How do we rid ourselves of the THOT problem in America? I dont want my daughter growing up to be a whore.
THOTS are taking over
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women are free to do what they want by law, if you want a sexually repressed tyranny to suit your stunted sexuality then go to some sandnigger country
Ban abortion, contraception and pornography.
Do you have a daughter?
ban yourself with a bullet, creep
I'd date her if she was loyal.
Send out the Patrol
Yeah that's asking for the moon. Just be happy you don't have a son who got tits and turned to porn
>im a creep
says the guy defending degeneracy
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
That is a very large clitoris.
Go to church every Sunday and make sure she knows the consequences of degenerate behaviour. After that it's out of your hands.
Stale pasta is stale.
I've never actually read all this copypasta and I still won't
It's another "1 post by this ID" thread, isn't it?
there is nothing more disgusting than the taint of br*wn eyes under blonde hair.
Make society hate sluts again
too old
>How do we rid ourselves-
We don't. We let them take power, remove feminists from politics and replace them with thots. They'll bring about a white ethnostate if they are put in power.
The best thing you can do is scare her young. Show her videos of what could happen to her. The truth is all you need
Oh look, the pedophile joins the conversation.
lawd! lawd! lawd! LAWD!
You don't. Without constant vigilance, all women are thots. Get used to it or start to advocate for a muslim ethnostate.
>Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
Absolutely. I don`t even need to read the rest.
Take a firm hand in raising your daughter, don't let her mother allow her to get away with bullshit. Instill good values and morals in her; I'm not religious but religious people and church goers often do a good job of this.
One thing that I think is really important is to strictly monitor your child's social media. We're rapidly approaching the point in time when every 10 year old will be on Facebook and Instagram and you'll be the "hard ass weirdo dad" that no one likes if you forbid your children from using the sites entirely. But if you can control how often they use social media and what they see, as well as explain that all of the nigger bullshit and thottery is in fact bullshit then you might be able to raise a decent woman.
murder them like elliot rodger
To a bank account perhaps. But only till the pool boy comes. ;)
it's only cuckoldry if she ends up fucking nonwhites
STD's worries a virgin as much as snake bites worries those who live in a big city.
If you found out your girlfriend had sex with 5 guys, should you leave her? Asking for a depressed friend
How old is she? Were they all committed relationships?
dat wat u get for not gib bob vagene. Dot status: petrol
Never wife a whore.
before you? go fuck yourself you self righteous prick
while with you? dump the shit out of her
She’s 29, met them on a dating website and had sex on the first date each time. Her excuse was she was desperate and thought guys would want her more if she was like that since no guys stuck around if she didn’t put out. Idk how I, I mean my friend, should feel. He just found out and wants to suicide now. Let’s say u had a time machine and knew she would never cheat and it actually was a “mistake”. How to proceed?
Legitimately just take care of them. From an early age love them and tell them some of the stuff you do they won't like it agree with is because you love them, and other parents who don't give a shit won't. As they get older reminds them how their peers are and it makes them realize you're right on the money. They start listening more and try to be better each day from just being there for them.
Women like to fuck, incel.
Get the fuck over it.
And some of those Nasty women like to experiment with harder, darker cocks plowing every tight little hole.
And some of those Nasty women like to ask those big, dark cocks to invite more than one so they can get their tiny little holes consent raped simultaneously.
And...and some of those Nasty Nasty women like to forget their pill just to piss the skinhead nerds in their college classes off more.
They like to see their angry racist grandfather's and their dickless white father's turn red with quiet anger and denial as they say, "yes, honey, who cares about skin color? Of course you can have your trust fund early to help your beautiful baby."
And some of those Nasty Nasty No Good Very Bad Women like to smirk as they wheel their caramel colored babies around. It's hard not to laugh every time she passes a bitter, clingy white frogposter with no social skills and 100 extra pounds.
She knows dewp down in the pit of her soul that she made the right choice, and the next time she does it, she's gonna get some sweet Federal cheese paid for by twitchy right Trumpcucks everywhere.
>an STD
>thought guys would want her more if she was like that since no guys stuck around if she didn’t put out
She's not wrong, poor women that avow to be celibate until marriage are ignored until degenerate whoremen are done "having fun". Honestly, her saying that alone makes her sound humble and salvageable, she clearly has low self-esteem, you could easily control her if you know how to manipulate
why are you so angry, kiddo
I redpilled my sons and daughters too early. They're now having difficulty relating to their peers.
what age did you redpill and what age do you suggest
she does have very low self esteem and thinks she’s really ugly. So you are right about that. You think my friend should try to get over it? She said she really regrets it and literally cried for 3 days that she hurt his feelings
You're an idiot. Do you know how repressed people would be if they didn't know what a nude woman looked like? It would make the situation worse by creating more demand, and then they would seek it through tor on the darkweb regardless.
So basically you're saying porn should be on the level of child porn, and if caught with it you should be thrown in jail. Just stfu.
And your views on abortion are cartoonish. Who gives a fuck if you abort a fetus? "Muh life is so precious," yet perfectly good people got cut in half by machine guns in WW1 and WW2. No, your philosophy doesn't add up.
kek they're just ahead of their time, the others will catch on
3/4 are STDs.
Don't know why ebola is on the pic, it is a non problem since the fast fatality rate only makes it easy to contain.
This. But with emphasis on women learning front he mistakes they made, and other women made, to be less degenerate and more modest.
what a strange little shill you are
No because thats the sort of thing id find out before she became my gf.
>How old is she? Were they all committed relationships?
asking the cuck questions
roastie whore / angry beta detected
Lmao she sounds like a whore and you sound like a bitch
here’s the rest of the story. I took her virginity and we went out for about 3 months. Then I cheated on her and left her for another girl. Then she had Sex with the 5 guys one time each after that because she was super upset. Then after 2 years I broke up with that girl and got back with this girl. So I’m a huge asshole and it’s my fault right. Man I’m such a huge hypocrite for being upset about this right? U can call me an asshole and it will make me feel better
>I dont want my daughter growing up to be a whore.
So you don't want your daughter to have a fulfilling sexual life?
Why not marry her off for twenty shiny new goats?
And why not cut off her clitoris for good measure? That'll keep her chaste.
Do you not know what emotional manipulation is?
> Do you know how repressed people would be if they didn't know what a nude woman looked like?
>implying repression is a bad thing
you dont know my views on abortion. but its availability allows women to be whores. Same with contraception
Well if you fuck someone with ebola you will catch it for sure so it kinda is.
Kill em all.
You have three choices imo.
1. If you actually like her, and she likes you, stick it out. But be prepared to split if the red flags you currently have start manifesting more. Leave before it gets bad too... or stay and eventually catch domestic abuse charges after she cheats on you, pushes you to the brink, etc.
2. Make an attempt to mold her into the woman you want. Self esteem issues can be annoying if you dont take charge of them in a partner. If you just let them simmer with it, you have no chance of a successful relationship. Work with her, but make sure you mold her into what you seek. But again, be ready to split.
3. Split
Thats it. Your choice.
You have yo raise them properly.
They have to see you as a strong and capable figure. You are their role model for what a man should be, you have to lift your daughter high and be there for her.
Shes going to get fucked by a guy some day, you have to deal with that, and you should be working and striving that she only ever gets fucked by one guy. Not two, three or twenty. Just one.
You bring them up with a solid foundation and tell them the importance of marriage and family. Why a close community is important.
If you arent living in a safe and morally upstanding place - you pack up and move. You change careers if you have to. You dedicate your life to that child.
I have a daughter. My biggest fear is her fucking a nigger.. second would be that she just fucks around.
t. Reddit Spacing
Also, I was thinking that the people who make or distribute porn should be thrown in jail, not necessarily users themselves. THink of it more like the way prostitution is now
I’ve has Sex with 26 girls and she banged 5 guys but I still depresses me. I just wanna hear that I’m wrong from u guys it will make me feel better. I’m the bigger nigger here
Thanks for the kind words, it helps. I need to stop being a bitch and get over it since I’m worse
The same Christianity you guys helped dismantle just 10 years ago with your edgy atheism had a proven track record of keeping sexual promiscuity low, or at least culturally frowned upon. Most Americans still believe in God, bringing back fire and brimstone preaching for sins is the best way to end degeneracy in America. Convert to Christianity and start fighting the good fight. Start proselytizing to the masses that we are made in the image of God and must turn back to Jesus through repentance of our sins This girl needs to hear that she is not a sexual object, but a child of God with dignity and value. Her sins are many but forgiveness and cleansing are available through the Blood of Jesus; He loved her enough to die for her degenerate behavior.
He's already a cuck being with her with this knowledge. See my reply below giving him his options. He's already in the situation, giving her a chance to mold into a proper partner is a fair choice. He can always leave if it doesn't work.
Yeah, you're an asshole. Honestly, its up to you to at least attempt to right that wrong. You caused that freight train to get going.
>He's already a cuck being with her with this knowledge. See my reply below giving him his options. He's already in the situation, giving her a chance to mold into a proper partner is a fair choice. He can always leave if it doesn't work.
>rationalizing the beta bux option
The absolute state of this board now.
For your friend: You're a degen with a qt, low-self esteem girl. Treat her right, make her feel like a princess and then go cold on her every now and then so she never thinks she has you hooked (that means she must always feel inferior to you) and she'll be yours for life. Enjoy
I mean beta bux to one is beta fux for another. Just gotta be aware of your situation and be ready to ghost a bitch
Thanks. do you guys really expect to be with girls who only banged you and that’s it? Most of my girlfriends were like that but I’m too old at 29 to find a girl like that now and have done too much stuff myself
wanna be private human toilet for this perfect Goddess ... in the morning, as soon as she gets up ... this stupid anal whore needs to shit ... a really really huge turd !!! ^^ ... she needs to shit all undigested remains and digested waste from her food ate yesterday ... she eat so much food ... she needs to shit ^^ ... all waste from her digestion ... and some undigested remains are inside her ravaged rectum ^^ ... imagine about 10 BigMac ate yesterday ... now thay are all inside her ravaged rectum ... 10 BigMac !!! ...yes ... she eat a lot !!! ... and she shits a lot !!! ^^ ... you can imagine the size of her turd ? ^^ ... almost as big and long as her arm !!! ^^ ... 50cm long and 6cm or 7cm diameter ^^ ... and she makes a turd like this everyday !!! her farting ... a really really putrid fart ... "PFRRRRRR !!!! " ... her destroyed anus opens quickly and ... "SPLATCH !!!" ... "PFRRRRLLLL !!!" (she fart after huge turd ... putrid fart ^^) "PFRRRLLL !!!!" ... she fart again ... we can see her anus ... wild open ... we can see inside her destroyed rectum ... her fucking rectal prolapsus ... "PFRRRLLL" ... (rectal prolapsus fart) ... and suddenly ... "SHLOPS !!!" ... she closes her anus ... her prolapsus ... she has finished emptying her rectum ... all excrement ... all fart ... now she orders us to eat, chew and swallow all her huge turd !!! ... she wipes her anus with toilet paper while we chew her huge turd ... and then she'll go wash herself ... and she will have an anal enema ... after she eats 5 Big Mac and sleeps until noon ... like everyday ... at 13h she eats 5 BigMac ... and does 6 hours of anal ... until 19h ... after she eats 10 BigMac ... and 10h of anal destruction all the night (20h >>> 6h) ... she sleeps 2 hours and suddenly ... she needs to shit her enormous turd ^^ ... for us it's time to eat XD ... everyday everyday ... ^^
>but I’m too old at 29 to find a girl like that
d-don't say that user
thanks friend. I like the way you think. I realized I could do that because she blames herself for me feeling upset when I know I’m a hypocrite and deserve it. It’s a little funny
its a prolapsed vagina
>Do you know how repressed people would be if they didn't know what a nude woman looked like?
Yeah, this happens.
Fuck off you godless kike nobody should be as stupid as you are willingly trying to rot.
she’s also “rich” and said I don’t even have to work anymore. So ive been sitting at home jobless for like a year now. Idk I feel like a huge Fag for even caring but she told me she was only with one other guy and recently last week told me she lied and it was 5 guys total and she was really upset that she lied. So she decided to come clean to me despite knowing it is wrong. It’s a weird situation but it’s my fault I guess. Idk I can’t stop thinking she’s a Whore tho. Any girl I ever met who would fuck on the first date I didn’t want to see again so I don’t want to think of her that way
Count yourself lucky it's only 5. Some women sleep with dozens of men or more before they decide to "find a good man and settle down."
Thanks I have no perspective on that stuff cuz i used to only go out with virgins. I’ve taken like 12 girls virginities
its like i'm really on reddit
It would be preferable, but honestly as long as they were in committed relationships, and its not more than 5, and few if any other red flags, I'm fine. The thing that these retards dont understand is thats just how it is these days, and the only way to fix the future is to fucking find one worth a damn, and raise your kids to not do the same shit. Doing nothing saves nothing, and only allows the shit they hate (race mixing, roasties, thots, etc) to continue to grow exponentially. And for fucks sake, don't abandon your kids. The amount of daddy issues in this country has become extremely apparent to me after the passing of my father. Don't perpetuate it.
>she’s also “rich”
how much?
idk man it's a hard decision, on the one hand she's a whore, no two ways about it, on the other hand she's an honest whore and rich and thus you have some pros and cons here
Is she hot? How are her genes?
Jokes aside, I do empathize with you
Why do you think you're too old to find another virgin?
t. fellow oldfag
Kill yourself ;)
there is nothing wrong with whores except them not whoring it to you
Do yourself a favor and don't think too hard about this shit or else she will end up hooking you if you fall for a shit test. ALL WOMEN shit test, it's used to periodically judge whether their man is going to put them in their place as the subordinate or inferior.
I actually feel a lot better now cuz I’d talking about this. Thanks everyone
Gee, (((who))) posted this?
God has come to reap the sinners.
>bongs and leafs being more based than burgerposters
I don't know how to feel about this
Criminalize adultery and premarital sex.
TRADifying them once again.