How long until we see if Kavanaugh really did become Thomas 2.0?
Brody Thompson
Watching le 2016 man right now. He mad as fuck. He stated with certainty that Soros wasn't responsible for the screeching harpies cornering Flake despite the fact that one of them is paid $160k per year from Soros.
I'm now up to losing three friends since I made it public I went to the President's rally, and I have a feeling more are to come :( it's not fair. I don't deserve to be so alone. Nobody talks to me and countless have hated me before just because I love President Trump. It's cost me friends, family, relationships and career opportunities. I feel worthless, like I don't deserve love :( I guarantee no one will so much as text me tomorrow. I hate my life and wish I was never born to begin with.
Celebrity endorsements mean absolutely nothing in this day and age. The only endorsement that matters is Trump's
David Hughes
They were never your friends
Bentley James
I believe that the systematic racism we still see in our country towards people of light is terrifying, sickening, and prevalent.
That said, Kanye's still a nigger and this dumb bitch was never meme worthy to begin with.
Andrew Evans
You have us faggot. Also this is demoralization bait.
Cameron Robinson
Why are Americans so fucking tied up to their constitution? Like, nigga, we've had 3 constitutions and see how well we've done! You just gotta adapt to new times, ya know? Let go of your fucking constitution, Ameritards, that shit is outdated af.
Hunter Cooper
DENVER — American sports industry heavyweights met last week at the historic Brown Palace Hotel downtown to discuss retail opportunities for the future.
One of the hot topics was boosting trade with the biggest sports market and most populous country worldwide. China’s emerging middle-class, hungry for high-quality products, is the most desired market in the world, American sports brand. >“There’s a lot of momentum already building between the USA and China in sports,” Sports and Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) President and CEO Tom Cove said.
>“The one thing I can say with a high degree of confidence is that China has the right kind of talent to be as influential in sports and the sporting industry." said convention speaker David Schrage
I wish more than anything that jews abandon America for China. Please leave for China.
Charles Long
i wish it were bait and I were secretly a happy democrat :( some I knew that but wanted to maintain the relationship anyways. Others were new in my life and I was hoping to turn them into people who I could hang out with regularly or spend an evening with. why?
aaaaand I just found out about Taylor Swift. I've defended her a lot because she was a good role model for young women. In the end I guess she was just another dumb cunt
hey nigger, gave up on the fin proxy and trying out the mexican one now?
Luis Bailey
I kinda respect how blatant the grift is, like she was ready the moment the confirmation went through to get a bulk order of t-shirts, coffee mugs, hats and beer cozies ready to sell to rubes
Chase Edwards
finn kike this is more proof that if democrats ever get power again they will undo everything trump has done just to fuck drumpf
Angel Nguyen
Basically, the current NWO is currently handing power over to their incompetent children. The original masterminds are dead or dying and can't run the show anymore.
1) the reason the left is screeching so much about Kavanaugh has nothing to do with him and everything to do with the person he is replacing 2) Gorsuch didn't bring the same level of desperation and urgency for the democrats because replacing Scalia with Scalia-lite doesn't change the balance of the federal judiciary 3) Mitch McConnell tho, even before the resignation of Kennedy, is in the process of a major overhaul of the federal judiciary with all the seats he "saved" by preventing Obama from filling them. 4) The first example of such desperation was in the filling of the 9th Circuit vacant position, the one Rubio and the token black guy from SC flunked because "he wrote something inconsiderate" in college. That was the first shot in their attempt to prevent the judiciary to move right and it worked because the left raised a stink and the uniparty elements in the right played their part without opposition. 5) Ever since Bork was borked the Supreme Court always split 4-4 with one wildcard that is nominally a conservative but that, when the occasion arises, vote with his liberal peers. The democrats always counted on that to pass their more "progressive" rulings with a flair of "bipartisanship". This role was played by Kennedy 6) Enters Kennedy resignation. For the first time there is someone in the executive willing to nominate a candidate that won't play that "radical centrist" role and someone at the chair of the Senate Majority Leader willing to confirm him. 7) The democrats become obviously COMPLETELY DESPERATE about the perspective the court will have the means and opportunity (although not necessarily the desire), for the first time in 50 years, to slay their sacred cows: gun control, abortion, immigration, the limits (or lack thereof) of execute power, affirmative action, entitlements.
And that is the reason they opposed Kavanaugh so strongly, it was not himself the problem (see pic related)
at work we had this radio that we wanted to keep in our office so someone wrote "do not remove from office, per Mr. Ligma" and some guy waltzed in asking everyone for Mr. Ligma so we passed him around the office on a fruitless quest to find Mr. Ligma... after asking nearly a dozen people someone told him the joke and he left red-faced and empty-handed poor guy
Hudson Mitchell
I find it entertaining even though it makes me mad how much he lies sometimes.
Christian Wood
I never cared about the SC, I still don't. Kavanaugh was excellent motivation and now its gone. Republicans should have played dumb, let democrats ruin the process in the worse way possible and then barely fail to get him confirmed. We could have smashed the mid-terms with that kind of angry momentum. Now it's completely lost and instead democrats have it.
We did we just cash in with the SC instead of victory in the mid-terms? You realize they will be able to roll-back and impeach everything now, right? This was stupid, too fast, too greedy. Now we're going to lose everything in a legitimate blue wave. We should have kept our heads down and never gave a reason for democrats to care, now they have all the world to care. Anger and fear mongering is going to get us destroyed now. Mitch is going to be eating those "You might regret this sooner than you think" words sooner than he thinks. Dumb strategy.
Matthew Perry
That's the nature of their objection: it is not that Trump is replacing one conservative justice with another. It is that Trump is replacing a whole "centrist conservative" segment of the judiciary with real conservatives, that will tilt the "balance of the court" for the next 40 years. The "sexual accusations" was just their Hail Mary but it backfired tremendously and may have saved the house for the republicans.
This Do you think they're desperate? Wait until RBG croaks with Mitch as Mjr Leader
Jose Hernandez
>So can someone explain the deep state? they seem surprisingly incompetent. the most neutral explanation of who the Deep State consists of is the wide group of unelected people in senior government positions, especially the intelligence (NSA/DIA/NSC/CIA/FBI/NRO/OICI) community, who are there from administration-to-administration and reletively unknown to the public except for the directors (and only of the big 3 letter agencies like CIA/FBI, most people couldn't name the DIA director even though that is the primary foreign intelligence service role).
Austin Davis
> HELLO FELLOW CONSERVATIVES > WHY DIDN'T WE FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE LET THE DEMOCRATS HAVE THIS ONE Wanna know another retard with the very fucking same idea: BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. Here is his reasoning
> I'll just let Mitch torpedo Garland's appointment > Hillary will surely win on that injustice, it iwll motivate the base and instead of reappointing Garland she will be able to appoint President Hawaii Judge for the seat with her brand new Blue Senate > What could possibly go wrong?
They pulled their veil off and united the GOP more than it has been in decades. You haven't been paying attention.
Wyatt Flores
>may have saved the house for the republicans As long as boomers dont have the memory span of a goldfish
Easton Hill
>Wait until RBG croaks with Mitch as Mjr Leader Wait until it happens in 2019 and he confirms Trump pick before 2020 anyway, ignoring the Biden Rule. Guaranteed civil war
Boomers like beer. They will be reminded every time they drink beer.
David Bennett
> Clarified Biden-McConnell-Reid rule: if the ruling party of Congress and WH are the same, it is not applied.
Blake Harris
>As long as boomers dont have the memory span of a goldfish They don't user, thank God the democrats won't let them forget. Pic related > Thank God for progressive stupidity They thought they were Tea Party 2010 but they'll end up as Tea Party 2014
China's ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai said China wants to end the trade war with the US, but that the US position keeps changing "so we don't know exactly what the US would want as priorities’’.
>"We are ready to make a deal. We are ready to make some compromise, but it needs the goodwill from both sides," Cui said in an interview on Wednesday with National Public Radio. "We want to solve it through negotiation and consultation between the two sides. But in order for the negotiation, the consultation to succeed, we do need goodwill and good faith from both sides.’’
But Cui said that he is not seeing sufficient goodwill or good faith from the US side. He said that he thinks "there's been some attempt on the US side to force something like, the US will get 100 percent and China will get zero. I don't think this is fair.
Desperate enough to start shooting or going on another Weather Underground run. The minute she croaks you can consider the 2nd American Civil War live because these retards are going to do something monumentally retarded.
Tea Part 2014 was not a complete failure though Repubs captured the Senate and Dave Brat primaried then-House Majority Leader (((Cantor)))
Nathaniel Ross
Here is a small blackpill. If this shitshow didnt happen Trump would be going into the midterms on >new NAFTA >2 SC judges >NK peace deal progressing
Would it have been better in the midterm vote? Arguably not. It doesnt change the fact that these very important very large successes are entirely overshadowed by this song and dance
Kill yourself and miss watching the balkanization occur real-time? Gay.
Leo Gutierrez
"New NAFTA" hasn't been signed tho...
Angel Harris
>*toddler scream* kek i love you guys
Anthony Moore
Make them bleed from their anuses, no mercy
Anthony Stewart
What did they expect? It's not like Dems ever appointed conservative judges.
Gavin Carter
Sucks that it's probably going to be a woman so Trump can try and act like that wasn't going to be the very next thing they point out. >HOW THE SUPREME COURT IS BECOMING WHITE MALE MAJORITY AND WE'LL TELL YOU WHY THAT'S A PROBLEM
Leo Sanders
Its a glitch on some PCs using some browsers while browsing 4Chin. I've had it on Opera, on one PC, then not have it on Opera on a laptop, for example. Basically freezes the PC. Why? Dunno
Since switching exclusively to Brave (Dev atm) on all of my devices, I've had no issues. Even though both Opera and Brave are based on Chromium..
Jacob Stewart
Has to go through Congress since it’s a treaty and needs to be ratified, correct.
Nicholas Diaz
that's my point: I cant miss out on the future now that I'm witnessing trump making america great again. Witnessing it alone hurts though. I hope everyone else ITT has people in their lives they can share all this winning with
Kevin Rogers
It would be nice if both the old jews and the diabetic mexican left
Joseph Hill
Thats the main thing its coming into effect during / over the midterms. Its the sort of issue that should drive coverage right through the end of the year but kikes will be talking about some other shitshow instead