Why do so many white men have yellow fever?

Are Asian bitches really that based?...Or do they just have really tight pussies?
Explain Jow Forums

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They aren't based and their pussies are just sideways. Neckbeards will have you believe otherwise as they try and combat the evil white roastie menace

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Because white women have the black death.

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But, they seem so submissive, and everybody's got one.
It's not just the lefty $6.00 coffee swilling neckbeards either.
Lots of conservatives have a sweet little rice monkey to play with.

>Not hairy
>Less slutty
>Tight pussy

A lot of east asians have better family lives.

New Zealand is a shitty Australia rip off.

cut your cock off and eat it you filthy fucking kike

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don't have yellow fever, just got an asian girlfriend. i have a 10/10 face practically it helps me get a lot of female attention. but literally it's difficult to get a white attractive girlfriend because they're literally just not around to even talk to or they're so repulsive/crazy i'm not interested.

Not an ideal situation.

There have been many threads about this recently

kikes are going to kike

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Cause white women are becoming too fucking degenerate.

Purge the gooks they are a fucking plague of insects devouring everything they can

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Jesus man, that gif is a real boner killer
I get that, except for the 10/10 face thing, I ain't got one of those.
White girls today seem to make it a point to act like massive cunts. It's sad to say the least, which is why I'm curious about Asian women.

>young white men get inundated with propaganda regarding only the shitty degenerate white women
>demoralized young white men become race traitors

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Yes, they are devoid of empathy, and are complete retards around anything mechanical.

Lighten up faggot,..I'm not interested in making mutant babies with one, just want some place wet and warm to stick my dick.

well i'll tell my limited experience i have with one asian girlfriend... They're seemingly pretty loyal, they're pretty cool and most importantly are heavily based in reality.

Most asians hate me, in fact i'd say out of any ethnicity i'm most disliked by asians because i don't have any motivation and drive which is why asian girls like white guys so much. It has a lot to do with their work ethic and work to success ratio.

Take this unguided limited experience how ever you wanna

Am I the only one who thinks it's the other way around?

It's because relatively speaking us honkeys can be considered 'well hung' among the ornamentals.

Cock Size infographic for newfags
BBC > Indian > Honkey > Beaner > Asian

I think it has to due with the lack of traditional women in recent years from white girls. The reason is the rise of leftism in the last 50 years, starting with the baby boomers.

chinks and gooks are pretty shit, and so is basically any first or second generation asian immigrant. It actually has nothing to do with asian women and everything to do with japanese society, which produces good women, compared to most other countries you'd want to live in.

It's that last quality that really gets me sprung.

Am i the only who hates the fact that some whites have a fetish for asian women and culture.

Get the fuck out of here you filthy hook nosed rat bastard

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call them race traitors to their face m8

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Indians have the smallest dicks in the world actually. Sorry to break it to you Pajeet but you can always look it up on google

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Asians are for play white women are for marriage and kids. Asians got tiny hands I don't care how big your dick is it will feel bigger with an Asian girl.

i was about a 6/10 on tinder before i put any effort into appearance in Los angeles, and the app creates an internal rating score for you that matches you out of white women territory.

they were all fat, in their 30s, or you had skinny asian girls to pick.

>Or do they just have really tight pussies?
sideways, actually

Only the hot ones. I banged 2 while in uni and they were both born here and assimilated. The Asian girls I slept with had gorgeous pussies and their skin is so smooth compared to some white girls. But I'm half huwhite and Chinese (and more importantly 6ft with gainz) so I can play both sides of the field pretty well.

Just hand out with attractive and fun chicks. Women for the most part are pretty awesome when you surround yourself with non fatties who are at least as horny as you.

hol up
Indians have the 2nd smallest dicks, my bad

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You don't want a 8/10, you want 6.5/10

White women are feminist garbage that look like shit and have a personality of a rock..asians are the opposite .

Shit forgot pic. My Asian FWB.

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asian women arent that great but white women really are that awful

Yeah, Japanese women seem very ethical, not to mention they are hot. On the down side, they come off as very high maintenance.
I have a fetish for pussy, not something simply because it's asian
Seriously, go fuck a kangaroo or your abo mom you angry down under fag.

Finno ugric women > asian women

I see you like riding surfboards you pathetic faggot
you are probably a gook yourself

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>devoid of empathy
i want a woman that protects what's hers rather than one that feels sorry for nigs

>long flowing raven hair like silk
>extemely feminine and seductive bedroom "cat eye" eyes
>slim petite tight bodies
>pleasant skin tones from fair to tan
>small features, little nose, slight plump pout
>high cheekbones
>nice breasts from small to large usually very good shape
>nice butts and legs.
>extremely tight pussy
>adore European culture and manly White men
>intellectual and creative
>can cook
>tidy and disciplined
>seductive sexuality and submissive
>can hold a conversation
>have a sense of humour

>riding surfboards

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you faggots are really pushing this bug fucker bullshit hard
kys kike

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>I see you like riding surfboards

We are in operation destroy white womens egos. Sorry user you either fight the evil or die a cuck.

Asian women have inherited the mantle of top women. They earned it.


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Chads red pill white women with their dick you pathetic meme flaggot shill

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Chad here i dont care lol. I want an asian woman.
Asian women are the sports bike and white women are a shitty disability scooter.

Really tight pussies..

women don't use this site either you NPC kike fuckwit

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westernized asian women are worse than white women and eastern asian women are raised in a culture that frowns upon dating foreigners so you're only left with the degenerate ones

They're cute

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Thats what training is for. If you get a westernised asian woman you tie her up in your dungeon and train her to be submissive.


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Because they're easy


asian women are literally for easy pussy and thats it

they can be thick as hell, pretty good looking face and still easy. but dont you dare knock one up

they think you are too

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>shes not a wrinkled old burlap sack so she must be underage!
You britbongs are a retarded bunch

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I don't even think it's white women, but western culture, because asian women in the west are just as bad as white women.

Personally, I have a filipina princess who I'll be making beautiful hapas with, I don't really give a fuck what anyone else thinks because the west is rotten to the core and I won't make a family with any woman, white or otherwise, from there.

Because makeup drenched asians are hot until they hit 25. Don't worry, they regret it after a couple of years when they wake up next to mama-san.

its kind of other worldly how easy it is to be confident around asians due to caring how little they think of you

and they respect white men so much theres literally no challenge

you are posting children you fucken degenerate pedo shill faggot

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Because where else can you buy a wife. If you are looser who cant make it instead of suicide they buy a wife from Thailand Vietnam or the Philippines like the degenerate scum they are and bring down their host nation with their imported wife

What the fuck

faggot beer bogan

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feminism hasn't poisoned them as much as white women
probably raised in a traditional, non-broken home
thin and petite, on average
neotonous features

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The fact that you have these videos saved is indicative of your sub-human status. You're the degenerate.

oh shit. haven't seen Showry in a long time. didn't she get banned from youtube for literally doing nothing, just because she was hotter than some other (((girl)))?

one of my goals is to have some asian ass on demand

Fuck, please let the next John Wick be set in Asia,

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cute but traveling with that ball.

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you're all programmed to only be attracted to the liberal slut demographic of white women. the nasty porn posted in Jow Forums threads daily confirm it.

be better.

Because they think the chinaman aren't a threat and that the asian women see white males as superior so in their minds they believe they have a "chance" and it snow balls from there.

kys faggot

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Pic someday it up.
Any questions?

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im not attracted to that sort of woman and that shit is spammed by non-white browncels.

not programmed. ever since age 6 i've literally loved one girl, and had a thing for similar girls. i can only be truly attracted to abrasive/mature girls with a fiery spark. its my scot/irish dna

how fucken new are you shills

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Nothing brings out Asian incel and white roastie rage quite like a WMAF thread.

wmaf pisses off so many people its like the perfect troll bait.

Due to transgenders being prevalent amongst whitoids you can never actually be sure the White woman is actually of the female sex, so White men are opting for Asian women.

flag mimicking, nazi larping, sheep fucking, island nigger


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I think it is more to the fact that they seem culturally traditional. They aren't and are just as vapid as any other race, but they seem to show more of their Asian tradition and heritage compared to Europeans who despise their own.

Now it's time for us to start fucking white girls

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>posts artistic shit instead of real thing

neck your anonymous, inutile, forgettable self in your whore mother's bathtub, ignorance contagion

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Its because they act or are perceived more feminine and want a family. Statically out of all mixed couples East Asians have a higher chance of successful relationships.

this is just boomer-tier bullshit response to white men getting a woman

filipinas are sweet, family orientated, not in travel vlogging and instagram whoring, want to make their man happy

i'm not some 60 year old boomer either, im a young guy, the only white women here that want to marry are +30 and finished riding chads and tyrones cock while traveling, fucked if im gonna put a ring on that

you are using a peace meme flag faggot
if anyone should be killing themselves it is fucking you
thanks for the video though cocksucker


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reddit spacing
go back faggot

are you scared that if you lose your memeflag, people will care about your autism even less?

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They're super conservative and their whole culture is all about taking care of family. The biggest baggage that they carry is that if you marry one, you're marrying their whole family.

Be sure to have a spare bedroom and a lot of patience lmao.

I want to kiss a gook girl.

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flips are also like, 83 intelligence. your kids are going to come out mentally handicapped

every half flip I've ever met has been obese, effete, stupid, and addicted to things like star ars. I honestly thin the hapa flips are even dumber than full flips due to some strange genetic glitch