Hans, can't you come back ? Those days spent with you were comfy as fuck and our capital was clean.
Hans, can't you come back ? Those days spent with you were comfy as fuck and our capital was clean
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We would have to get the greasy burgers out of Europe first
We could have been reunited with our German brothers forever with all the subhumans genocided ...
We are united now. Only one part of the job left to do
I think that even Eisenhower admitted that French civilians preferred to live under German occupation because there was a lot of stability and order.
The French love to be put in their place. Little whores.
Dumb mutt ruining everything, you created this degenerate modern world we currently live in
The UK and Soviets helped
BTW I think this map is wrong because Alsace Lorraine was never formally annexed into the Reich, it was always an occupied territory only.
Spoken like a true cuck. Fuck off
Fitting the whores preferred the Germans. French women don't like kike mutilated+ ZOGdick.
Well, you can either choose to be dominated by Anglo-Americans or by Germans. Which one do you think is better?
A cuck ? It was the last time France was decent, look at our capital now, it has be come a giant trash. Shitskins are flowing into our motherland and reproducing like fucking rats. Now even a nigger or a muslim is considered "French" here and the majority of white people are brainwashed by the jews. Truly an UNKEKED timeline dude
It's our responsibility to clean it up. No need to go groveling to some foreign power.
I always laugh when I see a french flag on Jow Forums
We are unable to do the job ourselves, the Germans saw our tendency to love nigger and tried to save us from losing our aryans genes. The average Frenchmen is fond of nigger it's how we are we can't change that, we have to be helped bu the Germans in order to uncuck ouselves
It always have to be an eastern shithole when someone make that kind of post, get rid of your inferiority complex and deal with the fact you're the nigger of europe and completely irrelevant
>The average Frenchmen is fond of nigger
I haven't seen that.
Completely fake, look up Vincent Reynouard
But german law applied there.
Such bullshit.
I chose neither.
So because we are being subjugated by foreigners we must submit to other foreigners. Nice logic. Grow some balls, take responsibility and fix our own mess
Is Paris burning?
Au contraire, maybe it's your pathetic "nation" which is the true cuck
OK Mr. 56%
Don't forget
You helped out a whole bunch
You country is in a far worse situation dude, we're still 90% white , you shouldn't even be given the right to express yourself
>we're still 90% white
It was working just fine until you fags created the EU so you could buttfuck each other
Warsaw could look better aswell as königsberg
Paris looked fine up until the 80s
True. Absolutely shameful
How did that work? Two separate governments? Or did the Germans rule France from Berlin?
So all foreigners are the same ? Look, I prefer being ruled by the Germans than being ruled by the Charia
fucking lazy frogs, get an Italian in charge for god's sake
Why can I not find anything online about this?
It has different titles abroad: imdb.com
Not all foreigners are the same but an invader is an invader and I prefer being ruled by my own people.
Mon cher ami,
it's the same fucking bullshit over here - we are fucked.
Last Teuton standing