so tired of this stigma...
So tired of this stigma
what the fuck is this
stigma dick in ur ass
For whites only, bbc can continue to impregnate
Any man who seriously considers a vasectomy is retarded. No need to artificially fuck with your tubing.
>it's real
What in the fuck?? No, it's not ok to do that! Would it be ok for a man to convince his spouse to get her tubes tied before leaving her? No, it wouldn't! What the fucking hell!? How is it even ok to publish this shit!?
Friendly reminder this is what modern natural selection looks like
Weep not for the prey animal, it was unworthy of life
plot twist: only a libtard would do this
1. contraception is a mortal sin
2. divorce is a mortal sin unless there are grave reasons (adultery, physical abuse, abandonment) even then, one must obtain permission from bishop before divorcing spouse
3. remarriage is always adultery. adultery is mortal sin. all divorced spouses must live in perfect celibacy or reconcile with their spouse or wait until spouse is dead.
4. women are to submit to their husbands in all things unless he is ordering them to sin, and then they must remain respectful even as they refuse.
5. St Augustine about his mother, St. Monica:
>he (her husband) was also hot-tempered, but she learned to offer him no resistance, by deed or even by word, when he was angry; she would wait for a favorable moment, when she saw that his mood had changed and he was calm again, and then explain her action, in case he had given way to wrath without due consideration.
>There were plenty of women married to husbands of gentler temper whose faces were badly disfigured by traces of blows, who while gossiping together would complain about their husbands’ behavior; but she checked their talk, reminding them in what seemed to be a joking vein but with serious import that from the time they had heard their marriage contracts read out they had been in duty bound to consider these as legal documents which made slaves of them. In consequence they ought to keep their subservient status in mind and not defy their masters.
>These other wives knew what a violent husband she had to put up with, and were amazed that there had never been any rumor of Patricius striking his wife, nor the least evidence of its happening, nor even a day’s domestic strife between the two of them; and in friendly talk they sought an explanation. My mother would then instruct them in this plan of hers that I have outlined. Those who followed it found out its worth and were happy; those who did not continued to be bullied and battered.
>(Confessions, Book IX
Whatever man who agrees to a vasectomy on the demands of their whore partner, is a man i have no sympathy for.
>The chick who dated a literal psychopath vegan activist
i don't think it's supposed to be positive, just stuidly presented
>No, it's not ok to do that!
Leanne Ratcliffe is a cunt, and Harley was right to hit the bitch. He should have knocked her fucking teeth out.
the fact that they ask this as a question shows how degenerate NYT is
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The article says "no it isn't okay but don't try to get her fired over it", there's (((layers))) involved
>getting a vasectomy
>using condoms
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