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as long as nothing happened to a Romanian girl

>fox noise
dropped, learn to properly source fucking nigger

bulgaria is such a shithole that its one of the few places where they were arguably better under communism than now

wide awake


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>Marinova’s killing was widely-condemned on Twitter by fellow journalists and watchdog groups.
Watch it was a migrant that did it and they all shut up.


Oy vey

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thats what happens to jews

>Shut it down
>mutts and memeflags

what?! I'm a pure Romanian

EU is a stinking shithole, they can't silence that opinion

Sad, didn't something to a German judge that was complaining about migrant violence?

Bump this shit!!

>doing actual journalism
Of course they shut it down, especially since its against the agenda.


Her "journalism" had nothing to do with her death. She is literally from some 5th rate city wide tv station that no one watches. No one here had heard about her or that channel before this.

She was a degenerare whore and a single mom that had multiple lovers. One of them found about the rest.

Stop polluting my board.

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Sad but true. She is a wemin after all

Generally ritualistic shit like this is done by a husband or a mentally ill lover. Hitman just take you out clean. There's no need to hide it as a contract killing if you want to make an example out of her. Russian political opposition gets shot in broad daylight in the street.

You guys are Bulgarian, right? A Bulgarian woman was raped and murdered. Her face was so pulverized that it was unrecognizable. Her Bulgarian Father and Mother could not even recognize their Bulgarian daughter's face. And you two Bulgarians are gleeful?

What am I missing here?

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Wasn't my post clear enough?

F, another one of Ferkle’s victims.

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You are talking to literally Communist shills.

It's just weird. I'm from a country with over 300 million and I always had this idea that small countries like yours were really tight knit. Like the Irish or something.

Don't you feel for her Dad? Maybe she had brothers or a husband? I mean she's not even a Jew or a journalist from a major Globalist syndicate. From your description she is just a common Bulgarian girl working for a small Bulgarian media company.

I don't get where you are coming from man. I 100% honestly do not see how you can be happy that this girl's face was bashed in.

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They aren't bulgarians, bro.

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>having sympathy for a degenerate single mom with multiple partners
Literally kill yourself and go back

Yeah, totally, because we should celebrate when White shiksas....errr I mean 'women'....are raped and beaten to a literal pulp, right Shlomo?


what the fuck is wrong with you?

this should have a blacked logo

Kek that pic

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>Speaks out against EU.

EU funded nigger rape death squad sent in. This is Europe's bright new future..

The mutt strikes again with his agenda. Whats your next narrative? about white male privilege or toxic masculinity? Go away otherwise I will...

Just an average day in corrupt as fuck white people countries


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>be bulgarian
>bulgarian woman brutally murdered

Holy fuck you guys are not white.

Bulgaria is in Balkans. People are being killed there for all kinds of reasons by all kind of people. Somewhat fair skin colour does not make you a saint.

>dropped, learn to properly source fucking nigger
If you googled, you could have found dozens of other sources from around the entire world.

They're trying to slide this story with all the TayTay distractions because of course nobody who would pry into EU corruption would end up brutally executed

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Merkel had her raped to death by her muslim pets.
Many such cases

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When and how did you change from onenetis serial killer to grown up man?
Do you care about her now?

> Reported on EU corruption.

What a charming sleight of hand.

We have a saying in Bulgaria - "There are no devils guarding the cauldron with the bulgarians in hell." Guess why ?

>crying over a dead roastie


Holy crap!!!

That is an incredible 'coincidence'...

Doesn't seem like a public message to other journalists or anything.

>What am I missing here
The fact that Jow Forums is under constant siege from glow in the dark niggers and media whores like these two cunts hiding behind VPN's.

Real news, jew rat.

t. EU shill

>Critisicizing the EUSSR from within the EUSSR
It would be extremely bainful...

Don't be fooled by those roaches with bulgarian flags. Right now they are extremely mad and sad about the woman.

In Bulgaria I mean

>Like the Irish or something.
lmao what?

If this isn't proof that Jow Forums is filled with shills I don't know what is.

All these meme flags, US flags, and VPN Bulgarian flags popping out of nowhere to celeberate one of the few legitimate journalists reporting on EU corruption being killed.

And some people will still pretend the EU isn't like the USSR.

They want all journalists to be good goy globalist anti-white shills for the EU/NATO/UN establishment and everyone else to be wiped off the map or live in fear.

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>small countries like yours were really tight knit

In the past.Atm is more like you care for family and friends.

>be Europe
>ban free speech
>ban memes
>ban all information on the internet
>try to remove Poland's & Hungary's right to vote because they don't like Soros and don't want to accept being flooded by millions of Africans
>ban guns
>ban light bulbs
>kill any journalist critical of the regime
>want to create a "EU army"



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This reminds of this. Here's an interview with another Bulgarian journalist


>live in corrupt Bulgaria
>fuck the elite over by publishing leaks she received detailing the corruption/illegal activity
>implicates ISAF and many US NGOs
>exposes the entire balkan arms supply to the durkas in Syria and that the US is arming ISIS
>travels to the shithole and documents everything
>gets interrogated & intimidated by the Bulgarian secret police
>gets fired for doing her job
>gives 0 fucks and continues to spread the leaks


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daily reminder

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>Jow Forums is overrun by shills
no shit

schlomo pls

>What am I missing here?

That Bulgarians are the literal source of the English word "bugger". Degeneracy is Bulgarian.

>implying communism isn't a religion

She reported on local corruption scheme regarding the EU funds. The Bivol site that is shilling GPGate is allegedly funded by Soros (still not sure about it). That same site is trying to tie our PM to this same corruption scheme, probably with the goal to bring civil unrest and impeachment, because of his support for Hungary.
Again, nothing is clear atm.

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>Marinova is the third journalist murdered in the EU within the last year, Reuters reported. According to the Reporters Without Borders world press freedom index, Bulgaria ranks lower than other EU member.

It is, that's why it's right there along with all the other religions.

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>according to the Reporters Without Borders

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Bulgarians literally aren’t white

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what the fuck


most likely a good boy from the middle east who had a sexual emergency did it.
link above had an identical pattern.


How do you even live with yourself after that?

Rumen Radev can not get away with this!


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US actual #1 ally kills their own journalist lol

Ideology "women are all whores who deserves death"

nothing like a good old ancient meme, at this point, I'm a collector

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