Strange Photos Of SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket

Uh, guys... this doesn't really look like a rocket launch to me. Wtf is this shit? There's no way in hell a standard rocket looks like that... what is Elon Musk up to? I'm thinking maybe he's either A) working with the government on a blue beam-like project (under the guise of SpaceX) and doing some sort of beta test with holograms to see the public's reaction or B) working hand-in-hand with ayylmaos.

>Early Sunday evening, SpaceX launched its Falcon 9 Rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base, which is over one hundred miles northwest of Los Angeles, California.
>Twitter user @WhoIsGev managed to capture some astonishing shots of the rocket as it flew overhead.
>Another user on Twitter who commented on the colorful pictures shared our sentiment (and maybe yours as well) when she pointed out this did not look like a normal rocket launch:
>"When in history did rockets ever look like this? Remember remember last December. It's not a rocket!!"

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pic 2

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pic 3

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>your view is different than mine based on your geographic location

I saw it and there was nothing out of the ordinary

The space X rockets, I'll admit do look a lot different from the Norway spiral. Which was allegedly a rocket. That would be a legitimate case of "doesn't look like a rocket". It was something else.

It's an aurora borealis reflecting off of some swamp gas.

the earth is flat, it exploded when it hit the top of the sky.

from venus or something

Clouds reacting with the exhaust fumes of the rocket.

Nuclear Alien UFOs, From North Korea.
Musk said it himself back in december.

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there were huge grass fires near bay area today, whole san jose was covered in smoke

was it some coincidence?

I saw like 4 anons pop into a thread and post how it was missle from a base and they only posted once and seconds apart from each other .
Big cover up going on

That spiral was weird as hell, but this one looks like some sort of nebula or supernova. Something isn't right.

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last bump

Americans are not white


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Fog or light rain.


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Go there and stay there LARPing faggot

>SpaceX rocket achieves FTL speeds
>Weed onboard is stolen by ayy's
>Launch second rocket and establish weed plantation on titan
>Governments can't fuck you because Titan isn't claimed
>Use child labor to save money
>Sell weed at low prices
>Crash market with no survivors
>Musk conquers world with venezuelan child soldiers
>Becomes divine weed-emperor
based and redpilled

It’s just a flare

its our nazi brethren from antarctica that trump has reawoken

Boy i sure am gettig sleepy 4chin
Lets go to bed this is surely skydiver flare

more photos

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he truly is

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its fucking sunlight hitting the rocket exhaust in the high atmosphere

fucking burger education

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Expanding exhaust gasses reflecting light from the sun.
Different types and densities of gas have different reflectivity and color.

There is nothing strange about this at all.

I wish you 90 IQ mouthbreathers would go plague some other website.

different rockets use different rocket fuels, which also produce different exhaust plumes.

maybe stop being a nigger, and actually try to not be completely fucking ignorant

Ah yes, the UK, Home of 12 grade nuclear physicists and have experienced in theorizing these launches before we actually have them. Incredible.

>sip british tea
>akhmed blows up me and my wife
>Big ben strikes noon and everyone kneels to mecca as islamic prayer sweeps across city

I fucking love Elon Musk bros he really is taking us there

of course its a missile from a base.

SpaceX launches from Vanderberg Airforce base.

Well this is curious. This doesn't seem like a rocket at all but some type of device that was used in the atmosphere.

>it's hitting the water at the top which is why it looks like a ski

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That's fuckin weird man, wtf.

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Not gonna lie, this shit caught me by surprise and actually made me say WOW

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>It's raining jewish space chemicals all over CA right now
I was a few hundred miles away AMA

Twilight effect. Unburned fuel particles dissipating across the high atmosphere reflecting the sun's light through the cloud of fuel. No ayys I'm afraid.

They were attempting to birth a phoenix but the ritual failed
Fiery nationwide holocaust has been postponed

>Earth casts a shadow
>Rocket escapes that shadow
>Flat earthers blown the fuck out
>no one thought Oh yeah the earth casts a shadow we could have done this the whole time to prove the earth was round
>Round earthers blown the fuck out
>Israel shoots down a bunch of Russian planes tuesday
>Nuke war three in 4d!!!
>we all dies
>Cat shit and pizza rolls have magical properties that protect against radiation
>incels and cat ladies are forced to work together to repopulate the planet
This is the plot of my Ren'py porn game so far guys
How do you like it?

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how many gays are you now?

>mutt meme only hurts mutts
im more english than you are abdullah

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It's gotta me an atmospheric test of something.

Looks like a giant sperm


it looks EXACTLY like a rocket launch to me!

Space X and Musk projects in general are a means of soft/partial disclosure. It's a way for the black projects to come out with technologies and information without admitting to the public "hey we've had this for 50 years but we were hiding it from you but here you can have it now so it's all cool right?"

Musk's perspective on AI?
>AI is extremely dangerous
> the best thing for us to do is MERGE WITH AI AND PLUG COMPUTERS INTO YOUR BRAIN

Whole thing is a way of managing the narrative as they try to transition us into transhumanism and overt technocracy.

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