Would you press it?

If you could press a button to wipe out planet earth for eternity would you press it and why.

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no, fuck off

only if white women didn't exist

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Why not?

Existence is pain
Enjoy it while you have it. Life doesn't last long.

come home white fucking man

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Depends. I don't want to, but it's going to cost ya.

>why not
white women (did nothing wrong)

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Earth didn't do shit.
It's humanity that needs reset.

Without a second thought, fuck this gay earth.

depends, how long is my window of opportunity for pressing it?

Yes - because it would also be a good way to prove God exists, as he would have to intervene to stop the button-pressing to ensure his prophetic plans are fulfilled. But God would already be a billion moves ahead and prevent it somehow, I suppose.

It would pain me to do it, but I would have to. Existence is suffering. We must put an immediate end to ALL suffering. Where is this button and how do I get access to it?

I am waiting on the fire.

Last time God used a flood, he promised he wouldn’t use a flood again.

Enoch, Peter and John all made it clear, second time the earth will be purged with fire.

There will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the almighty, the wicked spirits will be bound for a thousand years and the sons and daughters of Adam will have peace.

Take the ultimate blackpill, goy!

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Yes, fuck this gay earth

No, the earth is just shitty because humans are shitty. Let the simple brutality of nature return. I love animals, especially my doggos.

Pic related, say something nice about them

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no because this timeline is too much fun

it is already wiped out; you guys can't see the full picture yet

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If the universe just repeats itself identically over and over again eternally. Then yes, it would be the only way to end pointless and infinite suffering. If this reality is a one way street to a dead end, then no, Just let it play out and fade away.

If then question was only ending human existence, then I would be morally obligated to do so.

I'd flop a coin and let the universe decide

>Heavily pregnant
>still dressing lime a thot

Do us a favour and throw her off the building, most likely carrying a Jew or a Brown baby anyway..