When will you White Faggots finally admit that the White Italian is the Real Chad of the White Race

When will you White Faggots finally admit that the White Italian is the Real Chad of the White Race

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Why do you care what neckbeards on a disgusting website think about your people?
Do you think the Italians are on their knees begging for the dregs of life on Jow Forums to think of them in a good light?
Go live your life and stop caring what these morons think.

pick one

Our Roman Ancestors would be proud :)

Italians > wh*Te subhumans

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Italians have the highest average IQ in Europe. They’re literally as white as it gets

These fuckin' moulies!

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Chinese have higher IQ

Italians are chinese

Thats some retarded PR if I ever saw any.


Learn how to read, you absolute moron

Based and redpilled

El pratese senõres

IQ isn't a measure of whiteness

56% USA has equal or higher IQ than 80% of Europe

Hi JIDF. Do you ever get tired of divide and conquer memes from seven years ago?

>type JIDF
>suddenly captcha requires 10 times the amount of confirmations with two false positives
Really makes you think..

Yes it is. Chinese IQ is a meme, they’re dumb as shit. Koreans and Japs are white as hell

>Koreans and Japs are white as hell
these are the people that tell you italians are white. You have worse standards than the US government

Italians will never be white until they denormalize shitskins (like salvini).

Until then either you forfeit your italianship or you are not white.

Salvini isn't even white

We never were and never will want to be wh*Te

>Be Germany
>Want to virtue signal
>I know, lets invite millions of migrants to Germany.
>Millions end up coming.
>"Oh sorry, we don't want them now, Italy and other countries should take them or we will threaten sanctions and call them racist

I now understand why Germany must be destroyed.

Dont worry Im not talking to you shitskin, Im talking to white skinned italians.

Dude, your mommy buys designer clothes made in Italy. They’re whiter than muricans

a few dozen "nonwhites" like Salvini could save an entire country


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I am lombardo you wh*Toid

With retarded PR and civic nationalism? You can shove ""country"" up your ass, Im talking about race.

I dont know what that means, and its meaningless as much as calling salvini north italian.

I don't even care about the italians anymore, please explain to me how you figure Japs and Koreans are white. They're not even 1% European.

I think the point he was making is that if you don't consider Italians as White, that would make the country in Europe with the highest average IQ a non-white country therefore supporting the claim that non-whites are superior to whites.

Aren't Italians borderline niggers bc of the Moors?

memeflag vs memeflag

found the SJW cunt

I love Salvini so fucking much ahhh

>borderline niggers
borderline arabs, or straight up arabs. In a few years they will also be straight up niggers despite their Jow Forums boasting.

white skin + redpilled

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t. Si considera b*anco. Fuck off immigrant
seething wh*Toid

>memeflags deciding who is white or who isnt
Reveal yourself you faggot

>56% mutt
pick one faggot

>race is skin/ideology
I think it's safe to discard further opinion from this id

Yes, US is 56% and Italians aren't white. Neither of those are relevant to the other.

So am I.
The guy seems fully redpilled, but hiding his whole powerlevel.
He basically named the Jew by calling out international banks sponsoring mass immigration.

fuck off varg you pagan snownigger

Im not as brave as you to reveal my huge chunck of land relative to my body size.

Can any Italians here tell me about Abruzzo?
Had some relatives come for a holiday here a few months ago. Seems like Italy, or at least that region, is currently struggling economically. I've always heard this but didn't know the job situation was that bad. I was thinking of living in Abruzzo for a while - maybe for the remainder of me completing my university studies.
If I really like it I might even live there (don't worry I'm not an abo)

t. piddino

Chad in the sense he gets to fuck the french cucks?

Attached: 1536381027075.png (450x277, 141K)

Literally the economic situation there is shit.
Nice place to live though (full of Romanians and Gypsies these days sadly)

>So am I

>country borders

Hear me out boomer, no listen carefully, Im talking about RACE. Nothing else. No jews, no banksters no country no nothing, only RACE.

I always knew Italians would be the first to wake up. In older East Coast cities NOBODY hates niggers more than the Italians.

Italian WW2 fighters are aesthetic.

Attached: C.202_fighter_taking_off.jpg (640x448, 116K)

Never voted anything left in my entire life, I've been leghista long before salvini was a thing. Now fuck off back to your country, wh*Toid

Meds are cool.

China fakes its test results

>wanting to be white this badly
Never change, filthy chinks

I have some vague memories when I went on a holiday there when I was 12. The geography in your country gave me a headache - it was nothing I'd ever seen before as Australia is generally quite flat. You guys are blessed in that regard

only northern italians


yeah spaghetti came from china brought by italians. that's how the IQ got high as well -- hmmm.

1)show your flag
>I've been leghista long before salvini was a thing.
>Now fuck off back to your country, wh*Toid
Are you Renzo bossi? this retardation speaks like him.

But why? Is it because of the beard?

Attached: Matteo-Salvini.jpg (400x300, 23K)

Kek, you're too far gone.
>If somebody doesn't say exactly what I want to hear from the beginning they're obviously cucked

they can send those planes to crash in the sea for all we care

No if their two "one right after the other" claims are inconsistent with each other then they are a retard (boomer) thats all I said.

There you go. Iliad gives me a fr*Nch flag for some reason.
>implying leghisti are pro immigration
>implying I want wh*Te immigrants
Cosa sei, un rumeno che crede di essere il benvenuto solo perché ha poca melanina? Radu, suvvia, non essere ridicolo

ah yes, the superkikes
people that fell for that garbage deserve their shitty service

>tfw found out my grandfather fought in the Greco-Italian war in WWII

>30 giga and 2 giga all over Europe for 6 euros
>bad service

Dagoes aren't white..you mentally retarded spic.

Keked and checked

>150ms+ jitter
>extreme latency
>horror stories of TLS straight out not working
It's what you deserve at this point

Homo Italiano known as the wog is not White.

Who is the guy in the pic? He looks Saudi

>150ms+ jitter
>extreme latency
Chissene. Internet lo use solo per WhatsApp, maps, gmail e shitpostare qui.

Thought that was george zimmerman from the thumbnail

with a french flag
Again, exactly what you deserve

I approve of this Italian chad

Know your fucking place you chinky eyed cat munching jap.

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Whiter than you, Chan Lee

Expell all Shitalians too, it's impossible to tell them apart from the gypsy migrant scum

Di la verità non è che il tuo aspetto sia molto scuro e per scuro intendo non solo con i capelli neri ma anche con la pelle marroncina, io sò italiano cm. In più sempre seguendo la solo tua di logica c'è un tipico aspetto da italiano? Se si come dovrebbe essere?

Spoken like an assmad kebab who got denied entry into Italy through germany.
Don't worry Mohammed, Germany is a beautiful country too with many women to satify your sexual emergencies. Stay there.

Sulla parte de essere "bianco" se intendi per via del concetto di appartenenza si è una stronzata, ma ovviamente anche quella dell'aspetto...

Con bianco gli americani intendono il fenotipo germanico, quindi il compagno francese ha ragione.
Gli italiani non sono bianchi, sarebbe ora di gettare nella spazzatura questo termine del cazzo.

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Secondo me non è un compagno ma una ragazza sexy di origini italiane con l'aspetto molto scuro, tuttavia a rappresentare l'aspetto da italiano medio si ok non può essere da nordico ma neanche con i capelli ed occhi neri con la pelle olivastra, forse forse capelli marroni ed occhi color nocciola con la pelle chiara ambrata, ma sarebbe da idioti fare queste cose eh, perchè non puoi generalizzare, dico bene connazionali trap (Jow Forums è un sito di trap) è qui mi sa che ci sono nazisti o tizi di estrema destra idioti ed anche trap lol :D

yeah nah if you aren't Anglo you're a fookin wog and need to go back to pastaville

I agree, Il Duce approves

Anglos are usually ratty jawlets with bad teeth and hair.
Germanics, Eastern Euros and Meds and their descendent Australians tend to look at least a bit more presentable.
White Australia Policy allowed for all Europeans to emigrate did it not?

Che comunque è da idioti cretere che in una nazione ci sia un "aspetto tipico" , meglio non guardare questi thread così idioti..

Ma va. In estate divento color pomodoro se appena tolgo la maglietta e ho la pelle color latte. Son mica un terrone. Semplicemente non sono bianca e gli italiani che si definiscono bianchi sono degli "useful idiots" per i sinistrati che non vedono l'ora di trovare una scusa per rimpiazzarci con negri, bengalesi, marocchini e altre schifezze del genere. Essere bianchi vuol dire essere automaticamente associati a olocausto, KKK, e roba del genere. No grazie.

>Semplicemente non sono bianca
Post your non-white feet

Our most important national park is there. And the marsican bear lives there, is an endengered specie

well, they got earthquakes from 2008 to 2012 mixed in with global economic crysis and no deficit spending allowed under EU directives

Rulebreaking troll thread

Do not reply.

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I was recently looking for real estate there. You can buy big and secluded properties with an amazing view there pretty cheap. If you don't need to be near a job site and like being in the nature, then Abruzzo has some excellent opportunities.