Post images that give you hope for the future
Post images that give you hope for the future
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True story.
The fuck is that image faggot
i mean the guy who created wonder woman was just a prevert who loved lesbo bondage
The Tucc
Wonder woman only wants one other human and that is Batman.
man just realized that in the who framed roger rabbit universe anime must logically be real
>this is what asians go through when niggers are about
But, literally everyone wants Batman.
but...all women are bi
but is she a top or a bottom? my mind says top but my dong says bottom.
Is that scientifically accurate?
She will be mine, no matter how many people i have to behave and torture, how many drugs i have to sell, how many gringos i have to kill, no matter nothing else, she will be mine.
>tfw boogie makes fun of twitter trannies when he went for his weight operation.
Did you just assume there are only two genders?
u niggas must stink
> (so far I thought piney's wave was the hope, but yours is better.)
Wonder Woman is literally full-lesbo in the comic books.
I wonder if Jews fap to this image
Are you taking the piss? She’s ugly dude.
LOOOL BASED. I wish I had the balls to do this. There is a black girl in my class who actually always stank. Like super rancid. But I just try to be nice and just move away from her when there is an excuse. I'm too nice.
They most certainly do
I fucking hate Japanese men born after 1945
Why not just make wonder woman MTF transgender?
This is the most hidious creature I have come across today... and I read a natgeo article about facial reconstruction...
they all look the same
i dont get yellow fever
Its not how she looks my Emu rapebaby friend, i like her personality
I want to find the original image, because tank crew men have no business near a murder pit.
It's Batperson you bigot!
basically take a soviet era mongoloid and give them a onions diet and you get this.
Yes, tank crew men are artificially grafted into the tanks both physically and mentally, like Imperial Titan operators.
don't do it bro I can see her FAS
as in if they would have their tanks far away from there, only tractors would have been used for something like this. resources we're scare and so is man power tank crews were busy fight you in ww2
Burn the coal pay the toll
Burn the rice pay price
Burn the sand pay in land
Stop phoneposting, reading that was unbearable and it made no sense. Or at least spell-check it.
What is your point? Men couldn't stand there looking at the ew execution because they had other shit to do? Like you aren't allowed take a smoke break on a job or something?
If you ever served, you would know about how little time you have. Like I said its not resource efficient.
How's about you stop using a vpn in the mean time, you aren't a Russian.
Saw this in Vancouver and lost my shit laughing. My sides were in orbit.
>How's about you stop using a vpn in the mean time, you aren't a Russian.
>implying literally anyone would want to VPN as a russian
> Like I said its not resource efficient.
Yes, and there are no eclusions from the rules as well. Their tanks cannot be destroyed or malfuncioning, their commanding officer couldn't have ordered them to observe the execution, etc etc.
holy shit what
>youth sex educator
why is it always this
jesus fucking christ
I mean shes legal, but you know what you're doing...this is why shes gone
>wearing a hat in doors
>clothing with opinions
>manchild shorts
That guy is a disgrace
OK bitch you said it not me
Imagine the smell coming off this fucker.
Stale beer, sweat and aids.
if the car was hit, you must acquit.
That's just full blown AIDS you stupid namefuck.
why would I fuck that guy, I'm not a faggot ...
>dat flag
Damn son...
disgrace who has a house, a woman and three kids
Who's the loli?
implying american women and mutt children are something to brag about.
look at this. This is the most inspirational thing I have ever seen
It's true
I want Tucker Carlson to join Trump's admin so Trump can groom him, teach him how to Win.
President Carlson 2028 sounds nice.
lol, like his youtube kino-channel thou
good goy, keep hating your women
What's the name of the one to the right of the girl with her hands on her face?
If you punched him in the face preferably with a sap glove then you would do some serious damage ripping those terrible piercings out.
Fake nigger, the gun isn't tilted enough
Asians either find blacks entertaining like a cartoon character or hate them.