Steven Spielberg

Is there ever been a more red pilled film maker?

Attached: saving private ryan.jpg (600x325, 42K)

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sick pedo fuck

Hans says, GAS!

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What a dumb question

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>no pregnant Anne Frank shooting Germans from rooftops with a sniper rifle

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The only answer

the guys who made pic related

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kek, sounds like a good watch

> >2 hrs
epic. Comfy night tonight!

He made a holhoax propaganda movie that's based on a *fictional* novel then deliberately mislead cinemagoers into thinking that it was real. Then he got his juden friends to push for it to be shown, unedited, at schools so that young children would have to watch full frontal nudity and learn about his digusting scat fetish.

Yep. He and his kike buddies killed Heather O'Rourke. Also Judith Barsi was killed in a ritual.

come out from under the bed now faggit

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He's a sick pedo who killed the little girl from Poltergeist by raping her to death. He will burn.

Mel Gibson

They also gave us this:
based wops

>a jewish hollywood propagandist
pick one

>Is there ever been a more red pilled film maker?
This is the shittiest bait I have seen today

>red pilled
pick one

>anons will still fall for this b8

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He rapes kids

>Spielberg premiered Firelight to a packed house of family, friends and curious local residents at the Phoenix Little Theatre on March 24, 1964, when he was 17 years old. The film made a profit of one dollar. "I counted the receipts that night," Spielberg recalled, "and we charged a dollar a ticket. Five hundred people came to the movie and I think somebody probably paid two dollars, because we made one dollar profit that night, and that was it."

Shekelberg has always had is priorities right.

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Red pilled = pedofile? No. He's one of (((them)))

Leni Riefenstahl probably, since she created Triumph of the Will and The Victory of Faith