Taylor finally comes out..... as a democrat :(
Taylor finally comes out..... as a democrat :(
Other urls found in this thread:
>Donated to LGBT charities
>Donated to March For Our Lives
This isn't anything to be surprised about.
WOKE...Stay tuned for BLACKED
She's from Pennsylvania. Fuck that Yankee whore cunt, ruining Dixie with her left wing shit like the rest of them
No shit really? Who ever could have guessed.
she's been forced to say this
what a traitor bitch. the trump curse will take her now.
Based musical goddess Swifty
One in the eye for you MAGA pig fucks
When will you learn women aren't full of hate like you and never will be?
Gonna make a cool wine aunty
wow yeah it's almost like she doesn't want to jeopardize her success from her 99% lefty fanbase.
original Taylor Swift is dead, this is her clone/body double
I thought the Aryan princess was one of us pedes :(
Who gives a fuck about taylor swift?
Why is this being spammed here?
Is this bc Kavanaugh got confirmed? Fuck.
does Kek will it?
Fake and gay
Her mom's genes are erupting out now that he's older. If you're confused by this, it was held off by hormone treatment. But it can only be held back so long before it hits like a freight train.
I see Civil War LARP is still active
Swift's last album went nowhere and she's pushing 30. This is why she is stunting with the other stunting heifer who are suing 1980s HIGHSCHOOL PARTY date rape as a platform to promote themselves.
The cucking starts here.
She will get uglier and drop off the planet.
It’s just 4d chess
with a tear in my eye
kek confirms. see digits. tay dies within 666 days.
Good for her. She's probably piqued by the Trump-tard movement like I am. As a libertarian, I used to think that "Republicans and Democrats are exactly the same". Now I've developed a slight preference for Democrats over Republicans because Trump-tards are so insane and authoritarian.
Fuck white women, take the yellowpill
> Taylor finally comes out.
Jow Forums comes out as kiked, being as 4 TS threads have been 404d already
Asians vote for Democrats at a much higher rate than white women, retard. Pretty much the only people who vote for Republicans are white men.
she has a nigger boyfriend.
oh look another shill thread. keep trying leddit.
pol btfo
She was. We must convert /our/ friend back. She must remember she is here forever.
>Thinking this will stop the post I g of Nazi Tay memes
Of course, more Mexicans and Africans, more people to buy her albums.
Who the fuck said anything about your degenerate asian americans?
She's ugly anyway.
Holy shit. She has 112 million followers on Instagram and 83.5 million followers on twitter. What if she single-handedly crushes the Republican Party in the mid-terms?
Japanese people loved Obama. The entire world hates Trump.
>the proverbial wall is real
>Adams apple
>No children
>Monarch controlled
>Satanic imagery in music videos
Wow, who would have guessed.
this isn't the first time she's expressed those views
I don't know why you spergs celebrate her as the ideal white woman, she looks good, but her mind has been poisoned by all the nigger and jew microchimeras inside her. She's let an obscene amount of niggers and jews cum inside her and this is result. This is the only reason, no rich person, regardless of coloraturas would vote for a party who's primary goal is to take away your wealth.
yeah this strawman tottaly nullifies the fact youre spamming it on pol a day after bragging on reddit and discord youre gonna do it.
You can already see it starting to creep in on the face.
The figure that Taylor had was called boyish. The body was just a little curvy, and slim and long.
I way about to make a thread about this. Just got distracted.
We need to make an example out of her, and murder her, maybe hack her to pieces with a chainsaw, or blow up her beach house with her in it, maybe throw her into a cage with a hungry grizzly bear or something.
I have came to the final conclusion that she is a degenerate that must die, about a year ago (that is far too late as well, but I have not paid enough attention, and got disctracted with her blonde prettyness, that is rapidly fading by now). Her background dancers are niggers. Her video clip directors are kikes. She dated a kike Gyllenhaal (probably fucked too). Her best friend Karlie Kloss fucks kike Kushners little brother. Her other best friend Gomez is a beaner who dated Bieber. She had a picture taken with Weinstein. She had pictures taken snuggling up on niggers. She made a song duo with an arab, for the degenerate bdsm movie 50 shades 2. And many other things.
If you have read the the article that came out about her being a dem, also qoutes her being pro-fag and anti-racist, so she must be executed.
Thanks for lighting up the entire neighbourhood glow nigger
Her lyrics are ruining young girls minds. Of course she is a Democrat. Just listen to them, they basically drive listeners into depressing life choices in relation to boys. Her father is a top banker and part of the elite ranks. Her career is a psy-op.
About time hopefully /pol will finally will stop worshiping this dumb whore
She isn't remotely atreactive, other than being slim and having long legs.
She's a fucking transitioner from pre-teen years.
Born a boy.
>Super rich hollywood singer
>bitchy "better than you" attitude
>"queen of thots and shitty songs
>"blonde "bad bitch" persona
>Surrounded by lefties and hollywood culture bubble
you guys are surprised shes a Demotwat?
Honestly the "Taylor Swift is a Nazi" thing was just a joke. It was always a joke. We knew she was probably a leftist because she's a woman.
You two faggots should fuck.
The ride of extinction doesnt end for you white bois does it?
almost feel sorry for you manchildren LOL
Christ, it's like some dude doing taylor swift cosplay.
What if she's just saying that but not really doing it? I mean she probably is, but what if
hahahahaha white nigs be snow storming
KYS Niggers
how many of your old queens have let you down like this?
white bois just stay losing
famous entertainer comes out as a democrat.more at 8.
She was a /b/tard, not a Jow Forumsack.
Does this make you feel better?
at least post an image based on reality bruh
everyone with half a brain told you from the start to stop fetishizing a celebrity.
more BBC in your hos at 9
Le 56%er fawning over a 5/10 white girl. Makes sense.
>Hack her to pieces with a chainsaw.
You should have used a Mexican proxy.
Tay is a lez. Karlie is her waifu. She dates gay actors under an NDA. They get a leg up in the rankings, she gets to write another break up song.
She probably stopped doing cocaine, which explains the weight gain.
She either realises her career is over now that she is transforming into final stage Trigglypuff and no longer gives a shit, or, more likely, she is being blackmailed.
No longer slim and has thunder thighs. So she has lost that.
I came here just to gloat about that
suck my dick poltards
You had to be a special kind of retard to think she was ever a right winger. Kill yourselves waifufags.
Are you seriously so fucking stupid you believe this?
Crackychan never let us down. Boxxy is a pretender.
>Gets Fat
>Becomes SJW
Hmmm. Coincidence?
>insane and authoritarian
But this is literally true and it's the problem with 99% of pol
This is Soros trying to bluepill us by kidnapping /our princess/ they must have her blackmailed or something like that
We need to save her, Jow Forums
>No kids
How did we go from this
To this?
Is becoming an SJW inevitable for all women approaching or hitting the wall?
>attractive, successful woman doesn't vote for the party of old white white highschool dropouts
Color me surprised
>why is Jow Forums so retarded sometimes?
Had he just decried the right as Authoritarian i would not speak, but to support the left over the right on grounds of Authoritarianism is just that. Bait.
Just waiting for Kanye to come out supporting the Dems just before Election Day. You know it’s going to happen. Fuck Trump.
Kike marketing. Start a product off acceptable to normies, following the positive ideals of society. Get it established and then pervert it so it tears down those ideals.
Niggerball is a prime example.
I fucking knew it, Swiftfags absolutely blown the fuck out
People think you get popular because of talent, when clearly you get popular because of Jews and sexual play.
>these wounds they will not heal
Why didn't she consider how the poor nazis would feel? :( :( :(
All you gotta do is get close enough to tell her the truth of things
Fucking satanwhore