If you're growing a beard, going to a "men's" barbershop to have it "styled", have sailor tats, drink whisky and dress in "vintage" clothes, there's a 95% chance you're a flaming homosexual who's actually a braindead consumer buying pre-packaged "masculinity" because you don't have any yourself.
If you're growing a beard, going to a "men's" barbershop to have it "styled", have sailor tats...
Other urls found in this thread:
i just dont like shaving everyday
I do go to a men’s barber shop though. Where the fuck else do you get your hair cut?
I drink whisky but don’t fuck men am I still gay?
Any man that needs to have his beard kept is a fucking faggot.
Buy a trimmer and be a god damn man.
>Where the fuck else do you get your hair cut?
At home in the bathroom
In your bathroom with clippers hitler youth haircut is easy
Beards are a nuisance. They freeze in the winter, get caught in the zipper of your parka, make your face itch, etc. Most women don't like men with beards, either.
Nailed it, OP.
My city has been ruined by gentrified, over priced bars filled with bearded and moustached, tattoo covered narcissists drinking craft beer.
Its an epidemic. Everything is so contrived now, its pathetic.
Your describing hipsters.
then don't get it styled, it is the first sign of either being gay or being insecure of the masculinity. I am personally gifted with a beard that makes every man jealous.
Learn to do it yourself or find a woman that knows how to properly cut hair
they only itch if you don't clean it or don't grow it out
I don't know why some men are so triggered by beards
is it jealousy due to the lack of testosterone?
they are my least favorite flavor of millennial
Come on, that's an extreme. I just go to the same haircut place and get a nice haircut. The problem with modern urban barbershops is that they are all basically boy clubs for bearded manchildren who think their fashion sense is what makes them men.
Clean shave is the only way. Keep your undercuts and homeless person beards away from me.
spotted the gook that can’t grow a beard
Craft beer also has far higher hop levels which is phytoestrogen like onions
This thread might have been relevant 5-10 years ago Vladimir.
There's no escaping the fact that beards have become a faggy hipster thing. Natural beard is alright but you see a lot of faggots with a beard that clearly required more care than a woman's haircut. Spending hours and hundreds at the hairdresser isn't really the best display of testosterone
The whole point of getting a job was so I wouldn't have to do this anymore, Pierre.
Do you ever leave your basement? The biggest basedboys are usually the bearded tattooed ones.
shaving is your only option
you lack manliness
No it's not. The top is hard. Trust me, I've tried many times. Still better than the bowl cut my neighbor used to give me as a kid. Thank god shaved heads came back into style in the 90's so I could at least not look like a walking white trash mushroom.
Spot on friend.
OP is 100% correct. I only shave on Sundays, though.
Imagine being so insecure about your manliness you need to "wear" it on your face.
It seems pretty relevant right now in Moscow. Barbershops opening everywhere where guys vape, drink whisky and play consoles. Faggiest experience imaginable
I prefer doing it myself than entrusting it to some stranger. Cut my hair last night, took half an hour shower included. You can get a cheap hair trimmer for the price of one haircut, and it will last a lot longer
>growing a beard
Nothing wrong with that
>going to a "men's" barbershop to have it "styled"
Why would you go anywhere else to cut your hair?
>have sailor tats
Correct, unless you're a an actual sailor, it's tryhard.
>drink whisky
there's nothing wrong with drinking this
>and dress in "vintage" clothes,
What does this even mean? Your suit fits weird because you're modeling the 50s style? That's all I can think of
Do it yourself.
Only reason I've ended up with a beard is because I haven't been bothered shaving. Ten months so far and not a single trim. Lucky enough to have been blessed with a hairdresser mother so I've never even stepped into a salon or barber in my life. We had one barbershop in town when i was growing up, and in the last three years that has increased to 8 or 9. All owned and run by the exact insecure hipster manchildren you've described.
There's a fair chance that once my mother dies I'm never going to get my hair cut ever again. That or will just buy some clippers, if not just inherit mum's, and do my own in the bathroom. Be fucked about going to a fucking shop to get some faggot fucking styling done.
As ling as you don't care for what type of whiskey you are actually drinking you are ok
I live in Sydney. We're about 5 years ahead of London in terms of Hipsters.
This whole Vintage Manly look has been out for a couple of years.
You natives in the homeland will be happy to know what hipsters are now doing. Pic related.
I guess that is because of natural lag that comes from living in a more conservative place. There is ago a three year fashion lag in my local area. Never released it until I came back from over seas
I got to Just Cuts. Costs me 20 bucks. Takes 15 minutes. The ladies are nice. Looks a bit shit. One day I'll go to a proper hairdressers so I can look like a proper NPC.
I can't fucking spell to save my life.
Who even does this still? Faux-masculine hipsters died off in 2013
so many numales in this thread. Sad.
He's talking about Brooklyn Hipsters from 10 years ago.
Sorta like Gavin McInnes, but liberal.
Yeah, I've met a lot of guys like this. To be fair though, there were always these guys. They just change slightly through time. At least, since the 1960s or so, there's been one generation after another of them.
First ones were maybe "beat guys" or original hipsters. In the 70s they were perhaps the guys who wore polyester leisure suits and gold medallions and asked girls "what's your sign?"
Then in the 80s they were greaser boys who dressed like the Fonz, or perhaps a preppie variation of that. In the 90s they were retro-40s and 50s hipsters in vintage suits and fedoras. In the oughts, they added skinny jeans to the mix and brought in heroin chic from 70s women. Then in the teens beards and a mix of 50s retro suits and bowling shirts mixed in with a touch of lumberjack chic (see the OP's pic--suspenders, Victorian-looking cotton undershirt, plaid shirts etc.) Somewhere after the turn of the century they began to include vintage shaving equipment and barbering, hence eventually the beard thing because they're lazy.
I like good whiskey? Granted Ic an't really tell you what i good. I only know what tastes good to sip at the time. Also yeah dude, old school barber shops are the best. Shave, hair cut, trim my nose hairs and everything. Good times.
Russia is of wisdom.
at home
with an axe
tl;dr: my mum cuts my hair and i cant fathom the possibility of having a gf that can do it, because im only chasing dick with my cum catcher beard
This is Jow Forums user, home to incels, autists, giga-teetotalers, larpers and neckbeards. Just shave your head, put on your McAnime shirt so you look like a tool, and be an awkward virgin unless you trip over some vagina some day.
Really though, just get it styled once at a decent place if it matters that much to you so you don't look neck-beardish, and then you can maintain it yourself. It's not hard.
Too many hipster assholes expressing masculine traits "ironically." Tell the nihilist edge pussies to go fuck off right along with them and do whatever you want.
oh no, it still lingers
could a generational thing, it seems, some are stuck in it
They’ve been doing this in England (outside of London) for the past few years - places like Bristol etc. This is actually worse to me as they dress like violent niggers
I grow a beard cuz im lazy to shave
I groom my own beard
Fuck hipster fashion
Fuck all of em
Savage, kek'd.
are you saying they transformed into chavs?
I hate that shit. Everty fucking "Craft brewery" almost thinks they are hot shit because they can stuff a beer full of hops and call it good. Shit tastes like piss water. Any idiot can ruin beer with hops, making a good beer requires more skill than that. Fuck every single IPA producing shit bag.
All of America is a fashion lag. Even the major cities. People in NYC still dress like it's the 1990's.
I don't get it, because the pop culture that comes OUT of America is generally what drives the fashion choices everywhere else. But when it comes to clothing, your NPC's literally dress like our grandparents. Even my Burger family, which are all based in San Franc and Portland, are 5 years behind the curve.
It's like they exchanged genetic height and jawline advantages for dress sense.
Admittedly I'm an oldfag now (36). I went out this past weekend which is rarity these days. Every time I do venture out into the nightlife scene in my city, it's gotten emptier and more contrived than before. Everyone has a look of narcissistic suspicion plastered across their face. The craft beer thing is completely absurd to me. I won't even get started on the thot situation, there is nothing new that can be said that isn't already known about the state of women in 2018.
People have become so obsessed and influenced by social media that everything they do is a contrived attempt at feeling like "somebody" in their own tiny minds. The facial hair, tattoos and in the case of women, ridiculous amounts of makeup and other finery are a desperate, deluded attempt to stand out. The thing is, they all look the same.
What is really sad is that people honestly don't appear to be enjoying themselves these days. I went to a busy bar on Friday night which has recently been refurbished. Yet more endless craft beers, contrived 'street art' on the walls and a host of contemptuous looking millennial lesbians behind the bar. Less than a decade ago, Friday night in that bar was karaoke night. Hundreds of happy people revelling after work, drinking cheap beer and having a laugh before heading on to one of the many independent indie or club nights that were around at the time, none of which no longer exist. Now its just the usual procession of preening millennials, too concerned with sharing their precise location on Instagram than actually having a good time.
I hope there is a backlash in the same way the right is having a fightback against the left. But I honestly think it's too late now. Any modicum of culture, integrity and decency has been destroyed by Capitalist greed and liberal Millennial narcissism.
t. Embittered and nostalgic boomer
Sorry to hear you have problems with your family, frog.
I sincerely hope you can find closure one day.
Not sure if 1998 or 2018
Is this a common thing? I've never seen these guys.
Oh yeah, and the 90s suit-and-fedora crowd spent weekends in old Hawaiian shirts and vintage shorts of khakis. That was when Hawaiian shit got costly for the first time ever.
t. used to own a vintage store
The only one of these groups I ever liked were the 90s guys who went full 40s and even used to swing dance and shit, loved old movies, and even got back into playing records before it was cool again. They were okay actually.
I've never really seen this type in person. To me it doesnt seem so bad. Sure the things they see as masculine are superficial, but at least it's something
I know that, I meant in my state. France from my understanding actually drives the fashion trends, we just push out music and film trends.
Only a Jew would hate God's creation. I have a beard because I am a man. I don't go to a barbershop tho and don't drink. What's next having chesthair and hair on your legs makes you gay? Stfu basedboy.
These faggots hi-jacked our beards to make it look faggot.
Having a beard is a white trait
mudshits cant grow a full one and have shitty mustaches, same goes for the jews, notice how their shit is all patchy
Bristol is a bit different. They just set the look in the 90's and then never changed. So they're technically decades ahead of the curve now.
Well, lads.
That Madchester aesthetic.
A few years ago these guys were your typical hipster Newtown rock dudes. Now check them out.
>Too many hipster assholes expressing masculine traits "ironically."
This is exactly what I hate about this shit
Fking jews why is S O Y called based? Subversise..
Shaved head and beard is probably the best look to do user.
Just trim it
Yeah, that's what I meant. The fashion is influenced by Burger music and movies and the like, yet Burgers themselves don't seem big on the clothes.
oh buddy did you not have enough money for haircut? awww
A primary reason they grow and beards is to cover up their estrogen-influenced facial aesthetics. When you have a weak jawline and no chin, you can have a barber "sculpt" your beard into a fake jawline. Under every beard is a bugman faggot.
just put down soi, or some other shit. mods have always been jews
>set trimmer to 0.5 clipper length
>buzz everything off
Tattoos are really feminine in my opinion but I do have some facial hair and dress moderately well. I simply consider proper grooming and hygiene as an aspect to healthy living though
also purchase a tracksuit, gold chain and a pair of air max
You’re an idiot
>at home in the bathroom
This is retarded. Having a professional cut your hair isnt weak. A man should take pride in his appearance
I have a beard, sailor tats and drink whiskey. But im also a Scot who used to be a sailor so fuck you.
Not all of us want the slavic soccer hooligan look.
I don't want to look like I'm setting to steal your purse every time I go outside.
>Muh american roasties
as a separate word it's auto-corrected into "onions", when it's used with "boy" it's replaced with "based".
It's meant to humiliate and trigger normalfags from plebbit
I am glad for that, thought the v neck thing that the rest of the world was doing was gay. Saw only a handful of people here try that but it quickly went away.
>make your face itch
confirmed for never getting over the 1 week line
you also can't full caps "cuck"
I can't grow a beard. If I don't shave, I just end up looking French.
Looks more like a nigger mixed Hispanic than a mudshit imo.
Tattooes aren't feminine at all. They are just degenerate. They used to be somewhat masculine when it was just blue-collar guys getting them, but how they are tryhard. They have always been ugly, and especially ruin a woman's appearance
I bet in every of those videos he's saying something ultra-leftist.
JUST cuts
If the fashion industry or some social media celebrity whore started pushing the "excrement smeared on your face" look for men, women would soon be clamouring for guys with shit dripping off their foreheads.
Thots are mindless sheep who will gravitate toward any fad that they are told is "on trend" by the media
>implying you can't get a good cut on your own
I really don’t get it. Is this maximum kikery? And, no, Bristol was full of dreadlocks, moustaches and tattoos too
Yeah, people cross the street when they see me. Which is funny because I'm actually a pussy lol.
War is deception
>drinks whiskey
what should I drink shitty vodka?
They drink craft beer not whiskas as far as I know.
He just doesn't like hipsters and is venting.
I found a women to properly cut it in a barbershop you mug
Why is it shitty? It's the most clean product without residuals, hangover is easiest among all beverages.