What is your honest opinion about gay marriage and lgbt couples adopting children?

Redpill me about this. Let's find out. Asking for a friend.

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die die die die die die die die

Gay marriage im ok with. In theory marriage is a legal contract between individuals and the state which deals with the issue of the equitable dissolution of private property and finances in the event of divorce.

Adoption should never be allowed.

One thing I like about being a straight MtF is I can still hate the fags. also they shouldnt marry

Romanian antigay referendum has failed. I will fuck you in the ass. Compulsory homosex is the law now.

I'm okay with gay marriage.
I'm also okay with homosexuals raising children.
>inb4 they're all pedo rapists
Good parents are good parents, bad parents are bad parents. Homo or Hetero, doesn't matter.
You have more hetero child abusers than homo abusers.

It's harmful to the child.
Two men: They are likely to be sex perverts and end up abusing the kid. (Grooming and pedophilia is a common practice among the homosexual.)
Two Women: Well we see how well children raised by single mothers do now imagine it's twice as bad. Having no father figure is bad news.

That is so progressive.

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Yeah, I'm fine with it, for the most part

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Antigay referendum in Romania had failed. I will fuck you in the ass you nigger compulsory homossex is the law now.

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It's fine

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i used to be ok with fag marriage but not so much anymore
as for adoption fags shouldn't be allowed within 100 yards of any children without supervision so no, fags should be allowed to adopt

Healthy and normal.

Unless you want to adopt all those orphans instead?

Gay men see children as an accessory. Gay women are mentally unstable and shouldn't be around kids. Gays shouldn't have kids. A white child is better off being adopted by a family of niggers than having to grow up in a gay household.

Gay marriage spreads and legalises diseas, gays should not be allowed children.

this, if you want kids marry a woman and impregnate her, you can still fuck dudes on the side but you have to raise the kid properly.

its kind of the way its always been done, and women dont care as long as they get nice shit

But I'd go further and outlaw surrogacy. Gays and lesbians should not be parents full stop. The evidence is in.
Wont happen though - atleast not for now.

Child abuse. Tell your friends to fuck off.

>what is per capita
Thats only because 95% of people are heterosexual
This is the fucking nog argument that more whites are on welfare

In the ethnostate gay marriage will be a thing as long as you and your partner meet certain criteria. The ethnostate will need things like interior designers and florists. Trust me. You don't want women doing that.

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>Gay women are mentally unstable
Nope those are the top homo men in the gym coping with roids and muscles.
It's full with them.
Trannies are inherently nuts since they are schizo.

Gay people of both genders combined are not even 1% of the total population.

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>Daddy didn't touch me.
Oh you poor little thing let me hug you.

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This only strengthens my point
I was being generous with the 5%

Degenerate abominations, my cousin is a lesbian with a wife and child. Totally zogged.

mtf are biggest faggot, I hope that this is bait

>caring what 2 adults do in the bedroom
>thinking gay couples ruin children when the opposite is proven by the numbers

Guess I think this issue is bullshit, based on the facts.

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>86% of homosexual men weren't raped at all.
>50% of lesbian women were.
>Only 5% of hetero men get abused, they still stay straight.

>homosex 66% concordant in male monozygotic twins
>homosex is 31% concordant in female monozygotic twins

Get rekt.

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Doesn't bother me at all. Asshole parents come in all combination of genders.

** I'm adopted, my opinion is legit.

>debunked claims are facts
Go kill yourself already you fucking retard.

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I'm gay and honestly most gay people don't want to adopt children or have families. Only the ugly ones want that shit. Most of us aren't selfish enough to hurt a child that way. I was raised by heterosexual parents, and I can't take that away from an innocent child.

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>Implying that I'm missing anything
All I ever see on this board is "look, another psy-op by Mossad. REEEEEE!" We already know.

Gay couples should not be allowed to adopt and gay marriage is pointless. The institution of marriage is for managing procreation in a stable and socially beneficial way. Two dudes butt fucking each other and pretending to be a normal productive biological pairing is just a sad and perverse pantomime.

impressive arguments you got there

Whats your point?
I dont really care about gays. Let them get married. But lgbt people make useless parents statistically speaking in terms of life outcomes for their kids. So they shouldnt be parents.

% of homosexual men weren't raped at all.
>>Only 5% of hetero men get abused, they still stay straight.

Being stupid enough to dont realize that this debunks your own argument.

I don't care just stop pushing that shit on everyone else especially in schools

>Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.

Fuckin lol even you own study proves you wrong in first paragraph
>Epidemiological studies find a positive association between childhood maltreatment and same-sex sexuality in adulthood, with lesbians and gay men reporting 1.6 to 4 times greater prevalence of sexual and physical abuse than heterosexuals (Corliss, Cochran, & Mays, 2002; Hughes, Haas, Razzano, Cassidy, & Matthews, 2000; Roberts, Austin, Corliss, Vandermorris, & Koenen, 2010; Saewyc et al., 2006)

my sides

I just genuinely hate fags. Cant stand 'em.

Oh so you want to rape the rest too to see if it works or not?

>1% of heteros get raped stay hetero.
>10% of gays get raped they get gay.
>90% of gays never were raped.
>wow look at that 1% vs 10% hmmmm 188 765.43% more likely it is an over for you fagz
Inbred low IQ gypsoid.

I will fuck you in the ass. Romanian antigay referendum failed ergo homosex is compulsory by law.

I could knock libtard soicucks like you the fuck out. Go back to your third world shit hole.

Scientific research has proven it to be mentally unhealthy to children, but hey it doesn't fit leftist agenda so it no longer counts... ... ... right? Only adults get the right to choose lifestyles. They can decorate themselves with the traditional garb of the family unit via children who have no say. Consenting adults that choose to be a non breeding couple should have final say over a child's mental stability and family dreams... ... ... because lust before reality (or mental health studies).

Mmmm that is hot, my friend would love that. Here's a picture of him.

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It should be allowed if the child will lead a happier and more fulfilling life than at an orphanage

well, they killed 5 black kids the other day, drove them off a cliff
so, decide based on that


Should be banned. Its child abuse.

Easy ko. Can't wait to anally rape you faggots.

Based and redpilled.

The TRUTH about gay life


long read but worth it

Neither should be allowed.

I don't know the data on homosex parents raising children, it may not be quite as good as a male/female parent family, that's just speculation.

But a 2 parent household beats the fuck out of a single mother household, or even a single father household by a country mile. Single parents statistically do very badly, it's a bigger predictor of life problems than race or class, by a lot. A child going from a single mother or single father parenting to a dual mother or dual father parenting is going to do substantially better in life.

Male/female parents is ideal though, we know that's the best absolute we know of.

Honestly? I don't give a fuck.
Because strategically it's nothing. It's a battle to be fought tens of years from now.

There's far bigger issues right now.

Worrying about this bullshit is bailing water on a ship that has sunk ten years ago. Worry about erosions of rights and fucking fixing the basics.

We'll fight for that hill when we get back on track. Useless waste of time right now.

I believe you 100%

Except when the kid is abuses because he is being raised bisexual deviants


Hoooollllyyy shiiiieeeet my dick is diamons!!!