Why does the left hate Trump so much.
Unemployment is Down
Wages are going Up
Taxes are down
Why does the left hate Trump so much
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Because vaginas, brown people, rick and morty, lopping off cocks, being faggots, aborting children, and sucking down Jew Chow are pillars of modern leftism.
Heh just wait for the trump dump once he cuts more taxes for the mega wealthy
Because they (((hate))) whites and conservatives, they seek the total destruction of the white working middle class.
You know there's no way that growth doesn't collapse right?
Wow the first post it was the best
>Unemployment is Down
Real unemployment still high. Labor Participation rate still below per-recession levels.
>Wages are going Up
Wages not keeping up with inflation
>Taxes are down
You spend the little you save from this on skyrocketing gas prices.
They hate him precisely because of the things you listed
>You know there's no way that growth doesn't collapse right?
What ever helps you sleep at night
>You spend the little you save from this on skyrocketing gas prices.
No I don't, I live 20 minutes from work, and I remember much higher gas prices in the past.
>w-w-well yeah the numbers are g-good
>bu-but the funny man o-on late night tv said he's dumb!
>e-everyone laughed when he called him orange.
>t-trump is just evil, I know it
>the numbers m-m-may be good now but they'll never last!
>t-trust me, I'm an economics genius!
Do you still like president Trump?
Please vote here
>skyrocketing gas prices.
Are you too young to remember the way gas prices were a few years back? I did an internship in LA back in 2013, and I remember gas being just shy of five bucks a gallon.
Because you're only allowed to win under socialism and degeneracy. They are mentally ill.
Don't worry, it's Obama's growth. It's gotta be pretty solid.
im hoping it does dump. watch Trump short the downtrend with the US tax dole and simultaneously eliminate our national debt and national bad actor banks.
goes down in history as the best president ever.
Is this literally possible?
>I-It won't last y-youll see
Because the left listens to his rhetoric and at least feels or maybe even understands that money and stock market won't mean dog's shit when your ass will be in jail, dead, or deported.
Trump is dangerous, corrosive for the democracy, rule of law, political norms, moral fabric, values and ethics of the republic. He will destroy the country and turn it into the autocracy or worse given the opportunity.
in theory, probably. in reality? probably really far fetched. but I can dream. I mean, he could definitely have one of the kids put up the trump fortune. but for it to pay off the national debt, they would need close to 2k leverage. probably a hard line to push, even for them. and, we all know how fucking obstructionist and slow congress moves and they would have to approve the 4 trill tax role short. So, anyone else that cares to expand on that, or the possibilities go right ahead. but this has been my economic wet dream lately.
They hate losing power and a people independent of government.
He might eliminate the debt by destroying the dollar and the US. After all he has suggested printing money according to some leaks. At least some sane people have stopped him for now.
You probably won't like it because the US will be a shithole country for many decades after that.
multiculturalism destroyed us. It tore us apart in irreparable ways.
>democrats push false rape against Supreme Court Justice to maintain power
>democrats want to impeach him on Day 1
>democrats want to file charges against that Supreme Court Justice.
Democrats are the ones attacking the democratic institutions in unprecedented and dangerous ways.
Also, your multicultural paradise is literal hell on earth (and genocide) to most of us. If white people were to go extinct, I would like to see the whole human race go with us in nuclear winter.
I like democracy, but I FUCKING HATE MULTICULTURALISM. Given multicultural, socialist, bizarro America or literally Nazi Germany... I’ll take nazis.
I can see all of the dangers of the far right that you see. I get it. However, I would fully embrace the far right rather than live in your fucking democrat hell.
>Unemployment is Down
following the trendline
>Wages are going Up
following the trendline
>Taxes are down
with deficit us has, is that even a good result?
anyway trump takes credit for the most retarded things.
orange man bad
>Unemployment is Down
>Wages are going Up
>Taxes are down
The aim of the left is to destroy. You must be new. We're at war bucko.
>He will destroy the country and turn it into the autocracy or worse given the opportunity.
No one is eroding our institutions like that unless they have a D by their name lately though.
>Due process? What's that? (FISA abuse, Steel dossier citogenesis w/the press, the Kav radioactive debacle: most poorly executed and obvious political hit job in modern US history. Title IX kangaroo courts)
>Freedom of speech what's that? (College and Silicon Valley mass censorship programs)
>2a what's that
How can you not see this? Trump says mean shit like a NY democrat because he used to be one but he isn't the ones whipping the hordes of useful idiots into a lather, the left is through selective reporting.
You literally just had a hearing in which the ranking member leaked evidence (Feinstein is responsible for her staff) and ANOTHER member's staff doxxed the opposition right in the trial! (Maxine is responsible for her staff)
Your rhetoric and baseless accusation slinging is totally out of control. It is not Trump destroying the country it's the army of lefty pundits and congresspeople making money and political hay off peddling outrage and victim politics.
Look guys, its all a game. Don't take it too seriously. The "republicans" did the same shit the democrats are doing now during democrat presidencies.
But know, its theatre. A hoax on people to keep them thinking that the government is important.
America was always multicultural. Study history a little. The whole point of the freedom of religion in the First Amendment is about multiculturalism. Religion was the main and pretty much the only definition of culture back then.
America was always a shelter and breeding ground for various religions/cultures/cults be it Protestants, Catholics, Quakers, Mormons, Shakers, manifest destiny cultists and who knows who else.
Americans were always immigrants and settlers from different countries, be it British, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Irish, Italian, Polish or even Japanese and Chinese later.
And there were a lot of tensions between those cultures back then but nowadays you don't hear people talking shit about Polish, Irish or Italian immigrants, right?
If you don't understand that Brett Kavanaugh isn't up to the moral standard of the Supreme Court, then I don't even know what to say.
He wasn't accused of rape per se. He was accused of sexual misconduct and may be attempted rape. And if you look at the situation objectively then sexual misconduct fits his character at the time quite perfectly with that derogatory high school album, alcohol abuse, all-boys boarding school, etc. It's not disqualificatory in itself, everyone is dumb in high school. The problem is that he is unable to admit any of that and he is willing to lie to cover thing up, and that's disqualificatory for a judge. How can he objectively judge others when he is unable to objectively judge even himself?
To be honest he should have admitted and apologized that he probably has done it under alcohol influence but he doesn't remember a thing. The whole ordeal would be much less painful and polarizing for everyone in that case.
And please think about the future some more. Do you really think that there is some place for isolation in the increasingly interconnected world? For some bad examples try to study the demise of China or Japan after they became isolationist.
Jow Forums has turned into a den of retards their biggest victory being a confirmation of a neocon Bush lawyer to the supreme court. They are actually buying all this bullshit and completely ignoring things that actually matter, like illegal immigration , border wall or voting lists
>Taxes are down
At the cost of nearly trillion dollar deficits. These tax cuts are unsustainable.
It's because unemployment is down. The left hates working and rather go out and protest to disrupt working people.
Why are you so obsessed with unemployment? Unemployment is not that good of an indicator.
Unemployment was almost zero in the Soviet Union because everyone was forced to work whether they want it or not.
Unemployment is almost zero in the North Korea now.
Basically, unemployment among slaves is always 0%. That's why unemployment is not a useful indicator without taking into account wages, unions, inflation, freedom, rights, working conditions, productivity, social benefits, etc, if you actually think about it.
Unemployment is Down
Wages are going Up
Taxes are down
The marxist communist backers of the Dem party probably hate those things. Showing young people a free market success story is the exact opposite of what they want.
>employment is le slavery reddit tier rhetoric
Yup, kike.
checked but that's it for me for tonight. My psychiatrist prescribed a social media avoidance
The end is near. The US economy goes into nose dive pretty much every ten years, give or take.
lefts cant into facts, because facts hurt feelings
Because he proves their ideas don't work.
Google business cycle faggot. You can't be older than 16, otherwise you'd remember the last time you fucked the entire world (2007) with your "booming economy".
unemployment is nearing 0% and the stock market is the best in history
the left is just retarded
>left liberal gayfag
>Life was great under Obama.
>Doing even better under Trump.
There is very little to be upset about right now. My life is 11/10 and I couldn't be happier. I think a lot of my peers haven't been getting laid lately or something.
I remain unkeked, untouchable. Then again, I really love people including conservatives so eh.
That’s capitalism retard growth is still good
>America was always multicultural. Study history a little. The whole point of the freedom of religion in the First Amendment is about multiculturalism. Religion was the main and pretty much the only definition of culture back then.
>America was always a shelter and breeding ground for various religions/cultures/cults be it Protestants, Catholics, Quakers, Mormons, Shakers, manifest destiny cultists and who knows who else.
>Americans were always immigrants and settlers from different countries, be it British, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Irish, Italian, Polish or even Japanese and Chinese later.
>And there were a lot of tensions between those cultures back then but nowadays you don't hear people talking shit about Polish, Irish or Italian immigrants, right?
And America is shit-just like every multicultural country on Earth. Every multicultural society through out all of human history either failed or is a shithole in the present.
Multiculturalism has a ZERO percent success rate.
But keep believing it works.
I hope some roastie cunt tosses a slipshod rape accusation your way and you lose everything. The only reason kavenaugh got through is because he's a public figure. If that happened to a nobody loser like yourself you'd be adrift with no fuckin floaties, faggot. Now write another rambling essay.
That's why social safety net and unemployment benefits are important!
Even if you lose your job due to whatever accusations, you still will have protections from the government while you're suing the accuser for libel if you really haven't done anything and is wrongly accused.
False accusation are a quite rare occurrence anyway.
How exactly do you define success? And where are examples of such success?
It's all been a sham since before Obama.
I mean, get while the getting is good, and be thankful for that good fortune, but not getting on the premise it is all going to come crumbling down would be silly.
I will concede that employment number shave improved. The numbers provided by .gov aren't to be believed, but even using the worst possible metric (labor participation) the numbers are better - more people of working age are working. That isn't necessarily great news, since it says nothing about under employment poverty, etc, but when you're talking about 15%+ not working, it's an improvement to be sure.
But really, keep it in perspective. SS is going to crash in 10-15 years. Probably the sooner than the later, after failing parts of medicare(?) got rolled into SS to kick the can.
Simple matter is debt cycle is beyond correction. Failure is mathematical certainty.
Note. I'm not "left". Just saying there is plenty for any political alignment to bark about if they want.
but it should be telling that these aren't what you hear about when the left complains.
>gas prices too high
You're a child, or you're outright retarded.
Gas prices were approaching $5.00 a gallon a little over a decade ago.
Cars are more economical than ever now, including Trucks and SUVs.
Success = Japan, Australia, New Zealand, or all of Europe before the Mudslime invasion.
>False accusation are a quite rare occurrence anyway.
You have no idea what you're talking about. You expect anyone to take you seriously when you pull things out of your ass? Stop repeating popular talking points. This isn't television or twitter, you fucking rat. You'll get no 'good boy points' for parroting here.