You may remember me from one of my previous threads here, if not Ill link to the archive (since Jow Forums thinks it’s spam). tldr - I had an affair with Colonel Gaddafi at 15
Well the ides of October will soon be upon us, and I grow restless. Can’t sleep and that ptsd can hit a bitch hard. Kavanaugh’s win has brightened my spirits a bit, but sleep still alludes me. The recent news coming out of Papa’s former empire isn’t helping, sub-saharan shit skins flooding the country, failing infrastructure, ISIS shenanigans, human slavery...and all this overflowing into Europe.
Is there anything that can save Libya at this point? What would Jow Forums‘s solution be? Italy re-colonizing? Separation into two separate states of Libya and Cyrenaica? Saif or Ayesha taking over? Or is Libya too far gone?
Inb4 >tell me about... If you have questions about Papa or our time together feel free to ask. >tgfo I don’t do nudes, but I can do a timestamp if I must >don’t believe your story Cool.
Kill yourself you disgusting daddy issues race traitor whore
Andrew Martin
she was basically sold for sexual favours if i remember
Ayden Hill
Settle down now leaf, Papa wasn’t exactly Arab, his father was French and his mother’s family were ‘bedouin’ Italian colonists. That being said, being half Med myself I probably don’t belong in the ethostate anyway, heh.
It was criminal what obama and hillary did to oust Gadhafi. Did the world hate him? Yes did his contry love him? Yes. Did america use their power to oust him? Yes.
Now flip the term and change Gadhafi for Trump. Does america love him? Probably yes because he was elected. Does the world hate him? Probably yes because he upsets globalists (people of the world still probably love trunp its just media nonsense). Can the military usurp trump? Fuck no
The deciding factor in it all is what the us military will do. They will do as prderrd. We bombed the shot out of lobya and took them from a second world nation to a third. Its a sham that one president can order so much death without consent of congress by playing through the lines of our constitution. But thats the reality. Vote trump 2020 to end needless wars
Adam Sanders
Well I’ll be voting Trump for a number of reasons, and yeah, fuck Obama.
She was sold as some african durka as a sexual favor fell in love with him and even decades later refers to him as "papa". She is a dirty degenerate mentally ill race traitor and her children are the offspring of a cuckold and a whore, I wish them a swift death
You are a whore. You are a race traitor. You are mentally ill. Your husband is a cuckold. Your children are tainted and disgraced. Always remember this everyday you see their faces, every day you wake up, everyday when you sleep and everyday you pray to whatever god or gods you believe in. You are a disgrace.
Jaxson Russell
As far as middle easterners go I like Col Quadaffi, but any white woman who sleeps with a non white is trash. Sorry your a disgrace.
Papa wanted me to be his second wife, I agreed, fate just wasn’t on our side. I’ve never been married, dated three men as a younger woman, never felt right. After the third I realized I was still in love with Papa, I’ve been celibate since ‘95. My father killed our son, I have no children. I’m Catholic.
Hm, not sure if I’d consider Libya middle eastern, but that’s nice of you. And like I said, he was white. If he had any Arab blood it was very little, though he wouldn’t have wanted anyone to know that.
Libya is rightful Italian clay. Still for fucking a Muslim, even a based one, your a degenerate whore and a disgrace of a human being.
Eli Sanders
What makes you think that specificly? I may be inclined to agree. Meh, he wasn’t that religious desu, though he put up a dandy front. He prayed a whole of one night during our time together and did a few ‘haram’ things without much of a second thought.
No, I’ve only ever shared my story on line and with a select few irl. I’d consider it, though.
I didn’t know Safia, Papa said he was going to set me up with my own house in Bab-al Azizia. I doubt I’d have had too much interaction with her, plus he wanted my existence to be a bit hush hush. Sharing him wasn’t that big of a deal, I loved him and he cared for me, that’s really all that mattered.
You said it, not me. I’m usually on /b/ in the femanon threads, I’ve been lurking for about seven years now, I’m pretty cynical and I fit in well. digits on any of your posts either....gr8b8.jpg with your reply to me,
I'm an oldfag serial lurker and this is now a second reply you've gotten from me; you got skills and you have been here for as long as I have for sure. Look, we both know the rules and we both understand the importance of the rules so for the last time tgfo.
Then you'll get the interaction you seek.
Jason Gutierrez
>Papa wanted me to be a second wife And you, being a girl from a cultured diplomatic family, were a-ok with being second in line? >I'm still in love with Papa, I've been celibate since 95 You still love him? You loved him enough not to have had sex in 22 years? >My father killed our son What? Who's son, you had a kid with Gaddafi? >Papa And why do you call him this anyway?
>He wanted my existence to be hush hush From Safia or the rest of the world? >Sharing him wasn't that big of a deal Cuckqueen? That's kinky.
Andrew Bailey
VPN fail. Thread is definitely over now.
Matthew Diaz
How much do you know about the grand man-made river project?
Matthew Reyes
You flatter me user, but like I said, my bewbs aren’t really relevant to the thread. I’ve proven myself felmale, and that’s all I’m obligated to do.