Which of the two will have a bigger impact on this election? Kanye's deleted his Twitter and Instagram...

Which of the two will have a bigger impact on this election? Kanye's deleted his Twitter and Instagram, so I'm putting my money on Taylor.

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Kanye shifts paradigms Taylor swift just looks pretty

Roasties are ephemeral.
Based black boy is forever.

Obviously Kanye. TayTay is a pussy for even talking about it

He made this bitch famous in the first place


ok shillator

The left has so many whitegirl thot endorsements already I don't think another one is going to make a difference
Kanye on the other hand seems to hold a lot of weight with niggers who are already finally starting to realize they're still a pack of retarded slaves and his weird stunts never fail to make news

> memeflag calling me a shillator
please close the Jow Forums tab and do something else.


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Kanye might be working on his new redpilled image just to promote his albums and make more $$$ but at least he says some crazy stuff. He is interesting.

One memed to fame cause she was born pretty and mostly white cucks worpship and fantasize about her, the other rose against all odds and become the most based black celebrity simply cause he's that fucking awesome.

I just broke up with my cunt girlfriend for repeating shit she read from twitter about Kanye

Keep posting this on celeb twitters

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>Where my grandparents are from

Tell me, friend, how are things in Guatemala? My grandparents talk like its a cartel run shithole, but my parents talk like its the best place on Earth.

is this where we are as a society ?

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taytay spoke out tonight but knows its not her place or in her best interest to do so commonly.

Can Taytay be purified with meme magic?

It's complicated. On the one hand, it is indeed a quite dangerous place to live. On the other, the climate, nature and Mayan heritage make the country quite beautiful. I'm not local, so my opinion is not comprehensive, but from my own experience - Guatemala is quite a clean place compared to, let's say, India or Thailand. They don't throw their litter all over the place and maintain their cities/villages relatively clean.

Ye, hands down. I've been absolutely loving his work recently. That first TMZ interview was powerful and would have loosened a few minds which were still closed tight. Loved Bombard's body language analysis of it as well. Been busy cutting and splitting firewood recently so I didn't realise he'd deleted his Twitter, haven't had anything to do with Instagram for a long time so wouldn't have noticed anyway.

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Taylor is a closet Nazi and Democrats are the party of slavery. Makes sense i guess

Uncle Ted is far superior. Forget her.

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Meant to link the body language video:



>Based black boy is forever.

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Ye will, because Tay Tay's fans are like 12 years old and have no idea what the hell is going on and are too young to even care.

Well if you go with Taylor Swift you're a racist. So I'm sticking Kanye cause I ain't racist. Vote Republican 2020

This could've been a great couple imo

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Kanye is best baste black man

anyone who disagrees is simply incapable of appreciating art

>Taylor Ssssssssswift

My sense is Taylor's endorsement will backfire and her candidate will actually lose. A lot of conservative TN voters will feel betrayed by her and want to throw a FU at her by going to the polls and voting GOP.

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Kanye is literally one of us, and is currently engaged in walking around black neighborhoods redpilling people and getting them off of the DNC plantation, while also making an operating system. He is our guy.

Taylor’s getting fisted by Karlie in a fancy home far away from prying eyes. She’s also one of us, but she isn’t our girl as I recall she spoke out in favor of gun control and gave money to Hogg.

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If they were conservative then they would vote GOP anyway. The problem is that there are these people that don't actually give a shit about politics, but will come out to vote in a heartbeat just because thats what their sweetheart celebrity told them to do.

White girls who vote Democrat won't be swayed to vote Republican.

Blacks can be swayed any which way. But I believe the amount of voices counteracting Kanye will prevent him from having any influence. The most Tay Tay can do is encourage some dumb 18 year old roastie to actually vote.

Used to look pretty. I think the whole reason she's come out politically now is because her views are down, probably owing to how fat she got.

Also, notice how there isn't an enormous media backlash and howls of execration from every media personality in the world when Taylor came out? None of them questioning her sanity, despite the retarded, rambling nature of her post?

But the minute Kanye does it, it's a media circus.

But kanye married a pornstar