Why is Balkan such a shithole?
Aren't they white?
Why is Balkan such a shithole?
Aren't they white?
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Romania is literally the birthplace of all Whites.. go fuck yourself rat
muslim cancer destroyed them,
they're like araps, only without oil.
Extreme butthurt grudgefuckery over every single fucking thing
Because as long as S*rbs are allowed to exist there will be no peace in the Balkan.
Gib back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romanian clay.
paradise on earth
>Romanians are eternal, they came from Atlantis itself.
>Romanians have invented how to piss while sitting.
>The first extraterrestrials to contact us will be all Romanians since they have colonized the galaxy 7 million years ago.
>The last Ice Age has ended because Romanians have turned on the heating.
>If there were no Romanians gravity would seize to exist and the Sun and the Moon would fall from the sky.
>Romanians have invented the platinum-made magic jumping kangaroo, when it leaps the Dow Jones rises exponentially.
>After Virgin Marry had given birth to Jesus Christ not even God could fix her hymen, but the Romanians did.
>The pure willpower of Romanians can turn heavy water into regular one and back to heavy again, without them no nuclear reactor would be capable of working on this planet.
>Romania is an eternal and unending salt mine.
>Romanians can't steal land since all land on the planet belongs to Romanians by allodial right.
>Every language out there is just a dialect of Romanian.
>All Romanians are transdimensional beings with the immense capacity to go back and forth in time.
>When Romanians organise themselves into a spiral a magical doorway to another galaxy opens up.
>There are no black people in Africa. Only tanned Romanians in Chad.
>All races stem from Romanians. Being a degenerate and inbred is a sign of living too far away from Romania.
>Before Nietzche wrote the Zarathustra he visited Romania to talk to the great sage known as Kăl-el.
>Romanians wrote all the books that could be found at the Pharos of Alexandria the library that contained all the knowledge of the world. Once it got burned down by the Bozgors the Romanians choose to pass on its sacred knowledge mouth to mouth.
>Extreme butthurt grudgefuckery over every single fucking thing
that explains mike enoch
Did you just say araps?
>Aren't they white?
More like a mixture of asian barbarians and turks with a little bit of european DNA left here and there, also messed up collective psyche thanks to gommunism
Ottoman incompetence. They continuously drained the region of manpower, then instituted idiotic tax policies (such as Janissary soldiers not being taxed), leading to little tax revenue as time went on as more and more claimed to be part of Janissary families, leaving the state little incentive to put money into the region as they had to deal with local warlords springing up in eastern Anatolia and Iraq.
You also then had the two balkan wars, ww1, ww2, communist "liberation", yugoslav wars. Those post-ottoman events stymied recovery greatly.
>maybe islam have to do something with balkan idk
funny coming from jap who adopt western culture just so it can please they master usa
>Romanians were Muslims even before Arabs, they wrote the Churân but Mohammed the coward gypsoid Türk stole it.
Romanians are the Mexicans of Europe
>one post by this ID
>one post by a country that doesn't even exist
Nigger gtfo or go to G*rmany.
Where the fuck did you hear such bullshit?
>Why is Balkan such a shithole
Low IQ
>Aren't they white
Unironically this.
Greater Bulgaria when?
Too late. Having seen what happens with Serbia, nobody is crazy enough to try it.
magyar pls relax we are all friends here
Lel Bulgaria is finished mate, people here deserve to be genocided en masse right now.
Serbs are like niggers, never relax around them.
Balkans is rightful BULGarian clay. Anyone who says that most of it isn't part of the greater Bulgarian Khanganate is a wh*toid who deserves to be gassed. Glory to the Kanaubigi!
>muslim cancer destroyed them,
>they're like araps, only without oil.
The Spanish sucked dick for 1100 years, I don't hear you bitching about them, memeflagfag
>Aren't they white?
They are a mix between Slavs, Turks and Cumans.
I thought you Chiggas where suposed to have good education and yet you say retarded shit like that, Iberians don't have as big admixture as Balkaners, Iberians score around 98IQ on average, unlike Balkaners who score like 92IQ on average.
i told you we are all friends here now assimilate cunt
For us in particular several national catastrophic events that caused lasting damage and trauma similar to what happened to you, Japan, after WW2.
The peak of the new bulgarian tsardom, the event that we were unirocally preparing for ever since liberation was the first Balkan war. Our victory there was our triumph and perhaps the last great victory of the Cross against the Crescent. It was followed immediately by the inter-allied war, that ended with Bulgaria defeated and humiliated. Then came WW I, which became an absolutely titanic effort that once again ended in defeat. WW2 was, for us at least, a fairly bloodless affair until the very end BUT it brought us communism. 50 years of communism can break a nation. With its elite executed, its soul destroyed to be replaced by "The New Soviet Man." its history altered as needed, well you get the current results. We are healing slowly, but i fear its too slow.
Meanwhile, Hungary has 99IQ on average.
Give me ONE (just one!) reason why Balkans shouldn't be ruled by Hungary.
Protip: you can't.
Nem, nem, soha!
>Give me ONE (just one!) reason why Balkans shouldn't be ruled by Hungary.
you mean habsburg dynasty to rule balkan
>Aren't they white?
Being White doesn't mean you're intelligent.
That's one of the biggest flaws with Jow Forums, how much they suck "white" penis.
There are poor whites, dumb whites, smart whites, rich whites, ugly whites, attractive whites, etc.
Hell no, I want a socialist dictatorship.
gtfo reddit user
Because IQ isn't a good reason for someone to rule a country and a 99 average IQ is still bad. It's 1 point below average, but even the average of 100 is still too low. The average should be 110 or 115.
Pretty much this. They're always instigating conflicts and have their heads so far up their ass that they always think they're in the right.
Kys mutt. Never talk to me again.
your wish is granded sir
Danish diaspora actually.
Time to see the truth Boris.
>The average should be 110 or 115
For asians mb, not for whiteoids
>"reeeeeeeeeee all europeans are superior even though history and the modern day proves otherwise reeee"
You're retarded.
Then "whites" aren't superior.
Yeah they're shit.
Don't come.
Don't send any help.
that wasn't real socialism
>"whites" aren't superior
Thats true
user NO
>steals from Romanian
Sounds like a family strife.
Dude you sound lika a Macedonian with this sci fi shit .
yes good thing now in future we can have real communist state
Occupied by Muslims for 200-400 years.
Occupied/ruled by Russians and Austria-Hungary for a the time after that.
Breif Independance
More or less Commie occupied for 50 years.
They haven't really had time to adjust and develop for the last 100 years.
It's really sad, fight on Balkan, we believe in you! It's always darkest before the dawn!
Mix of Alb*nians, Mudshits, and cucktholics hellbent on eliminating white Orthodox Christians
white nigger here, ask me anything
just yesterday we elected the same war profiteers into power 20 years in a row, i.e. every single election since the war, go bosnia!
during eclipse, how come that moon is just at perfect size and distance so he can cover the sun perfectly?
100 will always be the average user. That's how it works. If the average person has an IQ of 60, 60 becomes 100 and north and south of that become whatever they'd be relative to the new standard.
keked true
> all europeans are superior
no just look at the avarge iq in world and does something tell you
allah willed it alhamdulillah
Don't clump us with those bums.
What are you saying Servdog? Are you drunk?
you will never escape your slavic roots, no matter how many austro-hungarian soldiers raped your female ancestors
It is too early to cry, wait untill evening.
pls stop hating bklac palpe tha are gocdd #BlackLifeMatter
Atleast they're somewhat white and somewhat christian
I couldn't give a shit if they're aggressive wife beating alcoholics
atleast they're our agressive wife beating alcoholics
Why do you share your flag with "Herzegovina"?
And why is it that every Bosnian I've ever met was autistic? Always into anime or obscure scifi novels, wearing leather jackets from goodwill or denim jackets with patches, autist shoes, made up war stories and shit? What gives?
>Atleast they're somewhat white and somewhat christian
That's retarded lol
f*ck wh*toids
praise tengri
idk dint murica forced to serbs and croat to live under muslim rule in bosnia ?
>Why do you share your flag with "Herzegovina"?
dayton agreement to end the war had to coddle all three ethnicities within the border, so the 300k croats in herzegovina get to have their own presidential member and to share the name of the country, serbs got a presidential member, their own little state within the country and then another president for that state etc. very dumb and inefficient deal
>And why is it that every Bosnian I've ever met was autistic? Always into anime or obscure scifi novels, wearing leather jackets from goodwill or denim jackets with patches, autist shoes, made up war stories and shit? What gives?
probably because you were only in the situation to meet ones from that social group, they're the ones that know english, don't think of americans as the devil, use foreign (i.e. american) websites, travel, etc. they're a minority but the entire ex-yugoslavian Jow Forums general is made up exclusively out of them for example, the "npcs" don't use the internet apart from social networks within their locale
Stfu it's Romanian history.
I envy countries wherein people of different races not being interchangeable is common sense and drives government action. I'd rather we have civil war than the slow death we're dying. Not even memeing, it's sad.
That doesn't sound like something America would do user.
>1 post by this ID
Congratz, you're all retarded.
ty for a good kek
>Balkan such a shithole
Go jerk off to octopus porn, you slat-eyed hairless fag nip. Greece is the shit, unfortunately we have shit commie politicians.
nah, the polish are
>posts here to tell everybody how retarded they are for posting here
This is a Euro-Mexico banter thread now faggot get out.
* Romanians wrote all the books that could be found at the Pharos of Alexandria in Teleorman the library that contained all the knowledge of the world. Once it got burned down by the Bozgors the Romanians choose to pass on its sacred knowledge ass to mouth.
Are the "1 post by this ID" people fucking new or trolling for (you)s?
read this user
>That doesn't sound like something America
like hole kosovo thing happen because usa start bombarding serbia and montenergo
Montenegro had it coming for being a negro. But sorry we bombed Serbia, Serbanon. That was our bad.
Makes more sense.
Final shitpost, lunch break is over.
Because we split in the first place. We should have stayed great Yugoslavia but kicked out the muslims
The western powers abandoned the balkans to get raped by the turks for hundreds of years.
They also stopped russia from defeating the turks.
We should've kicked out the S*rbs.
Muslims shit up the place
jesus fucking christ... context?
No they're pure-blooded Brachycephalic Turks
No idea, but I'm certain she deserved it. Women suck.