Is Barron ok?

Is Barron ok?

Attached: 120983092183021.jpg (264x238, 26K)

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Hi Shareblue. Fuck off back to plebbit. Kind Regards, Squee

God Emperor of man confirmed.

Clickbait cancer

kys kike

>tfw too intelligent

Thats a fucking ad nigga

Has anyone ever managed to click that clickbait link yet? It's been floating around for a few years now. I've always wanted to know what's inside, but no one ever delivered. Is it good or bad news? Let's also keep in mind that it could be disinfo - if Barron is Q he wouldn't want to expose his extraordinary IQ to the world either

His IQ is growing

Attached: barron.jpg (416x346, 49K)

He's awakening.

Seems so

Attached: 5669cd8aac1d9.image.jpg (1170x868, 198K)

His latent psychic abilities will soon appear, granting him 500 year lifespan and eventual dominion over mankind at which point we will ascend with him to the stars.

All Hail the God Emperor - Baron Trump...Hail the New Caesar.

High IQ may be a scary thing for a low IQ morons such as your self ShariaBlue shill. You should probably try to fix the situation by sniffing more glue.

>this is an actual ad i found

Attached: aATpLUp.png (268x214, 99K)

His IQ is exceeding speed of light as of yesterday. As he bends timespace, he will be old enough to run for prasident in 2024.

I genuinely believe that Barron is going to be one of the greatest presidents the US has ever had, literally akin to George Washington.

I'm going to let you all in on a little reality
Baron runs Jow Forums since Trump purchased it under silent partnership back in 2012 as a toy project.
He has been running the show since then slowly building it up for global political infiltration and it has become so useful the EU and UK will eventually ban it .
/we/ are merely pawns of master Baron and await to execute order :14881000R .

Attached: 1538708375961s.jpg (104x124, 3K)

Imagine the pussy this guy is going to get.

What is it with these ads? Who runs them? Are they actually making money? I feel like there’s something shady going on, maybe money laundering or something like that. These ads are just too outlandish

He has a very big brain and he's good with the cyber

he will be

Kek saved

ask Hiro

Soon, Barron. Soon.

Attached: fire starter.jpg (1024x768, 118K)

These ads are everywhere though. Not just Jow Forums. News websites, magazine websites, lots of other websites have ads like this
>local mom makes $100k from home in a month
>could this exotic fruit be the silver bullet to burn fat?
Who’s behind these ads? Why do they all follow similar structure?

This is a scene from Dumb and Dumber

No it’s joey

How many times do you think she got diddled on that set?

>boil one cup of this before you sleep

he's an autis-sperg
what do you expect from such old parents?

True to Caesar!

Attached: TylmZ3g.jpg (671x960, 74K)

i know what you're talking about, but that's a picture of a disgusting fast food reviewer. I do wish he had a hard attack

Attached: 5bKWmoO.png (449x490, 322K)


he will get votes on looks and dictator charisma alone

Attached: barron-trump-time-traveller.png (853x495, 812K)

kek it was Baron the whole time

Is this thread being spammed?


Attached: screencapture-ofads-life-ad-19152-2018-10-02-23_56_23.png (1330x3179, 1.16M)

Isn’t he the retardid one?

Attached: barron trump.png (1366x604, 66K)

I hate toothaches.


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Attached: fskkklc.jpg (700x364, 63K)