What separates the Republican Party from the Democratic Party?

What separates the Republican Party from the Democratic Party?

Attached: flickr-donkeyhotey-democratic-republican-party.jpg (1373x772, 130K)

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Hearts and minds

A soul

Republicans actually have positions on things.
Democrats gave up making their positions on things clear in exchange for hating trump and autistic protests.

Voter IQ

One side understands that social programs come from taxes taken out of working peoples paychecks. The other side thinks the government creates money magically.


A brain

Sanity and logic

Ironicly true, conservatives are lower in the IQ distribution

Bring an Independent dont believe any from over seas or anyone older then 40 who hasn't conformed

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The sergeant at arms

Gimme vs Take.

Nothing, both are controlled by (((them))) to implement a divide and conquer agenda, it's basically a simulation of democracy to fool the burgers and make them feel like they don't live into an oligarchy.

GOP is good

DNC is evil

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Republican try to base their decisions of facts and data.
Democrats try to base their decisions of feelings and emotion.

also, why is this?

black men: 82% voted for clinton, 13% trump
black women: 94% clinton, 4% trump

is it raelly about the gibs

I stand corrected

They used to be Democratic-Republican party

and why are orientals so likely to vote democrat

Attached: aapidata_infographic_strongshiftdem.png (955x716, 45K)

Mason-Dixon line

Because the GOP is retarded and made no attempt to curry the Asian vote so they fell for the DNC white supremacist line even though they get absolutely nothing from them