BEN SHAPIRO SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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old news

fuck ben shapiro and fuck you

Oy vey!

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>tfw you hate lefties
>tfw you hate Jews

There has to be another option, Jow Forums!
Is there any other group to stand with besides progressives or kikes?

Holy fuck! LOL

Rabbid leftist against apartheid, gas her.

Hahaa, check out what Woods says about kikes

>We're not going to discuss that truth right now
>We'll discuss it at a much later time when I can call it a lie
Ok, Ben.

Rabbid dumbass, trying to justify the unrighteous action of a foreign state.

> Make you wonder, what are your "true" allegiance.

Israel is illegitimate.

He's not wrong you fucking idiots. Muslims in Israel have literally more rights than the entire muslim world combined.

So you're against apartheid?
Nigger lover?
Love that BBC huh?

Everyone in the video are all retarded cunts. The twitter users too.

Muslims in Israel are treated like 2nd class citizens, don't kid yourself poo. But it's a good thing.

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Jumping to conclusion, nice that you stick to sounds bites. I'd be worried if you ever tried deeper thought.

I think musims in Malaysia, Indonesia and Jordan would disagree.

Dear god (((they))) are trying so hard to make Ben Shapiro the new voice of conservatism. The damn kike is already trying to act like a gate-keeper, saying what conservative ideas are "kosher" and what are "too extreme". Fuck him and the millionaires funding him.

ok, chang

Why can't we nuke the entiremiddle East and wash our hands of it? Why do we put up with this bullshit?

Okay, this is epic

His rep is still almost destroyed after he took the never trump stance and only boomers listen to this piece of filth. Also, he sucks on FOX and they'll probably dispose him shortly

Honestly surprised Fox didn't edit this out.

He's a smug hateable douchebag, that's why they want him to be the new face of conservatism so much. It serves multiple purposes.

Benji wearing his little yamake on TV so he can announce his jewness to everyone as a defense mechanism

Imagine being a liberal/leftist and actually saying,
>"I am thankful we still live in a country that values dissent."

I want every single leftist in this country butchered, their tongues ripped out of their skulls and their skin fucking peeled off.

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Israel is illegitimate.

If you had gotten in a oy vey I would not be calling you a fag

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Maybe you’re right, but what’s the alternative? Givemit up to the Palestinians so they can be slaughtered by some other tribe. Conquer Isreal or fuck em

Funny you mention soundbites when you base your view on this interraction from a 34 sec clip. Go watch the entire segment you fucking retard. That women is a walking cancer.

Are you siding with cancer #1 or cancer #2?

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No, they want him to be the new face of conservatism because they want to control both sides. The jews had control of the conservative movement since the 90s, when the neo-cons were running the show. But Trump changed that and made the conservative movement more nationalist and less neo-con. This has (((them))) freaking out. They need to control both sides. Enter Ben Shapiro. He will take the place of the neo-cons for the next generation. He will act as the gate-keeper to make sure conservatism remains "kosher". He will make sure that whites never gain any racial consciousness. He will be the false opposition to the globalist agenda.

Meh. It could be worse

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fuck his sister, dont be homo

Oh a shitskin supporter, great.
Glass the entire middle east.
Fuck all leftists.
And apartheid is a good thing.

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I love it when leftists and even jews take anti-Israel stances because it's the beast they created run amuck

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>engineering the great jew civil war
So Trump and Netanyahu are /ourguys/ afterall

no just Trump. Netanyahu is a terrorist.

This is Epic

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No thanks, leftists can fuck off.

Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
David Duke - ?Zionist shill?
Laura Loomer - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist

Sell em both guns and watch them kill eachother

He has that typical female attitude, is he gay?

And you're a scholar.

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I'm watching Shapiro's show on Fox tonight. He couldn't even handle Tom Arnold.
I like Shapiro and watch most of his stuff, but if he couldn't even handle Tom fucking Arnold he has no future on Fox news.

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She's a kike too, which is visible, but always worth mentioning anyway.

>Elon Musk

Arnolds looked like a clown though, a rambling old man that can't stop ranting about unrelated topics, completely off the rails.

Based James, man is a fucking hero

He looked like a clown who didn't let Shapiro get a word in.

Shatpire was willing to have this lunatic n the show and Arnolds wasted all his time ranting about nonsensical false equivalencies and about his childhood. Nothing good can come from tryign to reason with the likes of Tom Arnold. He came on the show, looked like someone who is unstable and borderline out of his mind, mission accomplished.

Oh wow, that was savage! Woman has more balls than half of Jow Forums

Kavanaugh Hearing Spectator INCINERATES Whiny Ben Shapiro with LOGIC AND FACTS

Okay, this is epic!

Why are Jewesses so hot

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Pretty sad Ben Shapiro is supposed to be an alt-lite 'intellectual' and then he resorts to jerry springer esque Tom Arnold confrontations for shekels.

Half the people on this list are no longer relevant

They are called anglokikes, you know the British? A guy named Adolf Hitler dropped bombs on them around 70 years ago. You act as if you discovered some new revelation here. It's almost as if... the Nazi's were right.

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Who is this Jew and why doesn't anyone give a flying fuck about him?

To seduce and get bred by white goyim
Jews were made for white cock

I suppose you're right

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The few rightwing jews that do exist are actually just subversive liberals anyway. You don't really have to choose.

I can hate both of the people in that video, and acknowledge her redpilled shot at Israel.

lol , what movie is this ???

Plastic surgery to hide that jew nose.

>Patrick Little - Zionist
lmao you're retarded

It's your Christian duty to save the remnant named from aforetimes
Save their horrid genes with your dick
Save as many as you can at once if need be

This is when the Israeli nationalist jew meets the progressive globalist jew. There is no Israel either in the Globohomo.

Jews have a saying, "A Jew is a Jew's worst enemy." Every Jewish person has heard their parents say it.

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Nobody cares about benny, abigail's mega milkers are the only shapiro news I want to hear.

his sister is a qt jewess princess

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