This is it. The next narrative. They are going to start saying Drumpf is even WORSE than Hitler.
Hitler’s last living relatives hate Trump, love Merkel
No you fucking fruit loop kebab faggot I am serious
>Oh hey what up some journalist are at my door?!
>they say they have been trying to track down Hitlers relatives?!
>and they want my opinions so they can tell the world
>oh yah i hate trump and love mercle!!!
>please don't lynch me!
the left has been diminished so badly they literally need to run to hitler
p.s. they have been saying trump is worse than hitler from the start.
rememeber he was going to send all the mexicans home, put all the blacks in consentration camps and expose all the jews in power.
but then he let more mexicans come in did nothing about black crime and surrounded himself with powerful jews.
but don't worry like the secret obama that all the far left were waiting for, the secret trump who will only reveal himself after he gets his second term will also never materialize
thats because Trump is systematically ruining the Jews world wide system of control. Hitler appeared to be /ourguy but actually was a zionist puppet whom probably was close friends with jew lover Churchill
I'm all for it. Rehabilitate the swastika! I'd love to see leftists wear it. We will have moved on to MAGA hats and American flags.
>hitler was a tool of the jews!
>trump is fighting the jews!
wow it must be amazing in the world you live in
More importantly when are some of u autists gonna track him down, tie him up, and take his semen so the 4th Reich can start while we are all still alive.
>germanic man relative to Hitler loves to destroy Europe and hates respectful nationalism
What are the fucking odds.
yeah pretty much
>implying that he's not full 1488 yet not stupid enough to not lie about it to the media
That's little Johnny W. Hitler. He is a faggot, Hitler always said Johnny was a cuckservative.
So does this mean Trump is or isn't Hitler? Media is sending mixed messages here.
Already talked to trump
He’s turning in the nuclear keys tomorrow
Kind of surprising that Hitler's relative would prefer the German.
like every day is opposite day for him
The last of Hitlers relatives have agreed not to have any children and are descendants of his nephew that despised him, it's pretty obvious that they dont share his views...
Merkel is literally Hitler’s daughter.
>he’s rolling in his grave
What a bunch of cuckolds
What kind of drugs are you magapedes taking???
yea wat an idiot shill
>dunder-headed majority
But the majority voted for Shillary so Hitler was wrong.
Are they saying that it's in their blood?
This. I'd be so scared to say anything other than the (((approved narrative))) in their shoes.
Merkel is Hitler 2.0. No shit Hitler's family likes her.
what constitutes a family member exactly? if you go back far enough millions of people would be Hitlers family members
that is the saddest shit that I ever read. Hitler's family member was tracked down by some faggot newspaper to ask him jewish shit questions. God damn do I hate jews.
channers don't make pretentious in group comments like this. you guys shouldn't have slacked off in orientation.
Amerimutts truly are retarded.