Jow Forums Women

How can I quickly connect to redpilled women in my local area? Tinder is full of sluts and I want a wife, not an impure beastess.

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Stop making these shitty threads you total faggot


>front page full of taylor swift and "I'm a nigger and here's my opinion"
>stop making useful threads REEE

Well I guess it’s just me and you. Here’s a really quick way to answer your question so you and I can move on with our lives: wherever you are is not a good place to find redpilled women. You should go find a map and see which districts have the most Republican voters. Do what you need to do to move there; find a job there, buy a house there, or rent an apartment. Live there and begin meeting your neighbors. Attend local events and start volunteering and eventually you’ll get a good idea of which women are “redpilled” and available. After that it’s up to you not to scare them off with whatever has prevented you from finding a redpilled woman where you are currently.

Going to pol to get dating advice is counterproductive to say the least.



Get your shit together and stop sliding the Taylor swift and nigger hate threads.

That's a pretty fine idea I guess... bit vague though. Are you in a republican area?
>nigger hate threads
I mean the "check out my BBC" threads, the front page is flooded with them


why do you do this?

there are no redpilled women.
only women who think if they act redpilled they can get a better man.
are you that better man?

I don't know how to tell you this...

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based italians



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>no data source
>probably Jow Forumsincel fabrication

You can't, if you're looking for red-pilled women instead of women to red-pill you already failed. Go back to cucking and peacocking for some single mother you dipshit.

only in america

Does anybody have a nigger filter for tinder? Srsly they are disgusting malshapen beasts. I see why nigger men have pale fever.

Christ. The fat dumb slobbering faces. The giant gunts. How can anyone love them?

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>mfw I realise our women are whores.
>mfw I realise that depsite that there are for worse whores in the west.
>mfw I realise that my prejudice about Swedish women came true.
>Israel - degenerates

>being so bluepilled you think there are redpilled women out there

women who pose as being redpilled are the most dangerous. they're aware that you're aware of their games, so they up their game to match your knowledge. it's just another level of fuckery you need to avoid.

redpilled women simply don't exist, and this is why. the stuff us men redpill each other on is already known by women. they've known about the dynamics we reveal to each other from an early age and they use this knowledge against us, subtly, but with virulence and supreme expertise. you can't play a woman's game and expect to win, you have to rig the game to be on your terms, and this is what men instinctively and socially understood until recently.

the closest you will ever get to a redpilled woman is a woman who is forced to be subserviant to you by threat of having her privilege of provision and protection revoked.

>female 4d chess
ok so where do I find a decent moldable woman then
not looking for an actual redpilled woman

Polish women are NOT whores. Take that back!

Buy a decent fitted suit, wash your ass and go to church next Sunday and you'll fins a couple of prime specimens to focus your efforts on.

can't talk to women in church tho, they're busy eating the jesus crackers and hanging out with their family

6-7 men on average is kind of whorish, desu, but you're right, Polish women are far more better than most EU-countries.

Poland is full of pure virgins. Catholic country.

orthodoxy my balls
Jow Forums, choose wisely Islam or Catholic church?

The thing is to connect with their older aunties who usually attend mass with them. Older aunties are very easy to comunicate with and you have to fins a way for them to notice you. ONce you'll go there a couple of times and the see that you're single they will eventually talk to you and ask you why you're single, and BOOM, you're in.
You can also befriend the priest by offering him some help and later tell him about you wanting to find a wife. He'll hook you up by mention you to the hot girls aunties or mothers.

Mysle ze juz dawno nie byles w Polsce, desu famalam

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Are church girls pure or do they secretly slut it up? Here in the US a girl who goes to church sucked 10 dicks on the way through the parking lot

you don't mate. look at the society around you. everything is about female empowerment and male denigration. you simply cannot rule over your woman in this day and age and we're a long way from being able to do this because of third party interlopers such as the state. women have the power legislatively, legally, socially and politically. so even if you "appear" to have a moldable woman that has subjugated herself to you what you really have is someone who's "topping from the bottom" - as in appearing to be submissive while actually being dominant by default because of all the third parties she has behind her, and also likely through manipulation too. all women know that they have protection and provision no matter what because the state seeks to appease them. they always have a back up plan. you can only dominate a woman if you're her first and only choice.

more blue-pilled bullshit. church is notorious for being a hive of the exact kinds of women I'm talking about. those who top from the bottom. they know that there are a shit ton of god fearing men there just looking for the opportunity to be charitable and a family man and they capitalise on this without hesitation.

if you read the bible you will see that CLEARLY a man is to rule his woman, not the other way round. and this is impossible right now for reasons I've already stated.


>nazi flag
>wants to fuck men in the ass
coincidence? I think not

this has nothing to do with politics you incel retard. fuck off.

REMINDER: do not engage these morons. sage, report and ignore them.

>libertardian autist voices opinion on what is and isn't politics

you're insulting me for trying to help you?
I hope you remember me when you inevitably destroy your life by erroneously believing you've subjugated a woman who has the full force of the state and society at large behind her.

your desperation sickens me. you deserve everything coming to you.

you're trying to help me by suggesting that literally all women are whores and there's no hope of meaningful relationship? go back to Jow Forumsincels

He is telling the truth.

I married a woman who’s family are Mennonites (Amish who use combustion engines), she claimed to believe in God, I met her in a fascist/right wing chatroom , as soon as times for hard she left and sued for child support.

what hard times?