Imagine blaming your fallings on society.
Imagine deriding Blacks for lacking agency.
Imagine having any self awareness at all.
Sadly, no imagination needed
Trump supporters are their own worst enemies
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine making this thread.
Ya this thread is pretty bad.
>Please stop making me realize I'm a myopic hypocrite
>I prefer my alternate reality
Smell the coffee Trumplet.
Imagine being a leaf.
Thread is quite bad, but who is the chick?
>Imagine blaming your fallings on society.
Only victims do this. They don't belong in Jow Forums, those are the ones that feed the ranks of leftism.
The smell was unbelievable i was standing there at least five or six minutes and I was able to recognize at least eight body parts that were most definitely human.
She’s actually a man.
Why are canadians so obsessed over what the U.S does? Don't you guys have enough internal problems to concern yourselves with?
Wow user, all I can think about now, is how I want some gibs like a little pet failure. I really want to sell out the success of my nation and my own people/race for some nummy gibs shit in my mouth. You've convinced me. Blue wave when? Nigger.
I won't believe you until i see it myself, what is her name?
imagine being jewish and not killing yourself.
checked. Leafs are fags. All of them.
Nah, I think it's the jews.
>alinsky faggotry
Way to project.
Um, sweaty.
We're winning. Pretty sure the Kavanaugh decision just confirmed that again.
That's the opposite of "failing" in case you weren't aware.
>deriding Blacks for lacking agency
It's now suggested 30% of blacks are Trump supporters (almost double from 2016), so this doesn't really make sense given the title.
>Imagine having any self awareness at all.
Imagine commenting on another country's politics, and projecting.
I can't imagine what it's like to be obsessed with another country's politics. Legit have never had that experience.
Okay, I'm getting really sick of these shareblue slide topics, so let's make this topic about veganism instead. What is Jow Forums's opinion on veganism? Personally I think if God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat. What is your opinion?
At least I don't have to literally develop a dissociative personality disorder because I am in denial about how useless my gene pool is
Hell, even your own lawgivers hate you for being unclean, thus you hate everything else to distract from your pathetic situation
Evil will be destroyed of itself, for therein is the only nature of evil, to destroy
Ffs god even made a degenerative brain disease that only affects Hebrew genes
Name me one other thing like that
>imagine deriding Blacks for lacking agency.
Its the truth though...
I can't hear you over your niggerflag, user, what was it you were saying?
Imagine taking the bait.
Imagine being such a newfag that you don't know how to sage.
Why do all the faggot leftists start posting after 2am PST? Is it just fagtarded Europe is this when the homos smoke their meth?
If I ever run out of animals to eat vegans are next on the list to get hacked up for bbq.
imagine all the people
and niggers
This website sucks. I am leaving forever. Bye
Look what you've done.
Lol, I kinda feel bad for the guy, I was trying to trigger leftists, not Indians.
Imagine blaming the gun for a shooting.
Imagine blaming white people for other races shortcomings
Imagine having any soilent at all.
Sadly, no Nintendo Switches needed
>3 posts
Abandon thread you chucklefucks, at least use sage.
If you don;t know what that means, maybe /b/ is a board more your speed.
check and confirmed ...leafs are fags
This topic sucks, let's change the topic.
This topic is now about Sage. Post some good recipes revolving around sage.
Slide thread but I'll bite.
Imagine blaming society for its own destruction.
Imagine trying to succeed in a doomed society.
Imagine not wanting to get rid of a disease because the disease lacks agency.
Imagine having no awareness whatsoever.
Sadly, you have not given this thread much thought.
We do not blame society for our own failings. We blame everyone for the destruction of society. We blame ourselves for the destruction, we blame the generation before us and we can see the world that we have been robbed of. The first generation to be poorer than their parents. That is not because the children have become less capable, but because our future was sold out so that mom and dad could experiment and party and live a life of hedonism.
It is as a rule not good to blame others for your problems but if you cannot look at the situation soberly because the truth seems to break this rule, then you'll never find the right answer. We want to fix the mistakes, not just bitch about them.
Fuck you for making me write this post.
We're talking about sage now, stay on topic.
Sage pork chops.
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon dried sage
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
6 center cut bone-in pork chops
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup water
2 cubes beef bouillon
Combine the salt, sage and black pepper in a small bowl and rub on both sides of the chops. Melt the butter or margarine in a large skillet over medium high heat and saute the chops for 5 minutes per side, or until well browned.
Meanwhile, in a separate small saucepan over high heat, combine the water and the bouillon and stir until bouillon dissolves. Add this to the chops, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer chops for 45 minutes.
Ok, but it really doesn't make a difference how much you sage, the shills are like our little retarded brothers. Only they don't now we will never get tired of being shitlords haha