Racists BTFO
Some Africans are nice and right leaning. Sounds fine to me as long as we vet them before we let them in.
>Want more potatoes?
>Join the Empire
I don't want either
You're a legit retard
Those "right-leaning" Africans will still have children and those children will grow up in the degenerate black cultural bubble.
Well thats me convinced. How much more tax do you want me to pay?
Don't care. African niggers are better than American niggers. Maybe the Africans will replace the american blacks some day.
This is actually true. In some countries white people are actually worshipped. This is particularly found in christian nations
Hurhurhur. Post more shit faggot. We love trash. We eat shit for breakfast. Nomnomnomnom
> Opinion
>western media promoting brain draining Africa further digging it into a hole
Wow what a bunch of idiots. We should ban all African immigration so they could improve their own countries.
woah all degrees are equal just like how all people are equal
pic possibly related
It's not that I want more educated immigrants. It's that I want fewer uneducated immigrants.
Letting Nigerian doctors in won't keep Mexican fruitpickers out.
nope kthxbye
by this point, they're trolling as hard as we are
It's part of the (((agenda)))
at this point, who the fuck still believes this shit?
>there are a few smart people in Africa
>instead of filtering these people out you should just let the horde in
Is it me or have doubled down on the straw mans lately
The left*
I don't want any immigrants, thank you.
Hahaha ok, the university of Kunta Kinte is putting out top tier workers. Oh so we assume niggers work now?
>deprive the third world of its much needed educated class
your demographic tells me something different
True if your definition of “educated” encompasses anyone with a useless joke of a degree (and, funnily enough, that seems to be the consensus, now that “education” is being defined by idiots with joke degrees).
I briefly worked in recruitment for a technology company in London and the number of Africans who applied for senior management jobs on the back of fraudulent professional and educational experience/qualifications was astounding. Genuine morons with falsified backgrounds applying confidently for £90K tech jobs when they could literally barely send an email.
If America replaced its black population with Christian Africans you'd probably be shocked at how quiet, hardworking and nice they are.
What did (((he))) mean by this?
based redpilled and woke
It's not them that are coming over the Mediterranean.
Moshe, you can have a stable population by having kids instead of importing apes.
If burgers want them who are we to stop them?
High school diplomas in most African countries (except maybe in the north) are worth as much if not even less than a German middle school, Realschulabschluss, diploma. My little brother is probably more educated than those literal niggers.
I've met African niggers. They are all incredibly violent, not just US niggers
So you wouldn’t mind a few hundred thousand of them then...
Want to preserve insular, uneducated hicks? Build walls.
KEK after all the Nigerian princes you would let their doctors in?
They obviously mean taking in zero white South Africans
>"Let in more shitskins goyim, it'll be good for you"
Every fucking time.....
What Educated Immigrants? Deport Jews
That black people are naive and of low intelligence - that makes them very susceptible to any conditioning. Raise them with criminals, they will be blind evildoers who don't understand that there's anything wrong with what they're doing. Raise them with good people and faith and they will be naively good, believe that god watches them constantly and tests them.
Read journals of Boers, Rhodesia, South Africa - plenty of blacks wanted to just live in the shade of white rule and looked up to white people as gods who magically controlled elements.
I specifically mentioned Christian Africans
Out of our own free will we've airlifted 15k Jewish Ethiopians to Israel overnight, several thousands more in other occasions. I have zero problem with decent people no matter where they're from.
Christian niggers > regular niggers.
That's what I understood atleast.
why are you calling israel a bunch of insular, uneducated hicks?
>That black people are naive and of low intelligence - that makes them very susceptible to any conditioning. Raise them with criminals, they will be blind evildoers who don't understand that there's anything wrong with what they're doing. Raise them with good people and faith and they will be naively good, believe that god watches them constantly and tests them.Read journals of Boers, Rhodesia, South Africa - plenty of blacks wanted to just live in the shade of white rule and looked up to white people as gods who magically controlled elements
This, and to add that this is every other non-white race. Do non-whites have no shame when bringing their ((ethnic pride)) to white countries??
There is no difference between them based upon religion. All niggers have poor impulse control. And by the way don't you Israelis hate Christians?
No. I don't want any immigrants.
They're the same you dipshit.
>South African Refugees
FTFY kikes
The only population that will be replaced is you
Nobody likes niggers... not even niggers
stop with your (((faggotry)))
nobody's buying it
That makes no sense.
Try educating the ones you have, first.
If they are uneducated hicks then why do you and your nigger friends all want to live in their country?
>There is no difference between them based upon religion.
There is and it's vast.
>All niggers have poor impulse control.
You're right, imagine if you made them as vindictive for kindness and godliness instead of hip hop and gangs.
>And by the way don't you Israelis hate Christians?
Not telling you to like them, saying it how it is - if you had Christian Africans instead of your degenerate blacks you would have a wildly different image of Africans.
>Want educated Immigrants?
No. Fuck off.
No, i want very dumb 10 people big cities where i have kilometers of land where i can grow plants and couple of houses i can live in just like reach people who need cheap labor from Africa, just that i don't need cheap labor, i can build it myself because i am not a fatass.
we don't want "educated" immigrants
we only want white immigrants, dummy
If I were a god, and turned out to be god of the niggers, I would not be impressed.
We don't need migrants, we need more land. Technology is ripe enough that all work can be done by robots, rest i can make my hands dirty.
USA has plenty of unpopulated farmable land, just like Russia (Russia has more). There's just no incentive for people to move there.
It does, but we have stupid bosses and politicians. Ukraine got even more, even more so Brazil, but they are either overpopulated or have extremely dumb managers. A man or country doesn't needs more than food production and housing, literally nothing else. They tell us we need more migrants because they are lazy bosses who don't work and on top of that don't produce food or housing, they just produce growth aka profit numbers in computers. If Africans are so educated they could be the saving factor and produce robots we need. I would be very happy to construct my houses and work the land with cheap robots from Africa. It's little hard to do all with shovel.
Yeah but no niggers is better than both
the hubris of these kikes
>Bloomberg Opinion
Opinion- Something that may or may not have any accuracy and is a personal belief that may be wildly incorrect.
Bloomberg- (((Berg)))
>let in more africans
>Want more water? Eat sand.
But muh Igbo
Berg is German, you morons. Bloomberg is a German name used by Jews (yes he's a Jew).
African niggers believe raping babies cures aids and that bald people have gold in their heads.
Just yesterday 50 African niggers in Congo died because they tried to steal gass from a fuel truck that was on fire.
I laughed so hard when I saw it the first time
I think Israel should open borders and let in some African rocket scientists.
It's only fair, no?
>Out of our own free will we've airlifted 15k Jewish Ethiopians to Israel overnight
Then sterilised them
Open borders for Israel.
You'd think educated Africans would be more useful and needed in Africa? Surely, a teacher or doctor is more valuable in Africa?
We are told to take the best and brightest Africa has to offer and transport them to America and Europe. What of the African people? These globalists want us to believe they have the moral high ground...
>I specifically mentioned Christian Africans
and you actually think you're going to get these hypothetical "Christian Africans"? Mate, do you know the history of Rhodesia?
actually i dont want any immigrants
Don't let in many Russians, my point for emigration is to live where no Russian bydlo and Russian leftist libshits with their inferiority complex towards the west.
bydlo won't ever migrate anywhere
true abut libshits
The UK should sterilise you pakis rather than Jews, there's no a single occasion of rapes or grooming involving Jews.
Over a third (60k) of Ethiopians alive in Israel today were born here, must have used some shitty sterilization.
I'd say open borders for Brazil but at this point keeping them closed is probably the more horrifying alternative
>and you actually think you're going to get these hypothetical "Christian Africans"?
Why, are you that excited that you want to go out and get some now? relax you anxious prick, I'm not telling you to accept refugees or import Africans, I'm telling you that if the US would be WAY better off with Christian Africans instead of the breed you've developed in your cotton fields.
I don't want ANY migrants! I want jobs for GERMAN people, proper jobs not working full time for 450 Euro!
It's extremely common Schlomo, usually hushed up because (((reasons)))
You have shortages in jobs which require phd STEM or equal degrees. Blame the freedom of movement in the EU, it attracts low wage migrants from the poor EU countries.
>educated immigrants
Top kek they don't even have functioning countries
450 euro A MONTH?
I know you like to shift the blame onto Jews, Mahmud. It's not easy to conceal an Arabic shitskin mug behind an exploded stadium at Manchester or a tube carriage in London underground.
They should sterilize both jews and mudslimes
I think that Jews have no influence in the UK nowadays and all anti-Semitism is funded by Muslims.
Jews are influential in the USA.
I would laugh if this wasn't so enraging.
they call it "open borders", so why is it so hard for a european to immigrate, vs a north african? is there a hidden agenda at play?
If we want educated immigrants, why don't we allow more Europeans in?
They want to skim the top 0.0001% of Africa. There are some tribes in Africa that have average IQs in the low 90's.
I want robots to help the economy. No thank you immigrants but good luck with your job hunting. We have no vacancies here and are rather full.
Bleep bloop. Robots and automation for the win!