How far will EUs shitshow go against Hungary

Eu is getting so deperate that the high ranking EU officals (such as Guy Vehofstad) are calling for US support and intervention against a legitamate conservative goverment in Hungary just because they won't accept migrants and just want to dig Hungary out of it's horrible situation I hope this doesn't escalate to military conflict it's sad to see how low has the EU fallen...

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>Vetoes your sanctions
fuck off EU

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Those ugly commies need to """go"""

Respect for Poles who are giveing EU shit to stuff their mouth with

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source? I mean, I want to read how salty are because Hungary is resisting

how come you guys went pro Russian ?

Source for some EU salt

We have a shit socialdemocratic goverment ruled by mostly russians or beurocrats who don't care about the country and are scared shitless of losing EU membership or NATO membership

this fag and the kike schulz are totall cunts, At least Some here are aware about The kike being payed by soros and his ·"open society " fundation

guess what, Poland expelled certain Russian/Ukrainian whore called Ludmila Kozlowska from Poland because she was openly anti-polish and tried to start shit in the same way shit started in Ukraine

germans invited her next day to speak about crisis of democracy in Poland despite us banning her from entire Eurozone

EU is a joke and a bad one at that

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>scared shitless of losing EU membership or NATO membership

it doesn't seem like either of those are a possibility, but aren't you moving in the opposite direction anyway. I thought you were worried about Russia

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your government did right.
And you already know the EU is your enemy and it's the same, they embrace anything or anyone pushing their agenda.

But again, if she is already banned, how could she enter again without backlash from people or violating laws?

she got invited by Germany while totally ignoring regulations that allow member states to ban anybody entering because of security reasons

Germans just ignore any and all rules as it suits them, this is why this gay union is gay and will die

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Empty rhetoric. Hungaristan calls the EU an enemy to get people to vote back the FIDESZ. EU parties call Hungary the enemy to mobilise people.
Merkel, Macron, Salvini, May all need to go and Orbán to stfu too.

Hungary and Poland are literal the niggers of the EU.
Refuse to work, but demand all the gibs.
Time to kick them out of the EU and let these Untermenschen starve do death.

If Clinton was in, there would be a NATO attack. Thank Fuck Trump is in.

Butthurt level 9k

he mad cuz he bad

This UE is over.

Don't worry, the US will stand with us ( Italy, Poland, Hungary, etc.. ).
Economically it's the safest bet.
What's funny is that the EU "high ranking officials" don't get that.
That screams incompetence to me.

how can they be competent if they are losers that escaped from their home countries because they were too retarded and greedy

it was always a pozzed shitstain created by and for jew interests

>Eu is getting so deperate that the high ranking EU officals (such as Guy Vehofstad) are calling for US support and intervention against a legitamate conservative goverment in Hungary

That's fucked, but on the other hand an invasion to a holdout like Hungary would probably open a lot of eyes across the EU. It's still just retarded banter.

>Hungary and Poland are literal the niggers of the EU.
>Invites hundreds of millions of niggers into EU.

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