew. They are up to something.
t (((Italian-German)))
Well then we need double the gas for those
100% true
Unfortunately, 99% of our christians dont know ANYTHING about their religion and they attend services only two times a year (christmas and easter) at best.
All Jews are filth. The Russian ones are even more savage and subhuman and they run one of the most violent and ruthless criminal organizations in the world outside of the government.
People started baptizing in the 90s after the commie cult had fallen, there were Christians during soviet era, but not so numerous.
Most of children get baptized, but a rare one is religious when grows up.
Lots of believers are just superstitious which is heresy anyway.
They call themselves Pravoslavny ("rightly praising"; Orthodox) Christians, but when you ask them in details what they really believe, it turns out they are mostly Ietsists.
Real Orthodox Christians are mostly old military/FSB/GRU officers.
Look at his nose - definately a jew
You have to remember that bolsheviks were tough on the rich and religious people. Many of early jewish emigrants checked both boxes.