>"remember last weekened when that crazy nigger came on the show and said good things about the president? wish he'd just stay on the plantation and go back to making rap music for the children to enjoy! Black people shouldnt have (right wing) opinions and should stick to dancing on stage for us like a monkey. And he should go back to taking his prescribed Prozac® so that he can be a normal functioning (liberal) member of society, because only a crazy person would publicly out himself as a republican!"
how did they let him get away with this on live TV?
Just look at that face. The face of a thinker. A warrior. A man for all seasons. Yes, Ira Graves was all that and more. But he was not perfect. Perhaps his greatest fault was that he was too selfless. He cared too much for his fellow man, with nary a thought for himself. A man of limitless accomplishments, and unbridled modesty. I can safely say that to know him was to love him. And to love him was to know him. Those who knew him, loved him, while those who did not know him, loved him from afar.
Kikes are so fucking ugly. I can't believe I ever thought they were white.
Gabriel Moore
That’s the guy that fucks Ariana grande in the ass
Hudson Reed
>hey guys, it's me, the formerly ugly nerdy awkward retard kid!! Over the summer, I got a makeover, some new clothes, and a new attitude! >kid dies 3 months later or some other tragedy befalls him
we all remember this scenario from school. boring! but RIP to this faggot. his fate is sealed!
Nolan Ward
Is the irony missing them about not wanting to hear celebrities opinions?
Bentley Hall
Ellen DeGeneres looks terrible
Julian Butler
Sign of a jewish comedian is to make the crooked smile and asymetric eyes. which is what blondie mckyke does.
Gavin Morales
Imagine using your father's death as a platform to become famous.
Joseph Garcia
>BPD pothead with a Shrillary tattoo
Remind me why I should care about his opinion?
Jonathan Flores
Liberals hate themselves and project that hatred onto others.
Michael Cruz
I hate his guy's face so goddamn much
How can Ariana wake up to that face every morning
Robert Kelly
Liberals are worst! Their racism is the most evil and slowly kills people
Jonathan Adams
hey look at that liberals hate free thinking blacks just like Jow Forums
Kayden Morgan
the dong
Juan Hernandez
This dudes dad died in 9/11 and now he’s fucking Ariana grande. He should write a book or something
I don't understand why comedy central blocks other countries from seeing their videos.
Jacob Hill
Brayden Torres
Adam Hill
dude looks terminally ill
Ethan Sanders
I love how the first invite him one week (knowing he's prone to public outbursts) only to make fun of him the next.
Liam Gray
Ariana is a qabballistic mk ultra whore
Levi Powell
Racist faggots can get away with anything as long as they hate Trump
Jordan Morris
Can someone post a mirror thanks senpais
Hudson Jones
>shut up Kanye you're an entertainer >just entertain >nobody wants to hear your political opinions I thought he was kidding at first but you're right dude. They have no idea how retarded they are.
Carter Moore
I noticed that as well, they truly have no self-awareness.
Justin Young
Wrong. Thats Big Sean.
Luke Edwards
I can't believe this retard is railing Ariana grande
Nicholas Turner
This guy is the epitome of the fifty six meme
Evan Turner
>Che’s black, and I’m crazy, and we both know what side of Kanye is at the wheel right now
Literally “blacks have to be insane to support republicans” hahahahah
Elijah Price
>I can’t believe this retard is railing that retard I can
Bentley Allen
Haha, there's no way Trump is getting elected
Ian Morales
Jews always get good looking shiskas
Justin Murphy
So uh. The white guy on this is pretty fucking cute