How destructive would the Democrats if they were allowed to have any power at all in the USA...

How destructive would the Democrats if they were allowed to have any power at all in the USA? I don't understand what evil and nefarious deeds they would?

Like destroy the environment? Steal from the rich and give to the poor? Bail out Big Business? Send a rocket to Mars?

What is the fear? I don't understand. All I hear is Trump talk about how it would be 'A DISASTER'.

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Take a look at Detroit. Now multiply that on a national scale.

>What is the fear?
They are physically incapable of processing consequence.

Why is the first post nearly always the best one?

This. FPBP

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How is the picture of one building proof of anything? So do they just not care about infrastructure or do they like just destroy jobs or is that from too much social benefits stuff?

Liberal programs are a total disaster, like needle exchanges and safe injection spots in california, now they have junkies piling up with no natural selection to balance things.

So they care more about the 'means' than the 'end'? Like they care more about HOW something is done than the consequences of doing it?

But the drugs are still lethal, just not contagious, unlike the disease that are contagious to NON drug users like doctors or lovers. How is that not natural selection. I am pretty sure heroin can kill you quicker than AIDS or hepatitis.

got it backwards my man.

at this point it all about the end; by any means necessary

People should be able to shoot heroin into their veins every day in my opinion. But no safety net, no government employee there to bring them back with narcan

Is it true that Democrats want to make American Samoa and Puerto Rico into 51st/52nd states?

Look at cities run by democrats.
This is what their utopia promises look like.

Attached: san-diego-boards_4chan_org-1514863630116.png (800x992, 233K)

So what is that ends?

That why God invented DNR.

>How destructive would the Democrats if they were allowed to have any power at all in the USA?

The sad thing Jow Forums will never realize is that to get back to National Socialism and the 4th Reich we need a collapse followed by Weimar, followed by Communism with literally people dying left and right and mass starvation.

Right now everyone is too comfortable. All we're doing is declining slowly which is all (((part of the plan))). By the time shit gets bad enough, there won't be enough whites to fight back.

The only pill we all need to swallow is the Acceleration Pill.

The future seems remarkably Republic in the USA. Why do you think that is terrible? From the charts I have seen the Asians are smarter. What are the whites superior at? Like, literally fighting?

Yup, their policys already rekt Detroit, San Francisco is a giant designated shitting street that would make India jealous, that is the Utopia they envision for the rest of the country, save for their walled enclaves with armed security

all of the above

>Why do you think that is terrible?

>78% voted for the Immigration Act of 1965
>Reagan turned California blue with his amnesty for 3 million wetbacks
>Republicans LOVE non-white immigration as a source for cheap labor
>Republicans have never done a fucking thing for white communities, except tweak the stock market or give some little tax breaks

The Republicans are a center-left party. Always have been and always will be. Their followers are literally two digit IQ retards who fall for the same fucking tricks every election cycle. When they don't get what they wanted they cry among themselves and then justify their stupidity with:

> was the lesser of two evils!

Do I really need to go on?

But thats because of niggers not democrats, republicans cant change detroit as long as its a nigger city!

It used to be a white city, why do you think that changed?

>le masonic handshake

I agree with Snoop

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Democrats invented niggers (blacks use to be inefficient yet docile farm equipment) and if you haven't noticed they are turning everyone including whites into niggers and worse

me too

he's a BASED nigger that can fuck my white wife

I wonder what they have on him

did you know snoop doggy dogg makes porno

>But thats because of niggers not democrats
lol you think these can be separated

Youre wife aint white, tyrone gonzalez...

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>The Republicans are a center-left party.
Just so you know, in the scope of the world Democrats are relatively right wing, they still support a lot of right wing ideas, and I think it's mostly because of the Republicans. But now it just seems like USA really is a lot more right wing than I thought.

It's not the lesser of two evils. There is only 2 choices. It's as much of an illusion as can be, you're correct. Fundamentally I don't see USA changing even if a nuclear bomb dropped.

The dudes an FBI informant. You ever remember when he was on trial for murder?

OP you need a better picture, snoop is not #trumptrain

Attached: skinny_ape.jpg (2000x1143, 185K)

I don’t get this retarded meme, I’ve been to Detroit and its not that bad I think. I stayed there for 3-4 days and it was nice dude. Lot’s of black ppl but they were nice as well. One black guy helped me find my way back to my hotel, he spoke with an accent but was pretty polite “you are welcome, sir” etc.

I know, it's a fake picture.

Raj is cute.