Ukrainians are forbidden to drink urine

On the harm of urine said Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun. She told fellow citizens that harmful and dangerous bacteria and microbes are present in the urine. Suprun urged Ukrainians to abandon urinotherapy, she also does not recommend rubbing urine, making masks. The head of the Ministry of Health also noted that the process of urination does not require the return of products back.

Ulyana Suprun was appointed acting head. Minister in August 2016. In addition to Ukrainian, she also has US citizenship. The citizens of Ukraine managed to give her the nickname "Doctor Death" for the medical reform she is promoting.

Suprun has previously spoken with ambiguous statements, for example, proposed to treat cancer with laughter. The head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health called music another effective way to treat a range of diseases.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why can't your piece of shit Military finish off Ukraine yet?

As an American living in Ukraine, I'd prefer if you didn't. Comfortable, inexpensive, friendly, white. Best food and coffee I've ever had. Please just focus on the homeland and let me enjoy my little piece of heaven in the middle of nowhere.

this. just get on with it already!

Consuming bodily fluids is satanic. There is some bizarre Khazar satanic stuff going on with this Crimea thing.

its your mistake for getting way to drunk in the 80's and making ukraine in the first place.
why the hell did you create ukraine in the first place?
was it supposed to be a prank?
OK we get it, it was funny for the first 50 years, now its just sad.


lol fuck off poles, I'm glad they raped you to death and stole your land.

huh? does coach red pill live in Ukraine?

>hohoł gets angry
It's scared.jpg

urinians lol

Yeah I recall him mentioning it once

>As an American living in Ukraine

maybe if my text was full of lines and shit you could read

Or maybe you're weev

Fucking traitor. Leaving us to this shit. Goddamnit

I would rather die free here than living under the Queen's boot. You're the only letdown.

It sounds like I'm in good company.

proof or gtfo

>forbidden to drink urine
now that's some uniamaginable horror. ukrainians will starve again,
Holodomor 2.0
What a retarded thread

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Why do Ukrainians love to drink piss so much? Does that affect their behavior?

>Ukrainians are forbidden to drink urine

What are (((they))) trying to hide????

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jesus christ, always put timestamp, you newfag idiot

You're there for pussy and ass of all ages who are you trying to kid fatty? I hope you get a slice of AIDS too, sickening pervert.



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I would but I don't have a pen. I don't do anything on paper and work online. I have a receipt from the store that's from today but I can't read Russian at all and don't know what bits of information towards the end would link to a store.

>I would but I don't have a pen
I see that you assimilated well in ukraine


Piss is probably healthier than the shit they sell in ukrainian stores. Pic related. I drank 1 can of these and I thought I'm going to die

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This. Fucking mutt cant get laid, so he plays the rich cowboy or something

Normal urine is 100% clear fluid. It has no bacteria unless you have bladder infection.

>guys!! im an american i swear!! ukraine is cool!!

of course you're american, vanya.

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Quite the assumption. I'm not a sex tourist, though.

Here you go. I found a pen in my luggage.

Attached: lol pooland.png (801x744, 909K)

>some Pole makes a comment on Jow Forums
>wow, I'm very glad a lot of unrelated people got raped and genocided decades ago

That doesn't make much sense

>yбить ceбя

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>Ubit' sebya
N1 Ihor, are you dual Ukranian and American?
Davaite po russkom blyaaaaa.

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Urea makes it sterile

Looks like scheduler.

he's ukrainian user, he has an inner urge to rape children and murder unrelated people.

No, I'm just some crazy American.

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Don't tell me you mixed milk and vodka you crazy ass mothafucka.

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You guys mean there are people who willingly drink urine outside of sex perverts?

I get some estonian liqueur too and make bella rooskies :---DDD

Now wait a second. Where did you get Пpocтoквaшинo? It's Russian product. I thought all trade was cut off with Ukraine.

>Ubit' Sebya

seems like it's going to be a busy Monday)))))

Well, I do believe he is American. I just never understood the satisfaction one gets from people being genocided for no reason.

I wasn't aware Sailor Cat milk was Russian until I posted it on Jow Forums and some Russian nationalist started laughing that my favorite brand of milk in Ukraine was Russia. I assume the farms are local but the company is Russian, that's the only way they permit it.

This. They have Scythian ancestry after all.

Myself i prefer a glass of rum & cola but usually i drink some smoky whiskey in normal cases.
Probably license-produced in OOOOOkraiiinaaaa.

What's shitty is my American phone cannot download the Ukrainian version of Uber without jumping through pain-in-the-ass hoops, so I just use Yandex Taxi, but that only gets drivers using VPNs.

Really annoying.

he's chilean

his ex-wife and kids live in ukraine. he made a few videos while visiting them one time.

>Sailor Cat
It's Matroskin! Don't you dare ruin one of my favorite cat from my childhood.

>I assume the farms are local but the company is Russian, that's the only way they permit it.
So milk from ukrainian farms go to Russia and then returns back as Пpocтoквaшинo? Doesn't make any sense desu.

John Mccain, is that you?
I heard u dieded

>She told fellow citizens that harmful and dangerous bacteria and microbes are present in the urine
hahahah everyone knows urine is sterile, fellow ukrainians continue with urine drinking as you were

>but that only gets drivers using VPNs

>cannot download the Ukrainian version of Uber without jumping through pain-in-the-ass hoops
what hoops? I realize it's a figure of speech, but what is it doing?

russian traditional medicine

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no you retard
if its produced in ukraine it stays in ukraine but the company might be registered in russia

It's okay. They just carbonate it and call it beer. The Germans have been doing the same thing for centuries, nobody seems to call them on it.

i think indians do too

No everything is done in Ukraine.

use OnTaxi

Do you speak the language? How'd that situation come together? Help me user plz gib white flight tips for me and my wife.

No dummy they probably just build factories there in Ukraine.

Proctokvashino organizes it, manages the logistics, provides the skilled labor to build the factories, but the bottling, pasteurization, and dairy comes from Ukraine. No physical product crosses the eastern border. That's how I imagine it.

All Yandex sites are blocked in Ukraine by order of the President. In order to use Yandex, both me and the driver must use a proxy.

>what hoops? I realize it's a figure of speech, but what is it doing?
'Jumping through hoops' means to do stuff you really shouldn't need to do, almost sort of needlessly. If I'm jumping through hoops to download a Ukrainian app on my phone, it means I'm doing a lot of bullshit to trick Google into thinking my phone is Ukrainian when really I should just be able to download it.

I love that shit but can't find it here for love or money. Probably banned. A shame though, the idea of combining a shitload of caffeine with the alcohol content of a triple fermentation beer is genius.

I'll check it out. Hopefully I can download it.

>Do you speak the language?
No, but I know the alphabet. It helps with recognizing words that are transliterations. I know a few nouns and I know how to say thank you. People respond very positively when a foreigner knows a little of their language.

>How'd that situation come together?

But it would means Russian dairy plants in Ukraine. There's no way it would be ukrainian.
and show it on tv

Taking an upper and a downer at the same time. What could go wrong?

>No dummy they probably just build factories there in Ukraine.
Yeah I thought so, but I wouldn't believe that. I mean, Russian factories in Ukraine with all that anti-Russian statements?

>All Yandex sites are blocked in Ukraine by order of the President. In order to use Yandex, both me and the driver must use a proxy.
jeebus krist
don't ukrainians have some local app then?

>'Jumping through hoops' means to do stuff you really shouldn't need to do, almost sort of needlessly. If I'm jumping through hoops to download a Ukrainian app on my phone, it means I'm doing a lot of bullshit to trick Google into thinking my phone is Ukrainian when really I should just be able to download it.
I knew all that already. I'm asking you what specifically does it want you to do?

Well what do you do for work not knowing the language? Or are you a richfag? I need details m8 we're looking for the whitest possible place to hop to and don't have a ton saved.

How would you say Ukraine compares to north America in terms of crime and culture? My understanding is that it's very impoverished and people seem kind of deranged from that part of the world, but maybe that's just media etc. I ask because I have Ukrainian heritage and have always felt a connection to eastern Europe. It seems beautiful to me

>don't ukrainians have some local app then?
No, they just use Uber. That guy suggested OnCab but I've not tried it yet.

I've seen guides suggesting a bunch of things but none of it has worked for me. Despite having a Vodafone UA simcard and my region set to Ukraine, it thinks I'm in the US.

I *think* what it needs me to do is find some sort of prepaid Google Play card in Ukraine and then add that as a payment option. Once my payment option is Ukrainian, it'll let me download Uber UA.

I work online. Where I live doesn't matter. As long as there's an Internet connection I can manage.

You would face a lot of difficulties here speaking nothing but English, not having a sponsorship, and not working online.

The first video I seen of someone drinking URINE in the morning was from a UK Citizen.

Who said it was ukrainian?

>Product description from producer
>REVO ALCO ENERGY is a low-alcohol analogue of revo energy drink. It was created as the extract of fun, courage and innovation. Even its design style is unique and aimed at the modern youth culture.

>8.5 % vol

dammit where can I order this shit

Attached: revo alco energy.jpg (500x500, 22K)

I'm actually in school looking to be a virtual assistant so this is good news. I'm sure I'd be put on some kind of list constantly corresponding with foreign businessmen but everybody's on a list. Thanks user.

>yбить ceбя
My sides

nothing really, just good old plain funtime, an extract of fun, courage and innovation™.


first fucking thing you do when you move into another country is you buy a local sim card
wth jonathan

You would regret moving to Ukraine trust me on that, First of all the salaries are literally $100 month, if you don't speak decent Ukranian or Russian you will not even be able to communicate with the people around you as nobody speaks English there, maybe some younger people who are in uni or smth but normally no.
During the summer months atleast in Kiev they shut down the hot water for almost 6 months due to savings, everything is corrupt and you will start to hate yourself for bringing your family there.
If you want to live in a white country go to like czech republic or Poland or something.

>I *think* what it needs me to do is find some sort of prepaid Google Play card in Ukraine and then add that as a payment option.
Yes, your country is bound to your Google account, and whatever you can purchase go along with it.

Flight? What are you talking about we're winning, go out knock on doors, win more hearts and minds and get even more votes.

I bet the alcohol will also increase the absorption rate of the caffeine

ya should quit drinking so ya don't have a heart attack.

>During the summer months atleast in Kiev they shut down the hot water for almost 6 months due to savings,
Fuck, was it always like that?

...until it exists the penis, then it will contaminate very fast

are you kidding me? Urea is an excellent source of nitrogen for fast growth of micro-organisms

khazar=scyth, no
khazar=mongol . filthy kike

If I'm making 50k USD a year working online what's the issue? The hot water is a poorfag problem.

Also: communicating with poorfags is for poorfags. I'm going to rule that country in a year user.

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Look at the fucking chemicals in that shit. As far as i know it cannot be shipped into EU because it's basically rocket fuel.

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their website is pretty cool

Holodomor 2.0

Unironically what this was a parody of

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piss is good for u click here


Khazars are Scythians, and Scythians were a mixture of protoslavs and altaic R1a-Z83, also they carry the same asiatic pagan habits like blood drinking and the eating of tortured flesh. It is where the kikes got the mustard from.

They know what the people want.