I have been browsing pol for about 3 months and seeing all this stuff about the jews. I know that they are evil in this day and age, but in like biblical times after David, were they evil?
Were the Jews always evil?
Other urls found in this thread:
synagog of satan
A nation of vipers, demons, etc
They will never learn how to convive with other races pacifically, they always are gonna try to take the power and mix the nation population with invasors. If jews were a book character, the would be Saruman or Grima Wormtongue.
so you guys are telling me that these kikes are basically stereotypical supervillains, always been greedy and warmongering fags? :(
they're what villains are based on. Why do all the old disney villains have dark hair and hooked noses?
They're not even biologically the same. The majority of Jews around these days are Ashkenazim who converted to Judaism around 4BC cause their Khazar Empire got rekt by the Mongols.
No. They became evil when they rejected Christ. God literally cursed them. They rejected the true messiah and will bring about their own false messiah... the anti-christ, but first they must complete their new world order.
Yep, it's funny because they are the classical villain from the comics. They have no shame with the genocides that they are doing, they're subversive and parasitic against her enemies (phisically they're cowards) and they are greedy and supremacists. They deserve to be judged by the law of retaliation for all her crimes.
user you are so pure that you cannot understand the Jew. You cannot fathom that there is real evil, that pesters and gets worse and worse in people. The Jewish religion is going to look more barbaric than Islam soon.
They had Jesus Crucified, what do you think?
Exactly, Disney was redpilled
Jews have always been evil. The briefest summary of the Old Testament is “god chooses the best of the kikes then he betrays god and ruins everything”
Prove me wrong, memeflags.
Thanks guys. makes me pretty sad, but now I guess I'm sure
We will never be able to know the original Jesus teaches and despite the rabbi theory from modern (historians) he was the best person born on the jewish community and they killed him.
The reason Jews act the way they do is because of evolution. They had no homeland and were wanderers for thousands of years. They evolved into becoming parasites that latch onto host cultures until they get too greedy and are kicked out of that culture. Christianity is partially at fault for this. You see the Bible did not like usury, but many Christian aristocrats and merchants still wanted to borrow money, so Jews came in and provided that service. Because of Christianity, Jews literally evolved into the Banker role over 2,000 years.
a mere coinsidence
Both the Bible and the Talmud teaches jews killed Christ. I’d wager the Quran also suggests this.
It is most likely the three books passed down from people who walked with him are most accurate,especially considering how they have resonated with man for thousands of years.
It wasn't really until the Ashkenazim became a thing that the jew horns reared their ugly head. Sure you had kikes acting anti-social, but they bumbled along for thousands of years before they became the enemy of mankind and especially the white race. It was when the Khazar People of the Snake became kikes, the Ashkenazim kikes, that Jews became anathema to the rest of humanity. This happened only around 1500 years ago. The Snake People hold vast seas of hatred for all of humanity, and they are responsible for the vast majority of fucked up shit that goes down in the world during the last thousand years or so. There is something malevolent and underhanded written into their DNA. Maybe they are a race of demons.
Judge for yourself. Die Juden have always been big on slaughtering people, especially babies.
>because of Christianity
Shut up kike, assume your jew evilness
Always evil. It's in their blood
Muslims and Christians need to be frens against the Jew
Kebab not needed
>The temple is gonna be built any day now
After they cheated by selectively breeding a red heffer, they think it's really happening.
A part of me hopes it does and the end times come about.
Because Alt Disney
>evolution is real
>but the bible record too
>everything is real therefore nothing is real
Americans are trully the laughingstock of the world.
WHich jews are you referring to? There are two kinds of jews. THe false jews that killed Jesus and took over judaism are the current "jews", but the true jews that follow Jesus and his teachings are the current christians. The current christians are the true jews, and the current jews are the false jews.
Always :^)
>literally Satanists
Catholic church has been blackmailed into keeping this secret for over a century
Christian perspective is that their are multiple types of evolution and science tries to wrap them up as one (or usually two).
There are literally zero people on the planet the disbelieve micro evolution. It is scientifically sound and readily demonstrable in a lab setting as well as being a foundation of our current lifestyles.
However we disagree with evolution between kinds, and after continual BTFOing “science” has come up with the brilliant argument of monophyly.
Put simply, modern evolutionists would say that there is no amount of cross breeding and selection that could lead to a cat becoming a dog.
This isn’t just incredibly convenient but also a bit laughable. Bateria can become both a cat and a dog, but despite both of the latter being incredibly similar there is no way for one to become the other.
And I’m the guy who believes in fairy tales.
They made up the Holocaust, then use it as an excuse to genocide Palestinians while stealing money from innocent people...while dividing and conquering nations, spreading illnesses, inventing viruses, trafficking/raping/killing/eating kids, etc..
Because the high ranking Catholic officials follow the worship the same Canaanite/Babylonian Gods. All major cities will be nuked worldwide in the end times. You cannot serve God and Mammon. Most people don't understand this.
Watch marching to Zion, as posted earlier.
Pro-jew Christians barely existed before ww2
Yes, why else would they have been given the 10 Commandments then proceed to write rules on how to get around those commandments with Rabbinical Law that they say was given to the Rabbis. And before that they came into Egypt as refugees then repaid their hosts with destruction. Just look at the story of Joseph. They kissed a pharohs ass got put in charge of all kinds of shit and then proceed to rob the country until they were put into chains.
Goddamn, for an ESL, the user in ops pic took Moshi apart handily.
And yeah, op, understand something important, there are jews and there’s what amounts to the Jewish mafia. Not all Italians are in the Italian mafia and not all jews are in the Jewish mafia, but the Jewish mafia is still dangerous as fuck and gets away with a lot of what they do because they’re holding the entire world hostage with nuclear weapons. Regular jews are just people. The gangster types don’t consider anyone else on Earth human but their own, so they’re allowed to scam, steal from and murder everyone else at will without feeling a shred of remorse. They’re also inbred as fuck and their bloodlines are riddled with neurological and psychological disorders, so delusions of superiority, psychopathy and sociopathy run rampant through their ranks.
Warning, do not engage. If they’re talking, they’re lying. All you have to do is indicate that you know what they’re doing and may possibly hurt them if they continue speaking and they’ll immediately stop talking and begin staring at the ground or ceiling if you’re indoors. This is like a safe mode for them, I guess. I can’t explain why they do it. Don’t expect them to do much else after that, theyre essentially a mannequin until you decide to walk away.
The end is near. Repent.
The Jews have been expelled by over 1000 societies throughout history.
They can't all be wrong.
>not all jews
nah mate, your mob’s a done deal
Jew bodies can’t compete with any other race. So they had to lie and cheat and steal to trick all the other superior races to do the work for them.
OP here. Thanks for the redpill lads
isn't this guy supossed to be "based" or is this another kike plant intended to trick the goy into" there are good jews"?
remember that it was a jew who pushed /shilled to your government to Ban guns
>they’ll immediately stop talking and begin staring at the ground or ceiling if you’re indoors.
They must be rebooting