Is Arnold /ourguy/?

Is Arnold /ourguy/?

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No, he’s a lefty, a meme lifter, a meme politician, and a meme actor.


I’m not a fan of his politics, but I agree with his sentiment here. They didn’t choose to be that way and they would change it if they could, but they can’t. Instead of just feeling sorry for themselves they actually strive to push their limits. Maybe just for a second as that medal goes around their neck they feel like more than just a burden.

i heard he killed a couple jews in his day

He's right ifyou're too retarded to understand whyspecial olympics exist you are qualified to participate

No, he's an actor and is virtue signalling. The Special Olympics makes the retards' parents feel better, but that's all it does, other than the tax laundering.

but, Arne said they had big brains like Brett

Reading that in his voice made me chuckle.

Treating retards with dignity is magnanimous and all people should do it. We don’t let them fly planes or drive forklifts. Accept people for their limitations and understand that nature is unequal. We accept the limitations of women without hating them, do the same for the ‘tard.

This. Compassion is what separates us from niggers.

Van full of retards - ha ha ha ha
Van full of retards - you drool on yourself

You couldn't even win a bronze
In the special olympics
Your parents are ashamed
Of themselves and of you

Reminder Trump slammed people who said downers should be aborted
Trumps a very good smart man.

downies rather lol downers

Who was it again who said their bowling was like the special olympics?

>When the first post is also best post

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The Special Olympics are absolutely a grotesque show. I understand that it might make the handicapped people feel better but overal it's pretty sad and manages to be hilarious in a twisted way.


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Arnold stopped being anyone's guy the moment the Jews convinced him to put a dress on .
This goes for all male actors .

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So conflicted on this guy.
He's very based and admirable in a lot of ways. He's like the peak idealism of 80's america.

I can't bring myself to say anything bad about him.

i believe retards should be euthanized at birth, for their own good as much as the good of their parents and the unfortunate people around them

however if they have already been born, we should try to make their lifes seem as normal as possible, its only human after all

You know he's said a billion times worse in the gym during his Pumping Iron years.

Nah, but that comment was pretty funny.

Seriously, though, retards should be sterilized and hidden away.


>Is Arnold /ourguy/?
>Retards have more buzzwords and buzzwords than you

No, Arnold is talking with emotions to defend the useless cripple. To make use of the cripples, they let them dance in a big circus, where we give them shiny metals for their clowning.

Special Olympics is a pity- and freakshow to distract you f on the fact that the state is using your money to keep them alive.

Marrying a Kennedy and living in California really did a number on him.

>austrian dipshit that has been doing roids most of his life talking about challenge
Talk to me when you go off cycle again, Arnold. Both you and Dwayne Johnson.


>no one will ever remember you.

Name 3 "athletes" that competed 5 years ago.

It would probably be harder than you think to compete in the special olympics. Some retarded people have that superhuman strength.

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>saggy geezer Arnold Shortsnigger virtue signaling to literal retards
how da mietey hav fawllen

The special olympics is just a feel good event for retards and their parents.

He's okay. I can't hate Arnie.

basically this. plus, I would not be surprised if they have better results than whoever posted it does.
Some people with down syndrome are intelligent enough to participate in general society. It's not a lot, but some are. Otherwise, agreed.

or we could just eugenics

Why do they keep encouraging this shit. Downies should be aborted before birth. Technology can detect it now so why would you let them live a life full of suffering. They can't have normal lives. No normal person wants to asociate with them and they live with multiple illnesses ontop of their disability.


Honestly, I 100% agree with Hitler's sentiment in Mein Kampf, we need to use eugenics to end as much human suffering as possible. I feel bad for retards, I really do, but they are a drain on society and their existences must be terrible, full of loneliness and pain. Who would want to live like that? If I had down syndrome and all the crazy diseases on top of it I'd unironically want to be euthanized.

They are too dumb to make the choice to kill themselves but they are smart enough to know they are a detriment to society. This also stands for other retards too.
People need to stop accepting them and they should be institutionalized again.
I've been working with them for over 5 years and no matter how much you try educate them or try make them live an independent life they are physically and mentally unable to.

You've got people wanting to "normalize" them by including them in things like fashion shows. Who the fuck wants to watch some potato roll down the runway?

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Goddamn, Arnie. Savage.
First off, pic related. Second, body building aside:
>immigrated to US with little knowledge of the English language at 21
>becomes greatest action movie star of the last 40 years
>marries a fucking Kennedy
>retires from movies and decides to go into politics
>becomes the governor of California
>does it again
>retires from politics
>goes back into acting
>still making movies today
>worth estimated 200 million dollars

Meanwhile, you’re a jew larping as a jap, everything you’ve ever had was handed to you by mommy and daddy and the best you could do for employment was with an online defense force, because your people are so universally hated around the world, your criminal government had to actually create organizations that do nothing but sift through the internet trying to shut everyone that hates them down however they can. The irony of it all? Everyone just hates your people more as a result.

What an absolute fuckin gem you are, Dave. Bravo.

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He's a typical rich leftist piece of shit. He has lived so long away from the consequences of his actions that he is not redeemable.

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He's a Republican and being a meme is good.

Steve Coogan worked with Arnold on a movie. He said that Arnold described the Special Olympics as "like the normal Olympics, only for retards"

Arnold is a sociopathic, lifelong roid abuser and one of the most egotistical men to ever walk the Earth.

Now, as an old man awaiting the inevitable fatal heart attack that will finish him off, he exists only as a living meme, spouting vastly over used on-liners from decades old movies for the titillation of Reddit users.

Fuck Arnold.

Retard hate thread?

Kill yourself you tea munching zoomer faggot. Arnold is one of the most based cunts out there and you faggots wished your country produced a person like him. Everyone who worked with him in the industry said he's like a giant lovable teddy bear, and this was during his supposed "roid years" as you describe them.

Him repeating old movie liners must really hurt zoom zooms who shit on everything that came before they were born. This is the sole reason on one is going to like your generation. I mean sure, we ignored the 70's stuff too, but we didn't ignore the movies and good shit that came out of it.

If Jow Forums desperately wants to shit on Arnold it just shows how deluded most of you are and how easily you'll "see red" if someone is even slightly liberal in their beliefs.

He was openly based in the '80s and '90s and is probably inwardly redpilled to this day. Too bad the Jews destroyed him and now he has to kowtow to their cringy demands. Even made him say he was ashamed of his father, who he always admired, for being a National Socialist.

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I'm 36 years old you fucking autist and I grew up on his movies. I saw many of them at the cinema when they came out.

Project harder you limp dicked little Nordic cuck

I wish they would add the ability to upvote on Jow Forums

+1 this post

>you're just a scared troll

Is this the most NPC catchphrase ever?

I admire Arnold for his life accomplishments, but he's a dunce.

>I know you want attention, so I'm gonna give it to you
>Now as to why we do paralympics I dunno but your mom's gay and you probably should become gay as well
No he's retarded


ITT: retards who know so much about themselves they can judge other retards

After "racists are just angry about personal issues" and "gun nuts only want to compensate for their small dick"? yes

thanks for the compliment

Yeah sure you are you self absorbed pretentious fucking contrarian. Enjoying Ahmed's dick while you royally fuck your own economy and future up. It makes sense you'd focus on random old American super stars. I guess everything that is famous is reddit and everything that's even slightly liberal is instantly worse than (You).

>Still unironically saying cuck
2016 is calling zoomie, go back to Jow Forumsthe_donald

>no one will remember you
Ayy narcissism reveals itself. Only retard namefags want to be remembered for being retarded namefags like Ahnald. Gas the celebrities.

My dog‘s name is Arnold. Is he our guy?

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He also produced offspring with a fat, ugly, dirty, mexican, illegal maid and fucked over skeletor.

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More than schwarzenigger. At least he probably won't bang gross Mexicans.

Fuck off back to plebbit


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1/10, felt like replying just to point out you are a 100% wrong and bluepilled schmuck

Arnold a fat stupid hasbeen

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>Schmuck (pejorative) ... The word came into the English language from Yiddish (Yiddish: שמאָק, shmok), where it has similar pejorative meanings, but where its literal meaning is a vulgar term for a penis.

Yeah, ok kike. Whatever you say.

Inbred fucktard can't get through his denial without using a Yiddish word.

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That comment is not even that bad considering all the stuff posted here. If he found that appalling, think of what could have been written.

Making unfortunate families feel better should not be antithetical to a Jow Forumsish way of thought. You should feel better about the few million tax dollars that fund events like these than the uncountable billions you are forced to spend on AIDS research every year.


Can't always be detected user. A family member ended up having a kid with Down's two years ago, doctors had assured her the fetus was normal and healthy.

Arnold for President 2024

Disloyal R

Tards need to be euthanized.