Why did Australia and Canada open their borders to these disgusting bug people who don't give a fuck about our values?

Why did Australia and Canada open their borders to these disgusting bug people who don't give a fuck about our values?

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ching pi

wong jong jow pi

because we need immigrants to support the (((economy)))

Because Asians don't rape and murder people in the streets people tend to ignore them. They also have governments working to undermine ours and so any attempts to bring attention to it are squashed.
>but asians aren't bad
SMALL BRAIN TAKES. Asians import drugs at levels mexican'ts WISH they could, use mass property buyouts to launder their own money and fuck over locals, buy out governments, chain migrate like a plague and generally act like Jews.

>one post by this ID

Asian girls love black cock

based and redpilled

I wonder

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I'm still here ching chong.

What values? Modern white people's """values""":

>White women fuck non-whites by the hundreds
>White men drink the Christian-Koolaid and become the fattest, most pathetic cucks imaginable
>Everyone who is upper class white loves Israel
>White men open shitloads of crappy businesses and import non-white cheap labor, because "hurr durr muh nepotism!" and because they HATE paying fair wages to other whites
>Keep getting fucked over by Republicans
>In most countries give up their guns
>Put women in charge of everything while white men flood into powerless trades jobs and lose all control over their societies

Honestly I'd prefer the Chinese. Chinese men are savages who keep their women in line and HATE Christianity and Islam.

then fuck off to china race traitor.

You realize 2nd-3rd gen Asian immigrants behave exactly how you described right? Asian American girls are basically white girls who think they're "POC"

well i know this sounds blackpilled, but if im gonna give canada to anyone, it sure as hell wont be niggers and goatfuckers, at least the gooks are somewhat peaceful, and i know once they finally have the whip hand the nogs will be the first into the ovens ... and with the chinks i wont be suprised if they cook them at 450 for six hours before serving

Boomers, "we all bleed red therefore we are all the same" bullshit.

Our governments are welfare states that function on a debt driven economic system. In order to keep the system running while buying votes and mismanaging the government, only more imported humans taking fiat money loans and contributing real labor to repay them can keep the delusion going.

Rather then be confronted with the idea of "waste less money", they've gone ahead and indoctrinated a generation to conflate this questionable economic balancing with a moral virtue.

But the biggest proponents of what's happening are economic technocrats, and they always will be

We didn't, the bankers did through bribing and blackmailing the government.


Most of the welfare is going to whites who think they're entitled to a downtown 3bdrm 3 bathroom condo overlooking the bay for

Money, why did germany fill their country with rapists ?
Not to benefit the poor but the wealthy.

worst part about it is that some people want to fuck these bug gooks

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a bunch of qts. that's why

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the top right one is actually average Korean gf

All those chink all caked up in a pound of make up they all look the same. fucking disgusting that some beta cucks want to breed them. Why not educate yourselves before polluting your gene pool

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wait is this the asian thread

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Better them than niggers, spics and sandniggers.

>fucking disgusting that some beta cucks want to breed them


i don't want one to breed with. i want one for comfort and to empty my semen bag into.
i don't care about having children. in fact, i would get a vasectomy if they didn't cost money.

it's usually a woman who wants children. a man who wants children is probably a pedophile or something

Those chinks would throw you alive into a pot of boiling water and cook you and eat with no qualms or remorse if it became necessary. Fucking leaf scum.

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Good thing the Europeans, Japanese and communists conquered the fuck out of the chinks and tamed them then.

Because of those things you mentioned Asians will continue to dominate while white cucks take the "moral high ground" out of fear of their own kike government

fucking racemixing degenerate falling for these slanty eyed gene stealers. All you make is fucking mentally ill mutant amerimutt freaks. Its fucking bestiality just fucking sick

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you could find accounts of all races engaging in cannibalism

europeans engaged cannibal at jamestown


white nationalists are dumb as fuck

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engaged in cannibalism at jonestown*

Why do you think? Money.
Although I do think the jews have at least some grasp in Australian politics, they are a much lesser problem here than in the US or European countries.

It's just boomers in powerful, influential positions here who don't look out for their children or future generations and look to line their pocket with some quick cash legally. What better way to do it than let in the chinese who invest in property? As a side effect, anyone looking to buy is fucked over by high prices due to increased demand.
Such a godless, selfish and self-destructive people who govern us who'd sell out their own kind to a bug hoard


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Among humans its very rare and only in the most severe situations does it ever happen. These slant eyed insects though they make a practice out of shit like that. These fucking gooks need to be stopped

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That's how much they cost before the government realized there were changs willing to pay 800K for a shoebox.

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Because they are trying to replace us.

Sort of a Rocko's Basilisk type situation where we know they will win in the end anyways so we might as well embrace our future Chinese overlords.

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still believing anything from fuckin ((national geographic)).


Lord give me the strength.

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Korean text in webm

Ill help you leaf. They are disgusting genestealing and want your human DNA because they think your DNA will make their larvae human

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theres no difference nigger a gook is a gook
a nigger is a nigger
a jew is a jew

Those already look too old...

I think you mean who opened our borders:

The question is, why are their women so cute?

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Seething white roastie

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Because you are a pedo.

Because Asians are superior and white people realised that they need to import invaders to clean them up to make this planet a better place.

They never had borders in the first place. Canada and Australia have always been Goy Containment Zones. one hot and one cold, so that the citizens can easily be tortured by throwing them around from one to the other.

Enjoy freedom while you have it, future government employee

mainlander detected.

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I am a white guy in aus and I dont give a fuck about australian values. Australian values are a meme that enabled this multicult faggotry to begin with.

????? fuck off i'm so sick of these redditors who just come on here to shit on everyone who isn't a completely ironic shitposter. kill yourself stupid canadian.

The Vietnam War introduced us to friendly Asian Catholics who were weird and oddly Jewish but they just wanted to run corner stores and Vietnamese restaurants.
Then John Howard opened the door to "educated migrants."
Now Australian Universities offer baby sitting services to rich Chinese fucks.

That's because it was written circa 1940 by a American who shilled hardcore for Japan at a time when they were busy genociding the Chinese like it was going out of fashion.

Plastic surgery.

>All those chink all caked up in a pound of make up they all look the same.
So, just like any women in the world.

The Chinese intend to root out and destroy Islam everywhere it dwells, Canada is the obvious first step.

>>White women fuck non-whites by the hundreds

On TV shows maybe. Asian women step out the most by far.

>>White men drink the Christian-Koolaid and become the fattest, most pathetic cucks imaginable

If by white people you really mean mexicans and blacks. Not saying whites don't have a problem, but we are not at the top.

>>Everyone who is upper class white loves Israel

And? Let the sand niggers hate and fight each other. It is a family dispute, not my business.

>>White men open shitloads of crappy businesses and import non-white cheap labor, because "hurr durr muh nepotism!" and because they HATE paying fair wages to other whites

I understand your socialist hate here, but your statement is not coherent in whatever point you wanted to make.

>>Keep getting fucked over by Republicans

Bernie, calm down. Kav is going to be a swing voter.

>>In most countries give up their guns

As opposed to the chink countries strong gun rights?

>>Put women in charge of everything while white men flood into powerless trades jobs and lose all control over their societies

Got some problems here, true enough.

Regardless, we are better off than china you weeb. I sure as fuck have no desire to live there or like them. I will keep modern white values, if we can do no better, over Chinese values any day.

Your point?

>Around gooks, bad news!

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thats literally a child and not even a hot asian. u are a pedophile

Who said I'm not?
But they look decent even without the surgery

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Many reasons, but it's even worse than importing genetic trash since there will be more race mixing between whites and chinks and they will be smarter at taking over the political system.

>literally a child
bitch looks like she is in her 20s you salty cunt

Because weak men create hard times.

Chinese are subhuman, they are so self-centred. You watch these cunts shove eachother almost off a platform to get into a train first when there is no competition, then get on the train, take up 4 seats with their belongings and make a call in which they scream into their phone so that everybody moves away from them. Some Chinese will kind of westernise and are pretty cool especially 2nd gen but their parents and official thugs will literally try to beat them back into submission and drag them home for re-education.

Pre-commie Vietnamese are the anti-Chinese, these people are grateful, will give me discounts on everything, share and lend me anything I need, have a beer with me and act human and just generally help out whenever they can. Also, they're pretty redpilled and want to round up the reds. I live in a Vietnamese enclave as the one white guy on the street and they love me.

Other asians are a mixed bag but it's mostly just chinks and their marxism that brings down them all

If you want to trade ill give you 2:1, you may choose from Somalians and Arabs(of the muslim faith)

>our values
Vid related.

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>HATE Christianity
Cold take
The Chinese had a huge Christian uprising that took over the red area in the 1950s, Sun Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen - founder of the Chinese republic) was a Christian and China is around 3% Christian at this point.

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I wish Asian chicks could turn me on but I have this thing when I see their faces I can’t get over the fact that they look like they have Down’s syndrome.

That pedo can barely contain himself

Come home, white man

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They are really the insectoids.

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Can we just start the inevitable war with China already? Mopping up the streets of Toronto with a SKS will be a glorious moment.

Have racemixed before, would do again. 10/10.

When did Canada and Australia care about our values? Also, who is "our"?

Alot of the gooks here literally look like they suffer from down syndrome, any different in Canada?

>clone stamp tool
jesus, fucking korean chicks must be like living groundhog day
I like the teacher in the background with no makeup and the thousand yard stare, I bet she rides cock like a wildcat

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O-ok Fujima san.

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>our values
What do you mean by "our values", Peasant?

lol it seems like modern white values are even worst than whatever north Korea has going for their people.

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>because we need immigrants to support the (((economy)))

This is true, as far as I can see. The economic model demands an ever growing population base to stave off economic contraction and avoid depressions. It's grow or die.

You could say that Canada has enough diversity already and that, to have more population growth, our government should just focus on encouraging ALL existing couples to have more kids, instead of importing more people.

The problem is that the government is already doing that, providing financial support to anyone who wants kids, and it's still not enough to keep up with the demands of the economy. Furthermore, the economy needs consumers/workers NOW, and not in 18 years from now. The economy can't wait for kids to turn working age.

So you see, we have no choice. We must have immigration. Either that or you devise a capitalist system which doesn't need to grow, which is a bit like inventing cold fusion. Ain't gonna happen. So you either you get more immigrants or you get a steady state economic model. Communism is literally the white man's only hope.

Because they're stupid

Whites became such awful people they said fuck it lets suicide.

Oh yeah our values are a joke. The pm wants to literally advertise gambling on the Opera House and claims he's a big Christian lmao.

Almost everyone in the population is a boomer.

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How a Ukrop can knows this?

>I would get a vasectomy

The plutocrats created the bolsheviks and allied with them. The Russian birthrate was already at 1.8 when the slave state collapsed.

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"This fight against Jewish-Asiatic Bolshevism had been raging long before National Socialism came into power. The only reason why it had not already overrun Europe during the years 1919-20 was that it was then itself too weak and too poorly armed. Its attempt to eliminate Poland was not abandoned because of its compassion for the Poland of that time but only because of the lost battle before Warsaw. Its intention to annihilate Hungary was not discarded because they changed their minds, but because Bolshevist power could not be maintained militarily. Nor was the attempt to smash Germany given up because this achievement was not desired but because it proved impossible to overcome the natural resistance stamina of our people.

Thereupon Jewry began systematically to undermine our nation from within, and it found its best ally in those narrow-minded bourgeoisie who would not recognize that the era of a bourgeois world is ended and will never again return, that the epoch of unbridled economic liberalism has outlived itself and can only lead to its self-destruction and, above all, that the great tasks of our time can be mastered only under an authoritarian coordination of natural strength, based on the law of same rights for all and, thence, of same duties. On the other hand, the fulfillment of the same duties must necessarily entail an equality of rights."

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ukrainians are basically monkeys who think they're "human"

Nah, I want my house to be filled with little snowniggas some day.
Can appreciate the aesthetic

>His Yellow fever - Gone

Nope, a lot of them look weird.