Just saw John Oliver and he told me this guy, Jair Bolsonaro, is even worse than Trump and Brazil is gonna elect him anyway.

Does this mean Brazil is the new laughing stock of the world?

Attached: Jair_Bolsonaro_(cropped).jpg (438x611, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>John Oliver

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>John Oliver

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I literally saw a video oh him telling a congresswoman she "was not even worthy of being raped".

This guy should lead one of the most populous countries?

He's their Trump. In other words, a jew cocksucking racemixing loving dud

Yep. Brazil's fucked

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He's a literal nat-soc. I'm crying right now.

He once said he supported sterilization of poor people. Trump cant reach this tier.


Trump's fucked up so bad even whites are leaving the MAGA train

Wow, so he's mentally unstable too just like Trump. Got it

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He ia based, even if he supports tha jews

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>current year
nice meme

Here's the actual context of the quote:
In 2003, a couple was kidnapped by underage criminals.
The criminals raped the girl, and shot the guy dead in the back of the head, then raped the girl for 3 more days, then killed her with a machete slash to the neck.
What happened to the criminals? They were interned in underage centers instead of jailed due to the laws that protect them no matter what.

During an interview, Bolsonaro said these criminals needed to be jailed and that he wanted to lower age of criminal responsibility to 16 years, then Maria do Rosário defended the criminals and said they were only children, Bolsonaro replied by saying Maria should hire them to be drivers of their daughter's car if they're so sweet and innocent, she got mad and called him a rapist (???) and Bolsonaro said he wouldn't rape her since she doesn't deserve it.

Now tell me, who was in the wrong here?

>worse than Trump
so, good?

Its bad. I hear that in the hospital he requested (and received!) 3 scoops of gelato. You are only supposed to get one! This is how fascism starts to breed.

Attached: 3scoopsmotherfucker.jpg (700x420, 74K)

what the fuck is wrong with your country?

>Trump's fucked up so bad even whites are leaving the MAGA train
>New Jersey and California
You shills have been linking this same image with this same talking point in multiple threads.

Low energy.

Doesn't justify it. At least now everyone can just hate on Brazil instead of the US

Attached: currentyear.png (326x212, 62K)

An elaborate shitpost. Nice work fåm

too soon ameribro, im still mad

>no white man hasever seen


I'll make it easy for a brainlet like you... If John Oliver hates someone that means you should like him.

The success of Bolsonaro over the leftists who have dominated Brazilian politics is a major whitepill. It proves that when things get bad enough, people WILL push back; history is not necessarily an endless spiral downwards. If whites in American and Europe can be made to vote as a unit like whites in Brazil, the decline of the West can be stopped before it is too late.

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Whites in Brazil?

When will this plague-infected rat stop interfering in other countries' elections?

>Automated reply
Why you people talk to NPC who unironically watch Jon Loliver?

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Come on, try something new. This shit ain't even fun to make fun of anymore

Southern Brazil - where Bolsonaro received most of his support - is majority white Portuguese. All the mutts, beaners, and niggers are concentrated in the North and Northeast

Attached: brazil map.jpg (636x591, 63K)

fuck off, ahmed


That man is based as hell.
I pray he wins.

In america i think all super rich hollywood enclaves should have mandatory half way houses in the neighborhood.
That way the poor black and brown people the left loves so much will be close by

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They're of German descent though

Is it true you need to put your used toilet paper into a bin instead of flushing it down a toilet?
I like brazilbros and really like your cuties but I dunno if I can visit if that's the case. Hygiene and cleanliness are very big deals for me.
And if so is it flushable in richer households or not at all?

Jew news for the normies.
Why post shit nobody will believe here?

Its almost as bad as polls. We make the decisions jew, not you. The time of the incel is now, the days of the jew has past.

How did he spin the assassination attempt?

no the far left, communists,sjw and democrats are the laughing stock of the world why do you think the entire western world moves to the center right?
Use your brain fool.

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But it already is too late in Brazil wtf are you talking about?

>Does this mean Brazil is the new laughing stock of the world?
No, Brasil is still irrelevant.

The world is turning right wing.

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>April 9th

>Does this mean Brazil is the new laughing stock of the world?
New? Brazil is a joke for quite some time.

Why are all late night shows so lifeless and gay?

> Watching John Oliver for any reason

so will canada after trudldoo fucked you over vote center or center right or is the media shilling to hard for the liberal party still? i heard that your immigrant dude wants to increase muslim intake for no discernible reason?

Here's some salt from the comments.

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It's not flushable in any household, our pipes are too narrow. With that said, anyone above middle middle class will have bidets or washlets, and in my travels abroad I've actually been appalled by how dirty gringo asshole really is.

Right wing split thanks to Bernier.

Trudeau is gonna get another term unfortunately.

Attached: Pepe on life support.jpg (600x290, 24K)

Wait, was she a 10/10 or are you just upset that people finally are regaining their freedom to speak the truth?

I can do bidets. That's fair.
I have mildly distant family living in Sao Paulo. Would you recommend there or one of those Southern regions (Rio Grande do Sul, etc) for a visit? Or somewhere else?

>trades insults with a woman. demonstrating that he regards her as a peer, if an opponent
>this is supposed to be misogynistic

Idiots like you always crack me up.

If you are so concerned about the J-Q or racemixing, why would Bolsonaro or Trump represent a worsening of the situation prior to their election or a worse option than Haddad or Hillary? At most everything would stay the same but definitely not worse.

I wish he never had to hear gunfire, even if he is against Bolsonaro.

I've been living in Sao Paulo for the last 5 years and love it, it's a great metropolitan center with a lot of good dining, culture, nightlife, etc... But for a first worlder I'm sure you've seen similar things, in a much more sanitary, safer environment. If you want a bootleg 80's NYC-from-the-movies experience, full of hobo shit and smog and a strange grimy charm to it, sure, going to a charming little Southern town would be much safer, but there's not that much to do other than some cute pictures.

Why did he get so many votes in that one part up north?!
Who lives there?!

Leftists: it's okay for gays to fuck on the streets in front of your children
Also leftists: you can't say pussy

Good. You don't fight the excesses of liberalism by being reasonable or civil, you do it by being as extreme as they are in the opposite direction. It takes chemotherapy to fight a cancer.

A Mossad plant... what could possibly go wrong?
Brazilians should be ready to die for Israel!

>gets news from a leftist talk show host 100% controlled by jews
Goddamn you're a fucking idiot!!

Nazis, obviously.
Ever heard about Nazi escape to South America after WWII?

>leftists are mad
>Jow Forumstards are mad
holy BASED

If they can't make a counter-argument, call them a rapist.


OH... NO... John Oliver says he's a baaaaaad man!!!

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> OP's face when

kill yourself faggot

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I'll give you a hint - it's the part that has the venezuela border road.

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>talk show hosts suddenly care about south american countries

There will be more "laughing stocks" in the world soon.

Then they will stop laughing.

They're close to Venezuela. They hate socialism.

liar liar pants on fire

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brazil has been the laughing stock of the world. he's trying to remove the laughter from the hippocampus.

>live in a warzone
>lit major
you really do get what you deserve


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How much are you getting paid for this? Is it worth it to quit my job and get paid to shill on Jow Forums? I don't care about the message, it's not like anyone here would take it serious anyways, I just care about the money.

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honestly after reading that I hope he wins. He is based af, and also I would want a leader not a puppet ruling a country

For those interested in understanding Bolsonaro's candidacy:

Sounds based as fuck

I thought you guys would not believe what a guy like john oliver had to say about who is from the left.


Why? Why do you cuck yourselves? I mean why would to lie to yourselves? It's weird, almost like if you we're disconected from reality, he is controled oposition, he was financed by Rotchild, all of his presidential cabinet id made and up by ex Rotchild banker's, everybody know it, we all know it, do you lie to yourselves? because you need a savior? Because you know that your race is already dead in this continent and you can't change it? When you lie to yourself it give you hope and make you feel less worse about reallity? Like a pain killer, like alcohol, like drugs, something to avoid reality, because reality hurts, thats too sad kiddo, we all know that murica is over, the dollar is finished, you guys are the only ones that still don't notice and it's really fucking sad.

Attached: Donny the jew.jpg (961x641, 63K)

Natsoc when

Jow Forums has still some trolls/ shills. Hohn Oliver is despised here, Soros plant, not funny, sold out

would be a lot better if the letters were worn to nothing, but i suppose pic is more representative of the current populous.

>Bolsonaro said he wouldn't rape her since she doesn't deserve it.

Oh boy, that does not translate well into English.


This is the same country that had a literal clown in their congress. Fuck them.

It's slightly mistranslated, it should be "...since she's not worthy of it".


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Looks like a closet homo.

based as fuck

I'm just curious how that brit fag isn't dead already after he made fun of Kadyrov.

Do you have some link as proof for this? So if I got to defend the quote, I got something credible to show.

All these fags talking that no nothing about Brazil, let alone have been there.

>I heard Bolsonaro and Trumps name in the same sentence.
>I am a Liberal Faggot
>Bolsonaro must be Hitler